Зилджян Аветис — различия между версиями

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Версия 20:02, 13 мая 2010


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Зилджян Аветис
Zildjian Avedis
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Зилджян Аветис АВЕТИС ЗИЛДЖЯН Потомок изобретателя цимбал. Владелец предприятий по производству музыкальных инструментов. В 1623 году алхимик Варпет (Мастер) Керобе-Аветис, жи¬тель Трапезунда, что в Турции, в очередной раз пытался получить золото. Добавив окись цинка к смеси из сурьмы и меди, он обнаружил, что сплав обладает исключительно чистым звуком. Мысль об изготовлении цимбал пришла как-то сама собой. Новый ударный музыкальный инструмент стал популярным в турецкой армии под названием "зил". Автору дали прозвище "зилджи". Так Керобе-Аветис стал родоначальни¬ком славного армянского рода Зилджян. А на цимбалах в любом уважающем себя оркестре обязательно выгравировано его имя. Секрет сплава свято хранится потомками Варпета вот уже 350 лет. До середины девятнадцатого века он передавался из уст в уста с соблюдением определенного ритуала, призванного сохранить монополию на изготовление инструмента, Цивилизация внесла некоторые коррективы в жесткие законы династии, оставив право безоговорочного владения прямому наследнику (по отцовской линии с условием, что он живет в Стамбуле), а информацию о двух из трех составляющих секрета (рудный состав, технология плавки, обжиг, термический отпуск полуфабриката, штамповка) - еще троим непрямым наследникам. Первыми популяризаторами семейного дела стали Аветис - третий и Левон Зилджяны. Выставленные в 1851 году в Лондоне первые серийные образцы инструмента удостоились первой премии. В 1867 г. цимбалы завоевали "Гран при" в Париже, а через пять лет повторили успех в Вене. В 1883-м очаровали Бостон, а в 1893-м - Чикаго. Интересно, что в течение многих лет, далее после создания фирмы "Зилд¬жян Брос инк", никто не догадывался о местонахождении "штаба", равно как никто никогда не видел, когда и каким способом делаются эти "тарелки". В 1978 году корреспонденту "Нью-Йорк тайме" удалось "застукать" сразу троих Зилджянов прямо у входа в лабораторию. Да и ему суждено было написать лишь о том, как осторожно, оглядываясь по сторонам, хозяева проникли в зда¬ние, открыв замки каждый своим кодовым ключом. Самыми дорогими считаются тарелки, изготовленные вручную по заранее подготовленным в пакетах дозам. Их составляет "держатель секрета в комплек¬се". Стоимость одной такой пары достигает пятнадцати тысяч долларов, в то время как серийная версия продается за тысячу или две. Наибольшим спросом пользуются тарелки диаметром от 55 до 60 см, производство которых обеспе¬чивает владельцам в среднем 10-12 миллионов. Из создателей фирмы особенно преуспел Аветис - четвертый, чья дело¬вая хватка превратила примитивное предприятие в высокоэффективную инду¬стрию. Именно по его инициативе в Куинси был построен новый завод с со¬временным оснащением для производства музыкальных инструментов. Потом появился его филиал в Канаде, позже - бюро по реализации готовой продукции в странах Азии и Африки. Кроме всего прочего, Аветис Зилджян менее всего трепетал над своей "до¬лей секретной информации" и предпочел легализовать ту ее часть, которая не ставит под угрозу весь комплекс. В 1938 году он подал заявку на новую форму цимбал, обеспечивающих соответствующее сопровождение свингу - популярно¬му музыкальному стилю. Через год новое изделие удостоилось Большой Золотой медали на Всемирной выставке в Нью-Йорке и тут же стало желанным приоб¬ретением Гленна Миллера и Бенни Гудмена. В 1948 году появился совершенно новый тип тарелок в модуле ударных ин¬струментов, предназначенных для симфоджазовых исполнений. Стоит ли гово¬рить о том, что они немедленно распространились по всему миру. В мае 1979 года в возрасте семидесяти трех лет скончался последний пря¬мой наследник - Микаэл. Поскольку сыновей у него не было, то "секрет в комплексе" ушел с ним в могилу. Долгие годы он следил и корректировал из Стамбула за качеством изделий, составляющих 95% всего мирового выпуска, и многие, кто был в курсе семейных традиций Зилджянов, поспешили с печаль¬ными выводами. Однако непрямые Потомки Варпета - Аветис, Роберт и Армен су¬мели убедить скептиков в надежности гармонии трех частей секрета для сохра¬нения его еще долгие годы...

Фирма "Зилджан" - производитель лучших в мире тарелок и цимбал для ударных установок. История цимбал и современных тарелок началась с Аведиса Зилджана ("зилд-жан"-мастер цимбал). В 1623 году А. Зилджан открыл особый процесс смешивания различных добавок, пользуясь которым произвёл тарелки, обладающие особо ясным и мощным звуком. Секрет изготовления тарелок перешёл в 1927 году к Аведису III, который в 1929 году основал в американском штате Массачусетс новую фабрику. В 30 гг. он появился на мировом рынке музыкальных инструментов со своими цимбалами и тарелками для всех стилей и жанров музыки и к середине XX века полностью захватил его. Цимбалы и тарелки фирмы Зилджан завоевали множество призов и медалей на международных выставках. Очень многие звёзды мировой музыки всех жанров используют их в своих комплектах, в частности Л. Ульрих, Б. Кобэм, У. Колхаун, Д.





«Я – армянин». Ереван 2000. Фирма Зилджан является прародительницей двух новых компаний по производству тарелок - "Сабиан" (Канада) и "Истамбул" (Турция). Мамулов С.С. Удивительный народ из страны чудес. Книга 4. М., 2005

Zildjian Family Fabricante mas grande del mundo de platillos. http://www.armeniosonline.com.ar/famosos/index.htm

Zildjian Avedis

Зилджян Аветис


The Zildjian Company is a family oriented, drummer and percussionist driven company solely dedicated to crafting the finest percussion instruments on the planet.


It was in the Ottoman Empire, in the year 1623, when an alchemist named Avedis Zildjian first discovered a method of fusing copper, tin and silver to create unique musical instruments. From that day to the present day, the Zildjian mystique has captivated musicians and music lovers alike. The secret method for blending metals survives to carry the celebrated "Zildjian Sound" into the present day and beyond.

   Mission Statement

It takes so much more than merely crafting cymbals, drumsticks and mallets to fulfill the dreams and desires of drummers around the globe. It takes passion and dedication. Two things we have known for centuries.

   Zildjian and the ADAA

The American Drummers Achievement Award was created by the Zildjian family to acknowledge the remarkable contribution that drumming has made to contemporary music. The award honors those individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the art of drum set playing and to music itself. This is your opportunity to experience the celebrations for the 1998 and 2003 American Drummers Achievement Award recipients.

   Family and Executive Bios

Zildjian is as much about its high quality instruments as it is about its people. Meet the people who are behind the legend.

   Giving Back

Along with organizations such as the Percussive Arts Society, Save the Music and many others, Zildjian has found ways to give back to the music community and provide drummers and percussionists with educational endowment and scholarship opportunities.

   Historical Timeline

The Zildjian story is told first hand by the Zildjian family members in this interactive historical timeline.

   Factory Tour

We've opened the Zildjian Foundry and Vault doors for a private, behind the scenes on-line look at what it takes to craft the Zildjian

As difficult as it may be for today's drummers to believe, cymbals were hardly heard at all in popular music in the early part of this century. Instead, even as the seeds of jazz were being sown, cymbals were primarily used at the end of a number for a single big crash. Avedis Zildjian helped change all that.

Like a lot of influential people in music, Avedis came from humble beginnings. "My father was born in 1889 in Samatya, not far from Constantinople," recalled Armand Zildjian (who succeeded his Father as President of the Zildjian cymbal company). "As a boy, Dad spoke Greek, Armenian, Turkish, French, and later (after coming to the U.S.), English. He emigrated to America in 1909 and got a job working in a candy factory in Boston. He was a quick learner, and soon started a candy business of his own. As he told me, "Why would you want to work for someone else when you could have your own business?"'

In 1927, Avedis received a letter from his uncle, Aram, telling him that it was now his turn to take over the ancient family art of cymbal making. But rather than return to Turkey, where the Zildjian family had crafted cymbals since 1623 (and where he himself had apprenticed as a young boy), Avedis convinced Aram to move the company to the U.S.

"I was only eight years old when Aram came to America, but I remember him well," said Armand. "He was like no one I had ever seen before. He must have weighed 300 pounds, and he was baldheaded, with a white goatee and mustache. Aram was very helpful in organizing the factory from the beginning, staying on through most of the first year to help Dad get started. Even so, my Father had concerns about entering the cymbal business (which had never been profitable) especially when he already had a successful candy business. It was my mother who thought it was a romantic story and persuaded him to consider it. So, Dad went around to the important music stores, asking them if they would buy his cymbals."

The move to the U.S. was a risky one. Demand for cymbals was low, and to make matters worse, months after Avedis opened the new cymbal factory outside of Boston, the Great Depression hit. The factory itself was an old, small, one-story building with a dirt floor.

"Working conditions were primitive in those days, and people worked very hard", Armand points out. "Initially, Dad worked in all facets of the business - from the melting to the billing. He persevered through the tough Depression years where others would have given up." Avedis quickly came to know all the professional drummers of the day. He became very friendly with Ray Bauduc, who played with Bob Crosby. He also knew Chick Webb and Jo Jones. But it was probably Gene Krupa with whom he had the closest working relationship. "Oftentimes when Gene would visit the plant, he'd pick out his cymbals and then we'd all go out on Dad's boat, the Mahal," recalled Armand. "Gene had many great ideas about playing cymbals - such as using them as the timekeeper on the kit in place of the snare drum."

Krupa asked Zildjian to develop a thinner cymbal, which immediately became very popular. He also helped promote the use of more special-purpose cymbals. This had a big impact on the Zildjian Company's developmental efforts. In fact, many of the cymbals we take for granted in modern drumming - such fundamental models as splash, ride, crash, hi-hat, and sizzle cymbals - were all invented and named by Avedis Zildjian.

"At this time, the use of the hi-hat cymbal was just becoming popular", said Armand. "Jo Jones from Count Basie's Band was helpful in refining Zildjian's hi-hats. Later, Buddy Rich and Louie Bellson helped Dad. Buddy, Gene and all the greats had a healthy respect for Dad, whom they viewed as one of the founding fathers of the music industry as we know it today."

There were, of course, setbacks. In 1939, the boiler in the laundry next door blew up, and the ensuing fire took most of the Zildjian company with it. However, four to five days later, Avedis had the business up and running. "On another occasion", Armand relates, "Dad went to light the oven, but let too much time elapse before lighting it. This caused an explosion that burned his entire face, and he was taken to the hospital. That same afternoon he came back from the hospital with his head completely bandaged and went immediately to his desk - where he typed out some bills the way he did every night. He was unstoppable!"

During the Second World War, Zildjian made cymbals for the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps marching bands. They also got orders from the British Admiralty. This was a very important part of the company's business, because copper and tin were allocated by the War Production Board. Without these orders, the War Production Board probably would have closed the plant down.

"The business grew rapidly during the swing era", continued Armand. "Dad continuously increased production over the years to meet that demand. He remained very devoted to the business that he had started; it was both his hobby and his life. Although he named me president of the Avedis Zildjian Company three years before his death, he never retired. He remained involved in the day-to-day running of the company until he died in 1979 at the age of ninety. Dad's continued involvement provided the continuity needed in transitioning from one generation of Zildjians to another." (Recognizing the importance of this continuity, Armand worked closely with his daughter, Craigie, who is currently the Company's Chief Executive Officer.)

"I learned a lot from my father," continued Armand. "He was a very decisive and astute businessman and a born leader. Yet he was also a very modest man with a warm side. He loved telling stories about his experiences and talking about how much the world had changed since he was a boy watching the camel caravans come into Constantinople. He was a powerful presence, but that's what it took to put cymbals where they are today."

The percussion industry has changed a great deal since Avedis Zildjian began making cymbals in 1929. But his countless innovations and pioneering production techniques earned him an indisputable place as one of the most influential musical instrument manufacturers of the century. His unflagging passion for his craft helped forever alter modern music, as we know it.

Reprinted Permission of Modern Drummer, Inc., November 1995

Avedis Zildjian was inducted into the PAS Hall of Fame posthumously in 1979

Written by Jonathan Plazonja & Armand Zildjian