{{Организация| имя-ру-01 = Фонд международного сообщества помощи (FINCA (International)| имя-ориг = | имя-анг = Foundation for International Community Assistance. Yerevan)| имя-арм =| имя-фра =| состояние текста = 1| состояние поиска = 1| состояние тэгов = 1| состояние ссылок = 1| флаг чистовик = 1<!-- Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->| код организации 1=ё| сокращение =| изображение = FINCA (Foundation for International Community Assistance) .gif| девиз =| вид заведения =| основание дата =| основатель =| руководитель = Арам Гукасян| местонахождение=| филиалы = АрменияAddress: | адрес = 28 Khorenatsi Street,Yerevan, 375018, Republic of ArmeniaPhone: | телефон-факс = (374 1) 54 55 31, 54 55 32, 56 28 61; Fax: (374 1) 58 48 63E-mail: | эл. почта = finca@arminco.comURL: | ссылка 1 = [http://www.villagebankingglobalmarketplace.org/member/armeniaMsfounforincom.Maria Elaina Cortezhtml]Acting Country Director| ссылка 2 = Mr| доп.Aram GhukasyanSupervisorFINCA's Village Banking methodology was developed for providing micro-credit to poor entrepreneurs, who did not have access to commercial creditссылка 1 = [http://www. A critical aspect of the Village Banking program as an antipoverty tool is its emphasis on improving the earnings of womenvillagebanking. FINCA Armenia opened its doors and officially distributed its first loans in June 1992. The goal of FINCA Armenia is to provide loans to small and entrepreneurs and encourage saving and investment via community based loan groups. FINCA Armenia°s Village Banking groups are small, averaging 10-12 members. FINCA Armenia is funded by grants from USAID, the Irwin Porter Foundation.Current activitiesAny business womanorg/man, who has a valid passport and legal business and who is a permanent resident of the city Yerevan or any of the neighboring regions may become a Loan member. /armenia] The loan is provided for a period of 16 weeks. The interest and loan are repaid weekly through equal portions. Loan size starts at 40.000 Dram, with increases by cycle. FINCA does not require collateral| доп. ссылка 2 =| тэг 1 =Armenia micro-finance legislation project| тэг 2 =The "Credit Forum", a working group made up of several international and local NGOs has been working together for several months on legislation towards a better operating environment for micro-finance institutions in Armenia. The group has been involved in researching current laws and regulations and working with local counsel on recently drafted legislation.| тэг 3 =| тэг 4 =Major Projects| тэг 5 =Armenia micro-finance legislation project The Credit Forum, a working group made up of several international and local NGOs has been working together for several months on legislation towards a better operating environment for micro-finance institutions in Armenia. The group has been involved in researching current laws and regulations and working with local counsel on recently drafted legislation.}}