Центр стратегических исследований по правам человека (Армения) — различия между версиями
Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Версия 20:30, 15 мая 2007
Шаблон:Unitedt Human Rights Strategic Research Centerhttp://www.hra.am/eng/?page=organization&id=40
Human Rights Strategic Research Center
To strengthen and develop Human Rights institution and promote the rule of law in Armenia. To promote publication of articles, brochures, booklets, newspapers. To establish library with the human rights focus.
contact information Address Ghazar Parpetsi 26 street, Apt 1, Yerevan, Armenia Phone (3741) 531602 Fax (3741) 531602 E-Mail HRSRC-Info@armenia.org Head Person Viktor Mnatsakanyan Contact Person Viktor Mnatsakanyan(President), Gayane Vahanyan (Executive Director)