{{unitedt|ID=8226|img=no|dmodify=02.12.2006 12:14:01}}Land and Culture Organization (USA){{Организация| имя-ру-01 = Организация "Земля и культура" (США)Land and Culture Organization| имя-ориг =The LCO has organized summer programs | имя- popularly called "Campaigns" - in which volunteers from Europe, Canada, the United States and elsewhere join together on ancestral sites. They apply their physical energy and mental ingenuity to a variety of tasks in architectural preservation, land cultivation and community development. LCO Summer Campaigns not only afford Armenians the rare experience of discovering their ancestral roots and expanding their cultural horizons, but they also create opportunities that put ideals into action. Contents [show][edit]MissionTo preserve Armenian historic sites all over the world. Also to connect Diaspora Armenians to their ancestral lands by offering them volunteer work opportunities. [edit]HistoryIn 1977 a group of young Frenchmen of Armenian heritage led by Keram Kevonian founded the анг = Land and Culture Organization (LCOUSA) in France which soon opened branches in the US, England, and later in Armenia and other countries. LCO started to work in Armenia in 1989, after the disastrous earthquake. The organization was officially registered in Armenia in 1994. | имя-арм =The founders were concerned about the progressive destruction of historical Armenian monuments and sites. Armenian Architectural monuments were defenceless against time, history and people. The only possibility to help them was restoration and preservation. That is one of the main aims of LCO. | имя-фра =[edit]| состояние текста = 1Campaigns| состояние поиска = 1| состояние тэгов = 1Each year there were July and August campaigns, usually in multiple locations. | состояние ссылок = 1[edit]| флаг чистовик =ё71987Kevork Khrimian in August [edit]1988Kevork Khrimian in August [edit]1989Armen Setrakian in July [edit]1990Armen Setrakian in July [edit]1992Michael Shamlian [edit]MadrasaLorig Sarkissian Kevorkian [edit]1993[edit]Gogaran[edit]1994[edit]GogaranJuly <!-- Yervant (USA)Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, Ani (USA)2 – Общественная организация, Pierre (France), ? August - Yervant (USA)3 – Библиотека, Raffi Kojian (USA), Lori Tchakerian (USA)4 – Музей, Shant (USA)5 – театр, Aline (USA), Sevane Gharibian (France/Swiss), Peter (UK), Armen (UK), Larence? (France) and his gf, the french girl, Dr. Death/Manoug Atamian? (France) and his 2 sons. [edit]MadrasaJuly 6 - August СМИ, 7 - Armen (Canada)Церковь, big Armen (Canada), Astrid Panosyan, Krikor Panosyan, Ari, Diran, ?? [edit]1995[edit]GogaranJuly 8 - August - Kevonian, Shahen??Коммерческая организация, ??? [edit]TatevJuly 9 - August Спортивные организации - Emil Sanamyan, Salpi, Harout, Harout #2, the french girl, Alex??, ??? [edit]1996Seta Iskandarian [edit]GogaranJuly - Madlene Minassian, [edit]1997Madlene Minassian, Lucy Bartamian [edit]1998Madlene Minassian in July and August, [edit]Saghmosavank[edit]1999Campain Coordinator - Madlene Minassian >[edit]| код организации 1=2Saghmosavank| сокращение = July - Site leader: Raffi Kojian (USA), Raffi Vartian (USA), Shant (USA), Bernard (France), Lucy (USA), Diane?? (France), Sebouh? (USA), Hourig (USA)| изображение = S8226 1. png| девиз =August - Talline Kojian (USA), Ashod Nakashian (Egypt), ??? | вид заведения =[edit]| основание дата =Karintak| основатель =| руководитель = Hilda ManjikianNo July campaign. | местонахождение=США August - Raffi Kojian (USA)| филиалы =Paris, Raffi Niziblian, Lara Aharonian, Shant Minas (USA), Gor (Armenia), Agata (Argentina), Dikran (USA), Garen (USA), Anahid (what was her real name?) (USA)France; Yerevan, Shushan Avakian (Armenia), Raffi Zekian? (France) [edit]2000Michael Candan| адрес = 1435 Old House Road, [edit]2001Raffi Niziblian (Canada)Pasadena, Lara Aharonian (Canada), Anna Farra (Canada), Edward Hajjar (Canada), Elizabeth Aslanian (USA) CA 91107[edit]2002[edit]TatevShant Minas, [edit]Shushi[edit]2003[edit]AyrumHovig Saghdejian, Karina Totah, Naira Der| телефон-факс = 1-626-688-Kiureghian, Shirley Oghamian [edit]ShushiAramazt Kalaydjian, Diane Dabanian [edit]2004[edit]ShadvanAnais Kadian, Datevig Simonian, Kevork Der Kevorkian, Varant Yessayan, Sophia Balakian, Laura MacAulay, Armen Tamzarian [edit]ShushiTaline Yelena Yepremian [edit]2005[edit]2006[edit]Kutakan (sp?)8027[edit]Shushi[edit]External linkshttp://www| эл.lcousaпочта = sylvie@landandculture.org - official site | ссылка 1 =http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Land_and_Culture_OrganizationhttpLand_and_Culture_Organization| ссылка 2 =http://www.lcousa.org/about/about.asp LCO MISSION:To preserve Armenian historic sites all over the world. Also to connect Diaspora Armenians to their ancestral lands by offering them volunteer work opportunities. In 1977 a group of young Frenchmen of Armenian heritage led by Keram Kevonian founded the Land and Culture Organization (LCO) in France which soon opened branches in the US, England, and later in Armenia and other countries. LCO started to work in Armenia in 1989, after the disastrous earthquake. The organization was officially registered in Armenia in 1994.The founders were concerned about the progressive destruction of historical Armenian monuments and sites. Armenian Architectural monuments were defenceless against time, history and people. The only possibility to help them was restoration and preservation. That is one of the main aims of LCO.The LCO has organized summer programs - popularly called "Campaigns" - in which volunteers from Europe, Canada, the United States and elsewhere join together on ancestral sites. They apply their physical energy and mental ingenuity to a variety of tasks in architectural preservation, land cultivation and community development. LCO Summer Campaigns not only afford Armenians the rare experience of discovering their ancestral roots and expanding their cultural horizons, but they also create opportunities that put ideals into action.Our Organization brings a new dimension to the indomitable Armenian spirit. Established over 25 years ago, LCO began as a modest grass-roots experiment. Over the years, it has evolved into a multinational effort that focuses on the Land and the vital role it plays in the struggle for the preservation of its Culture.LCO PRINCIPAL: LIVING OUR LEGACY!What exactly do the words "land" and "culture" stand for? Simply stated, they symbolize the universal belief that a national culture can best flourish and bear fruit on its own land. Throughout the ages, Land has represented stability and continuity. No culture can survive for long without firm roots in the Land. Land and Culture OrganizationHilda ManjikianLand and Culture OrganizationC/O Hilda Manjikian1435 Old House RoadPasadena, CA 91107official siteTel: | тэг 1-626-688-8027 =Campaign Coordinator: sylvie@landandculture.org| тэг 2 =| тэг 3 =Administrative Inquiries: | тэг 4 =P.O. Box 1386| тэг 5 =HOBOKEN, NJ 07030, USA}}
narineh@landandculture.org Organisation Terre et Culture
Coordinatrice des Campagnes: anouch@landandculture.org
Land and Culture Organization Amenia
Gevork Yaghjyan
Vardanands 5,
LCO MISSION: To preserve Armenian historic sites all over the world. Also to connect Diaspora Armenians to their ancestral lands by offering them volunteer work opportunities. In 1977 a group of young Frenchmen of Armenian heritage led by Keram Kevonian founded the Land and Culture Organization (LCO) in France which soon opened branches in the US, England, and later in Armenia and other countries. LCO started to work in Armenia in 1989, after the disastrous earthquake. The organization was officially registered in Armenia in 1994.The founders were concerned about the progressive destruction of historical Armenian monuments and sites. Armenian Architectural monuments were defenceless against time, history and people. The only possibility to help them was restoration and preservation. That is one of the main aims of LCO.The LCO has organized summer programs - popularly called "Campaigns" - in which volunteers from Europe, Canada, the United States and elsewhere join together on ancestral sites. They apply their physical energy and mental ingenuity to a variety of tasks in architectural preservation, land cultivation and community development. LCO Summer Campaigns not only afford Armenians the rare experience of discovering their ancestral roots and expanding their cultural horizons, but they also create opportunities that put ideals into action.Our Organization brings a new dimension to the indomitable Armenian spirit. Established over 25 years ago, LCO began as a modest grass-roots experiment. Over the years, it has evolved into a multinational effort that focuses on the Land and the vital role it plays in the struggle for the preservation of its Culture.LCO PRINCIPAL: LIVING OUR LEGACY!What exactly do the words "land" and "culture" stand for? Simply stated, they symbolize the universal belief that a national culture can best flourish and bear fruit on its own land. Throughout the ages, Land has represented stability and continuity. No culture can survive for long without firm roots in the Land. Land and Culture OrganizationHilda ManjikianLand and Culture OrganizationC/O Hilda Manjikian1435 Old House RoadPasadena, CA 91107Tel: 1-626-688-8027Campaign Coordinator: sylvie@landandculture.orgAdministrative Inquiries: P.O. Box 1386HOBOKEN, NJ 07030, USAnarineh@landandculture.org Organisation Terre et CultureAnuche Sedef5 rue de Clery, 75002 Paris, FranceTel: (33) 1-42-33-03-98Coordinatrice des Campagnes: anouch@landandculture.orgLand and Culture Organization The LCO has organized summer programs - popularly called "Campaigns" - in which volunteers from Europe, Canada, the United States and elsewhere join together on ancestral sites. They apply their physical energy and mental ingenuity to a variety of tasks in architectural preservation, land cultivation and community development. LCO Summer Campaigns not only afford Armenians the rare experience of discovering their ancestral roots and expanding their cultural horizons, but they also create opportunities that put ideals into action. Contents [hideshow]1 Mission2 History3 Campaigns 3.1 19873.2 19883.3 19893.4 19903.5 1992 3.5.1 Madrasa3.6 1993 3.6.1 Gogaran3.7 1994 3.7.1 Gogaran3.7.2 Madrasa3.8 1995 3.8.1 Gogaran3.8.2 Tatev3.9 1996 3.9.1 Gogaran3.10 19973.11 1998 3.11.1 Saghmosavank3.12 1999 3.12.1 Saghmosavank3.12.2 Karintak3.13 20003.14 20013.15 2002 3.15.1 Tatev3.15.2 Shushi3.16 2003 3.16.1 Ayrum3.16.2 Shushi3.17 2004 3.17.1 Shadvan3.17.2 Shushi3.18 20053.19 2006 3.19.1 Kutakan (sp?)3.19.2 Shushi4 External links
To preserve Armenian historic sites all over the world. Also to connect Diaspora Armenians to their ancestral lands by offering them volunteer work opportunities.
The founders were concerned about the progressive destruction of historical Armenian monuments and sites. Armenian Architectural monuments were defenceless against time, history and people. The only possibility to help them was restoration and preservation. That is one of the main aims of LCO.
Each year there were July and August campaigns, usually in multiple locations.
Kevork Khrimian in August
Kevork Khrimian in August
Armen Setrakian in July
Armen Setrakian in July
Michael Shamlian
Lorig Sarkissian Kevorkian
August - Emil Sanamyan, Salpi, Harout, Harout #2, the french girl, Alex??, ???
Seta Iskandarian
July - Madlene Minassian,
Madlene Minassian, Lucy Bartamian
Madlene Minassian in July and August,
Campain Coordinator - Madlene Minassian
August - Talline Kojian (USA), Ashod Nakashian (Egypt), ???
Anais Kadian, Datevig Simonian, Kevork Der Kevorkian, Varant Yessayan, Sophia Balakian, Laura MacAulay, Armen Tamzarian
Taline Yelena Yepremian
Kutakan (sp?)
External links
http://www.lcousa.org - official site
To preserve Armenian historic sites all over the world. Also to connect Diaspora Armenians to their ancestral lands by offering them volunteer work opportunities.
In 1977 a group of young Frenchmen of Armenian heritage led by Keram Kevonian founded the Land and Culture Organization (LCO) in France which soon opened branches in the US, England, and later in Armenia and other countries. LCO started to work in Armenia in 1989, after the disastrous earthquake. The organization was officially registered in Armenia in 1994.
The founders were concerned about the progressive destruction of historical Armenian monuments and sites. Armenian Architectural monuments were defenceless against time, history and people. The only possibility to help them was restoration and preservation. That is one of the main aims of LCO.
The LCO has organized summer programs - popularly called "Campaigns" - in which volunteers from Europe, Canada, the United States and elsewhere join together on ancestral sites. They apply their physical energy and mental ingenuity to a variety of tasks in architectural preservation, land cultivation and community development. LCO Summer Campaigns not only afford Armenians the rare experience of discovering their ancestral roots and expanding their cultural horizons, but they also create opportunities that put ideals into action.
Our Organization brings a new dimension to the indomitable Armenian spirit. Established over 25 years ago, LCO began as a modest grass-roots experiment. Over the years, it has evolved into a multinational effort that focuses on the Land and the vital role it plays in the struggle for the preservation of its Culture.
What exactly do the words "land" and "culture" stand for? Simply stated, they symbolize the universal belief that a national culture can best flourish and bear fruit on its own land. Throughout the ages, Land has represented stability and continuity. No culture can survive for long without firm roots in the Land.