Паникян Элис — различия между версиями

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Строка 2: Строка 2:
| name-ru-main  = Паникян Элис
| name-ru-main  = Паникян Элис
| name-ru-01    = Алис Паникян
| name-ru-01    = Паникян Алис  
| name-ru-02    =  
| name-ru-02    = Алиса Паникян
| name-ru-03    =  
| name-ru-03    =  
| name-lat =  
| name-lat =  
| name-en      = Panikian Alice
| name-en      = Panikian Alice
| name-am      =  
| name-am      = Ալիսա Փանիկյան
| name-fr      =  
| name-fr      =  
| состояние текста    = 0
| состояние текста    = 1
| состояние поиска    = 0
| состояние поиска    = 1
| состояние тэгов      = 0
| состояние тэгов      = 1
| состояние ссылок    = 0
| состояние ссылок    = 1
| флаг чистовик        =
| флаг чистовик        = 7
| портрет              = Паникян Элис1.jpg
| портрет              = Паникян Элис1.jpg
| дата рождения        =
| дата рождения        = 23.05.1985
| место рождения      =  
| место рождения      = София, Болгария
| дата смерти          =  
| дата смерти          =  
| место смерти        =  
| место смерти        =  
| краткая информация = Miss Universe Canada 2006
| краткая информация = Miss Universe Canada 2006
| тэг01 =  
| тэг01 = армянки
| тэг02 =  
| тэг02 = модель
| тэг03 =  
| тэг03 =  
| тэг04 =  
| тэг04 =  
Строка 28: Строка 28:
Alice Panikian, Miss Universe Canada 2006
Родилась 23 мая 1985 года в Софии (Болгария).
The 20 year old York University student, Alice Panikian of Toronto was anointed Miss Universe Canada 2006 Tuesday night at the Casino de Montreal, as reported by Canada.com. Alice Panikian defeats 48 other hopefuls contestant and takes over the tiara from Natalie Glebova, who went on to win the 2005 Miss Universe Pageant contest and beat Miss Puerto Rico in Thailand last year.  
Имеет болгарскую и армянскую родословную. Приехала в Канаду вместе со своими родителями, когда ей было пять лет.  
She also took the Miss Photogenic prize as the judges rated the young women on poise, confidence, intelligence, physical fitness, and beauty as they modelled in swimsuits and evening gowns and made impromptu speeches.
Училась в Йоркском университете и специализировалась на английском языке. Освоила радио-журналистику, стремится стать журналистом или ТВ ведущей. Проживает в Торонто (Онтарио).
Natalie Glebova said that Panikian will give Canada a strong candidate for the Miss Universe crown for a second year in a row. "She's gorgeous. Absolutely stunning," Glebova said.
"It's surreal. I think I'm dreaming," Panikian said, checking her pulse. "No, no, I'm not."
The runner-up for this year Canadian Miss Universe is Claudia Cote, had received the loudest applause from the audience. "Quebec women are known their warmth and beauty,'' Cote lamented. "It would have been nice to see one of our girls in the final round." Other three Quebecers were among the 10 finalists, but none made the Top 5.
Alice Panikian as the winner of this year Miss Universe Canada will travel the world in defence of a favourite cause. For Panikian, it will be HIV and AIDS prevention in Africa. "(AIDS) is very preventible. With education we can save a lot of lives," she said.
About Alice: Alice Panikian was born in Sofia, Bulgaria and came to Canada when she was five years old. She is in her second year at York University majoring in English and Communications. She loves to read and write and hopes to become a broadcast journalist.
Alice is also a model and has traveled to Paris, Milan and New York; she loves meeting new people and learning about different cultures. If Alice became Miss Universe Canada she would use it as an opportunity to speak out on issues such as HIV/AIDS, gun violence, bullying, and other problems facing our society today.
Interests: Alice likes to stay active and takes pleasure in yoga and volleyball. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends and loves to laugh as well as to make others laugh. Alice also loves fashion and has a strong personal style. She spends time volunteering for different non-profit organizations.
o What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
- One freezing cold night last winter my friend and I were in a playful mood and we decided to go frolic in the snow during a blizzard. We went tobogganing and made snow angels at 1 am.
o What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years?
- Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Epilepsy Toronto and the Yorkwoods Public Library
o What would be your "dream job" in life?
- My dream job would be a broadcast journalist or a TV show host.
o Name one personal accomplishment (in addition to being a Miss Universe Canada contestant) that makes you especially proud.
- I recently had the opportunity to represent Canada in the Reinado del Caf? pageant in Manizales, Colombia. It was an amazing experience visiting Colombia and meeting other delegates from all over the world. I was not expecting to win the crown but I did, and I felt very honored to be awarded such a title as well as to be representing Canada. This experience made me especially proud because I was one of the only people there who could not speak Spanish, and I managed not to let language become a barrier for me.
o What is the most important thing you want people to know about you?
- I am a compassionate, loyal and honest person and I like learning and evolving. I accept people from all walks of life.
o What is your favourite movie, song, sport, and food?
- My favourite movie is The Count of Monte Cristo
- My favourite song is Time to Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
- My favourite sport is volleyball
- My favourite food is fettuccine alfredo
o What would you like to accomplish if you win the Miss Universe Canada title?
- I would like to bring awareness and contribute help to causes that are important to me and that are present in our country today, such as poverty and HIV/AIDS. It is important for people to be educated on the topics and to know exactly what they can do to help and prevent the problems. I also think it is important to talk to school children about issues such as self- esteem and bullying because these are problems facing the youth of Canada.
o A motto that has served you as inspiration.
- Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Alice Panikian of Canada in the top ten at "Miss World - 2006"
July 24, ArmRadio.am Suleyka Rivera Mendosa of Puerto Rico won "Miss World - 2006" beauty contest held in Los Angeles. 86 girls were participating in the contest. The participant representing Japan took the second place; the representative of Switzerland was the third.
It should be noted that our compatriot Alice Panikian representing Canada was included in the top ten.
Alice Panikian  Алис Паникян
Panikian  Alice Panikian, Miss Universe Canada 2006
The 20 year old York University student, Alice Panikian of Toronto was anointed Miss Universe Canada 2006 Tuesday night at the Casino de Montreal, as reported by Canada.com. Alice Panikian defeats 48 other hopefuls contestant and takes over the tiara from Natalie Glebova, who went on to win the 2005 Miss Universe Pageant contest and beat Miss Puerto Rico in Thailand last year.
She also took the Miss Photogenic prize as the judges rated the young women on poise, confidence, intelligence, physical fitness, and beauty as they modelled in swimsuits and evening gowns and made impromptu speeches.
Natalie Glebova said that Panikian will give Canada a strong candidate for the Miss Universe crown for a second year in a row. "She's gorgeous. Absolutely stunning," Glebova said.
"It's surreal. I think I'm dreaming," Panikian said, checking her pulse. "No, no, I'm not."
The runner-up for this year Canadian Miss Universe is Claudia Cote, had received the loudest applause from the audience. "Quebec women are known their warmth and beauty,'' Cote lamented. "It would have been nice to see one of our girls in the final round." Other three Quebecers were among the 10 finalists, but none made the Top 5.
Alice Panikian as the winner of this year Miss Universe Canada will travel the world in defence of a favourite cause. For Panikian, it will be HIV and AIDS prevention in Africa. "(AIDS) is very preventible. With education we can save a lot of lives," she said.
About Alice: Alice Panikian was born in Sofia, Bulgaria and came to Canada when she was five years old. She is in her second year at York University majoring in English and Communications. She loves to read and write and hopes to become a broadcast journalist.
Alice is also a model and has traveled to Paris, Milan and New York; she loves meeting new people and learning about different cultures. If Alice became Miss Universe Canada she would use it as an opportunity to speak out on issues such as HIV/AIDS, gun violence, bullying, and other problems facing our society today.
Interests: Alice likes to stay active and takes pleasure in yoga and volleyball. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends and loves to laugh as well as to make others laugh. Alice also loves fashion and has a strong personal style. She spends time volunteering for different non-profit organizations.
o What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
- One freezing cold night last winter my friend and I were in a playful mood and we decided to go frolic in the snow during a blizzard. We went tobogganing and made snow angels at 1 am.
o What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years?
- Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Epilepsy Toronto and the Yorkwoods Public Library
o What would be your "dream job" in life?
- My dream job would be a broadcast journalist or a TV show host.
o Name one personal accomplishment (in addition to being a Miss Universe Canada contestant) that makes you especially proud.
- I recently had the opportunity to represent Canada in the Reinado del Caf? pageant in Manizales, Colombia. It was an amazing experience visiting Colombia and meeting other delegates from all over the world. I was not expecting to win the crown but I did, and I felt very honored to be awarded such a title as well as to be representing Canada. This experience made me especially proud because I was one of the only people there who could not speak Spanish, and I managed not to let language become a barrier for me.
o What is the most important thing you want people to know about you?
- I am a compassionate, loyal and honest person and I like learning and evolving. I accept people from all walks of life.
o What is your favourite movie, song, sport, and food?
- My favourite movie is The Count of Monte Cristo
- My favourite song is Time to Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
- My favourite sport is volleyball
- My favourite food is fettuccine alfredo
o What would you like to accomplish if you win the Miss Universe Canada title?
- I would like to bring awareness and contribute help to causes that are important to me and that are present in our country today, such as poverty and HIV/AIDS. It is important for people to be educated on the topics and to know exactly what they can do to help and prevent the problems. I also think it is important to talk to school children about issues such as self- esteem and bullying because these are problems facing the youth of Canada.
o A motto that has served you as inspiration.
- Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Miss Europe 2005
Miss Intercontinental 2005
news archive
===Титулы в конкурсах===
*"Miss Photogenic"
*"Best in Swimsuit" (awards at the Miss Universe Canada Pageant)
*Miss Europe 2005
*Miss Intercontinental 2005
*Reinado Internacional del Café (2006)
===Актриса: Играет саму себя===
*Мисс Вселенная 2006 (ТВ, 2006)

Версия 19:08, 16 марта 2017

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Паникян Элис
Panikian Alice
Паникян Элис1.jpg
Другие имена: Паникян Алис,
Алиса Паникян
На английском: Panikian Alice
На армянском: Ալիսա Փանիկյան
Дата рождения: 23.05.1985
Место рождения: София, Болгария
Краткая информация:
Miss Universe Canada 2006


Родилась 23 мая 1985 года в Софии (Болгария).

Имеет болгарскую и армянскую родословную. Приехала в Канаду вместе со своими родителями, когда ей было пять лет.

Училась в Йоркском университете и специализировалась на английском языке. Освоила радио-журналистику, стремится стать журналистом или ТВ ведущей. Проживает в Торонто (Онтарио).


Титулы в конкурсах

  • "Miss Photogenic"
  • "Best in Swimsuit" (awards at the Miss Universe Canada Pageant)
  • Miss Europe 2005
  • Miss Intercontinental 2005
  • Reinado Internacional del Café (2006)


Актриса: Играет саму себя

  • Мисс Вселенная 2006 (ТВ, 2006)

