Центр социально-правовой поддержки молодежи (Ереван, Армения) — различия между версиями

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Версия 20:30, 15 мая 2007

Шаблон:Unitedt The Centre of Youth Legal and Social Supporthttp://www.hra.am/eng/?page=organization&id=71

The Centre of Youth Legal and Social Support


The organization may both arrange measures, festivals, business seminars, trainings, meetings and so on for efficient realization of the objectives stipulated by its Regulations and conduct other works within its authorities. The organization collaborates with state and non-governmental bodies, foreign, local, public organizations and individuals. The organization may realize an observational activity during the elections of local municipalities, National Assembly and President of Armenia. The organization may accomplish enterprising activity through economic companies established by it for both realization of objectives and goals stipulated by the Regulations of the organization and efficient organization of works. The organization may realize the publication activity.


The NGO • contributes to development and strengthening of absolute, lawful, democratic and social state; • promotes the strengthening of both the principle of democracy and principle of civil society formation; • assists in activation of the participation of youth to present solutions for the national problems; • contributes to extension of the idea on protection of the rights of a child, adults and youth; • encourages the free enterprising, supports to young entrepreneurs and manufacturers, protects the economic rights of their on the basis of the principles of economy freedom; • assists in moral-spiritual and physical preparedness of youth; • intends to protect and develop the spiritual, cultural values among young adults; • promotes the maintenance of the lawful interests of socially unprovided people, namely: invalids, refugees, paupers; • assists in improvement of the educational system, development of the scientific mind of youth, exposure of gifted young adults and self-manifestation on their abilities.


"The Centre of Youth Legal and Social Support" NGO was founded July 23, 1999 and established in the Ministry of Justice August 24, 1999. The main activity of it is rendering legal, social and health support. The NGO has more than 100 members, who act on the basis of Volunteering. The NGO's basic principles are and . Several commissions operate within the frames of the NGO. Those are: Social, Health, Sports and Culture, Informational, Foreign affairs. People of different professions and with high qualification work in the NGO, such as lawyers, economists, sociologists, , journalists, specialists of political science, natural and accurate science, students. The NGO has established an acting branch in Marz of Lori, in towns of Alaverdi and Vanadzor.


The Ministry of Culture, Youth Issues and Sports of Armenia, The Ministry of Social Insurance of Armenia, The Ministry of Education of Armenia, The Council on Youth Issues at the Prime-Minister of Armenia, State and Non-state Licensed Institutes (High schools), Several Local and International organizations. The organization is a member of Youth National Council of Armenia.

contact information Address Yerevan, 375106, Bagratunyats 29 apt. 8 Phone (3741) 46 00 98 E-Mail sepuh_2000@yahoo.com; erisakngo@yahoo.com Head Person Lilit Asatryan (President) Contact Person Lilit Asatryan