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The Basilica of Ereruyk is located in the Province of Ayrarat near the village of Ani-Pemza in the Republic of Armenia, a few kilometers from the borders of Turkey (coord. 40-26 / 43-40). There is no documentary or inscriptive evidence regarding its date of construction. On the basis of its basilican form and architectural details, it is considered to have been built between the 5th and 6th centuries, or possibly as early as the 4th century. The basilica was built on a six step stylobate with an east-west orientation. There are three portals, one on the western facade and two on the southern elevation. From these portals one must descend several steps to the floor of the basilica which is on a lower level than the stylobate.
Khatchatrian considers Ererouk a transitional monument between the Hellenistic basilica and the Oriental type, and the only monument of its kind in Armenia. He states that the height of the Mullioned window indicates the nave was much higher than the side aisles. This would make the church a Hellenistic-type basilica with a clerestory and a wooden frame over the nave. He postulates a wooden yerdik (corbelled central opening) for each bay. Most Armenian basilicas are of the Oriental-type in which one roof covers the vaulted naive and side aisles of approximately the same height but at Ererouk, no other evidence exists regarding the presence of a clerestory. Also, Armenian church structures of this period and earlier demonstrate a preference for vaulted roofs (Paboudjian and Alpago-Novello, 1997). In addition the three Helenistic-type Armenian basilicas at Tekor, Dvin, and Tsitsernavank had vaulted roofs.
Ererouk has features resembling those in contemporary Syrian churches (Turmanin, Ruweha) such as the twin-towered facade, the east and west chambers, porticos and gabled portals. Some elements however, are considered to be later additions (T’oramanian, Khatchatrian) to the original form. Other significant differences include the fact that the towers project sideways and the nave and aisles were probably vaulted.
Изображение:C8836 2.png|Ереруйкская базилика
Изображение:C8836 3.png|Ереруйкская базилика