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{{На английском|id=1|History of Armenian Caritas
In May 1995, the Armenian Catholic Church headed by Msgr. Nerses Archb. Der-Nersessian, the Ordinary of the Armenian Catholics in Armenia, Georgia and Eastern Europe based in Gyumri, founded Armenian Caritas in Gyumri, Shirak region.
===Armenian Caritas Headquarters===
{{На английском|id=2|Armenian Caritas was founded in 1995 in Gyumri. Since 2001, the office has concentrated on implementing projects targeting the problems in the Shirak and Lori regions. Two sub-offices, one in Yerevan and one in Gegharkunik, were established. The Gyumri office remains the headquarters and it continues to carry out the overall management of the activities.
The vast majority of the programs benefiting persons in the Shirak and Lori Regions are implemented by staff located in the Gyumri headquarters.
===Armenian Caritas Yerevan Sub Office===
{{На английском|id=3|Armenian Caritas Yerevan sub office was founded in January 2001 within the framework of "Social Transition Program" funded by USAID and co-funded by CRS/Armenia.
Nine staff members appointed for that program were organizing and implementing the Social Transition Program in favor of 3 000 schoolchildren of five Yerevan secondary schools. The three year program included components of public health education, school feeding, school canteen reconstruction and strengthening of parent-school partnership to provide similar services in the future.
===Armenian Caritas Gavar Sub Office===
{{На английском|id=4|Armenian Caritas Gegharkunik Sub-Office was established in January 2001 within the framework of "Social Transition Program" funded by USAID and co-funded by CRS/Armenia.
There were 13 staff members recruited for implementing the program for 17 Schools in Gegharkounik region, located in Chambarak, Vardenis, Sevan and Gavar sub-regions.
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