Армянская конгрегационалистская церковь Арарат (Салем) — различия между версиями

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(Биография преп. Ara Heghinian)
Строка 103: Строка 103:
==Биография преп. Ara Heghinian==
==Биография преп. Ara Heghinian==
Rev. Ara Heghinian has been the pastor of the Ararat Armenian Congregational Church since the Summer of 2001.  He currently  serves as the Vice Moderator of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA).  He is also a Pastoral Counselor on staff with the New England Pastoral Institute (NEPI) and holds membership in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors.
{{На английском|Rev. Ara Heghinian has been the pastor of the Ararat Armenian Congregational Church since the Summer of 2001.  He currently  serves as the Vice Moderator of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA).  He is also a Pastoral Counselor on staff with the New England Pastoral Institute (NEPI) and holds membership in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors.
Rev. Heghinian has always valued the power of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and has experienced this power in his own life and throughout his relationships.   
Rev. Heghinian has always valued the power of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and has experienced this power in his own life and throughout his relationships.   
Строка 123: Строка 123:
Since coming to Salem, NH he has been active in the community through the Salem Clergy Association and has been called to speak to numerous ecumenical and church groups with a message of growth and vision for Christian communities.
Since coming to Salem, NH he has been active in the community through the Salem Clergy Association and has been called to speak to numerous ecumenical and church groups with a message of growth and vision for Christian communities.
Rev. Heghinian has been happy and blessed in his marriage to Kimberly Rose (Zartarian) since 1993.  God’s greatest gift to them has been two sons, Alexander Hovaness, who was born in February 2000 and Gregory Jacob, born October 2003..
Rev. Heghinian has been happy and blessed in his marriage to Kimberly Rose (Zartarian) since 1993.  God’s greatest gift to them has been two sons, Alexander Hovaness, who was born in February 2000 and Gregory Jacob, born October 2003.}}

Версия 10:04, 18 июля 2011

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Армянская конгрегационалистская церковь Арарат (Салем)
Ararat Armenian Congregational Church (Salem)
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Вид заведения: Объединенная церковь Христа - Армянский евангелический союз Северной Америки
Дата основания: 1912
Руководитель при регистрации: Пастор: преп. Ара Heghinian
Конфессии: Баптистские церкви
Состояние: Действующая церковь
Адрес: улица Салем, 4 Салем, штат Нью-Гемпшир 03079, США
Телефон/Факс: 603.898.7042, Факс: (603) 898-1822
Эл. почта: Heghinian@comcast.net
Ссылки: http://www.araratchurch.org/

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Биография преп. Ara Heghinian

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