Школа «Месропян» (Бурдж Хаммуд, Ливан) — различия между версиями
Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Версия 18:58, 7 мая 2007
Шаблон:Universityt Mesrobian school (Bourj Hammoud. Lebanon)Школа МесробянЛиван. The Eparchy is founded on November 26 , 1742 ,
The Eparchy has 7 schools :
Mesrobian (828 - secondary)Mesrobian School Rector: Mgr. Vartan Ashkarian Executive Director : Mr. Gregoire Kaloust Address : Arax street, Bourj Hammoud, Tél: 961 1 260504, Fax: 961 1 262955 Website: www.mesrobian.com
e-mail: info@mesrobian.com
Mesrobian School Day and evening courses in technical and professional specializations. Founded in Lebanon since 1939. Domain: mesrobian.com