Петросян Арам — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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| name-ru-main  = Петросян Арам
Петросян Арам
| name-ru-01    =
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Petrosyan Aram
| name-ru-03    =
| name-lat =
| name-en      = Petrosyan Aram
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| состояние текста    = 0
| состояние поиска    = 0
| состояние тэгов      = 0
| состояние ссылок    = 0
| флаг чистовик        =
| портрет              =
| дата рождения        = 14.03.1972
| место рождения      = Ванадзор, Армения
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
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Petrosyan, Aram  Петросян Арам (b. March 14, 1972, Vanadzor). Armenian composer of orchestral, chamber, choral, and piano works that have been successfully performed throughout Europe; he is also a specialist in ancient Armenian music and a poet.
Petrosyan, Aram  Петросян Арам (b. March 14, 1972, Vanadzor). Armenian composer of orchestral, chamber, choral, and piano works that have been successfully performed throughout Europe; he is also a specialist in ancient Armenian music and a poet.
Строка 16: Строка 36:
Since 1993, he has been music editor at the Department of Sharakan at the Gandzasar Theological Center in Yerevan. He is also an accomplished poet, having received numerous awards in both Armenia and abroad (including the USA).
Since 1993, he has been music editor at the Department of Sharakan at the Gandzasar Theological Center in Yerevan. He is also an accomplished poet, having received numerous awards in both Armenia and abroad (including the USA).
E-mail address: arampet@acc.am
ORCHESTRAL: Symphony, large orchestra, 1995; Narek (Symphony-Cantata No. 1), baritone, high chorus, mixed chorus, organ, large orchestra, 2 tapes, 1998; I sing the voice of the Lion… (Symphony-Cantata No. 2), soprano, baritone, mixed chorus, large orchestra, 2000
Street address: Mr. Aram Petrosyan, Svatchyan 32/43, 375105 Yerevan, Armenia
CHAMBER MUSIC: Sonata, clarinet, piano, 1990; Quintetto, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, double bass, 1993
Telephone: + 374 173 5652
CHORAL: Lorva Gutanerg, mixed chorus, 1992; Folk Scenes, mixed chorus, 1993; Laudate Deum, mixed chorus, organ, 1999; Hisus Vordi, countertenor, 2 tenors, bass, 2001
Fax: + 0156 1658 8401
PIANO: Piece, 1991; Scherzo and Perpetuo mobile, 2 pianos, 1992
ORCHESTRAL: Symphony, large orchestra, 1995; Narek (Symphony-Cantata No. 1), baritone, high chorus, mixed chorus, organ, large orchestra, 2 tapes, 1998; I sing the voice of the Lion… (Symphony-Cantata No. 2), soprano, baritone, mixed chorus, large orchestra, 2000
CHAMBER MUSIC: Sonata, clarinet, piano, 1990; Quintetto, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, double bass, 1993
CHORAL: Lorva Gutanerg, mixed chorus, 1992; Folk Scenes, mixed chorus, 1993; Laudate Deum, mixed chorus, organ, 1999; Hisus Vordi, countertenor, 2 tenors, bass, 2001
PIANO: Piece, 1991; Scherzo and Perpetuo mobile, 2 pianos, 1992
(Last updated on May 7, 2002)
*E-mail address: arampet@acc.am
*Street address: Mr. Aram Petrosyan, Svatchyan 32/43, 375105 Yerevan, Armenia
*Telephone: + 374 173 5652
*Fax: + 0156 1658 8401

Версия 10:54, 27 марта 2008


Дополните информацию о персоне
Петросян Арам
Petrosyan Aram
На английском: Petrosyan Aram
Дата рождения: 14.03.1972
Место рождения: Ванадзор, Армения


Petrosyan, Aram Петросян Арам (b. March 14, 1972, Vanadzor). Armenian composer of orchestral, chamber, choral, and piano works that have been successfully performed throughout Europe; he is also a specialist in ancient Armenian music and a poet.

Mr. Petrosyan studied clarinet (with Robert Riganyan) and composition (with Stepan Rostuni) at the Vanadzor Music School from 1982-87 and then composition with Edvard Mirzoyan and orchestral studies with Martun Israyelyan, Stepan Rostomyan and Avet Terterian at the Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory from 1990-95. His post-graduate studies were also at the Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory, where he studied again with Mirzoyan and Rostomyan from 1995-97 and earned a Diploma of Excellence.

He is the recipient of Second Prize at the Komitas International Competition of Folk and Spiritual Music (1994) and the Grand Prize at the Vienna International Composition Competition (1998, organized by Claudio Abbado). In addition, he was a finalist for the Alexander Zemlinsky Prize (USA, 1999) and served a residency in Herrenhaus-Edenkoben (1998-99, organized by Konrad and Barbara Stahls, with the jury consisting of Peter Eötvös). His work Narek (Symphony-Cantata No. 1) was an immense success when it was performed at the Wien Modern Festival in 2000 (as conducted by Ernst Theis).

Since 1993, he has been music editor at the Department of Sharakan at the Gandzasar Theological Center in Yerevan. He is also an accomplished poet, having received numerous awards in both Armenia and abroad (including the USA).


ORCHESTRAL: Symphony, large orchestra, 1995; Narek (Symphony-Cantata No. 1), baritone, high chorus, mixed chorus, organ, large orchestra, 2 tapes, 1998; I sing the voice of the Lion… (Symphony-Cantata No. 2), soprano, baritone, mixed chorus, large orchestra, 2000

CHAMBER MUSIC: Sonata, clarinet, piano, 1990; Quintetto, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, double bass, 1993

CHORAL: Lorva Gutanerg, mixed chorus, 1992; Folk Scenes, mixed chorus, 1993; Laudate Deum, mixed chorus, organ, 1999; Hisus Vordi, countertenor, 2 tenors, bass, 2001

PIANO: Piece, 1991; Scherzo and Perpetuo mobile, 2 pianos, 1992






  • E-mail address: arampet@acc.am
  • Street address: Mr. Aram Petrosyan, Svatchyan 32/43, 375105 Yerevan, Armenia
  • Telephone: + 374 173 5652
  • Fax: + 0156 1658 8401