=Цели и задачи АМФ=
{{На английском|The Armenian Youth Federation - ARF Youth Organization of the Western United States, was founded in order to assist in acheiving the following goals:
a) The establishment of a Free, Independent, and United Armenia
To guide in the moral, social, and intellectual advancement of Armenian youth in order to gain a better understanding of themselves,
To prevent assimilation of Armenian youth by stimulating interest in and promoting political, cultural, educational, athletic, and social activities within the Armenian community.}}
{{На английском|After the First World War and the injustices the Armenian nation suffered in 1915, the surviving Armenians migrated to other nations in search for peace and opportunity. Many of these Armenians who flocked to the United States joined those who had moved here in the early 1890's. The Armenians in the United States were sure that with the help of the great powers of the world they would soon move back to their homeland, which would be a free, independent, and united Armenia. They encountered many difficulties in the new country. Much like the others who had just entered the United States. To deal with such difficulties and emotional stresses suffered due to the Genocide, the Armenians made their culture the core of Armenian life.
After the treaty of Lozane, which recognized Turkey as an independent nation and which in turn meant that Western Armenia was no longer in the hands of Armenians, and with the rise of the Bolshevik regime, Armenians saw that their hope of returning to their nation was now a distant dream. The Armenians in the United States now saw that they needed organizations to keep the Armenian culture alive.
The ARF Gomidehs in the United States started to create youth groups across the nation. These groups included the Abrillian Sanner, Hyortiks of New York, Gaidzags, Raffis, and the Arams of Worcester. These groups were set up on the localized basis but all of them had a unifying goal, which was the belief that someday Armenia would become a free, independent, and united nation.}}
==Ранние годы==
{{На английском|On January 14, 1933, which is marked as the founding date of the Armenian Youth Federation, the ARF Central Committee of America decided to create a national youth organization by combining the existing ones and setting up new chapters where such groups did not exist. After the decision was made an invitation was sent to representatives of interested youth groups in the East Coast to join a conference on Sunday, July 16, 1933, in the old Hairenik Hall in Boston. The conference was to discuss the unification of the interested youth groups.
Forty youths, from Boston, Brockton, Chelsea, Lawrence, Lynn, Watertown, Whitinsville, and Worchester, were present at the unprecedented conference. This conference decided to hold a convention in June of 1934, at which time the elections of the first Central Executive of the AYF were to be held. They also decided the ARF should appoint a committee of seniors to assist the organization for the coming year.
One of the centerpieces of the AYF today is the Olympics, which began in 1934 in Brockton and immediately became an annual tradition. The Worchester "Aram" Chapter won every single event at the first Olympics setting an unsurpassable record. Other aspects of the athletic program included boxing, wrestling, baseball, soccer, and basketball, for which numerous inner chapter tournaments were organized.
Hal Avedisian of Boston helped to promote the athletic program by creating cartoons that helped boost morale and develop organizational pride by featuring, often humorously, AYF achievements, characters, and other points of view.}}
==Во время Второй мировой войны==