Фонд "Руководство по Армении" — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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м (1 версий)
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Armenia Guide Fund http://agfweb.org/index.php?pg=about
| имя-ру-01      =Руководство по Армении - Фонд
| имя-ориг      =
| имя-анг        =Armenia Guide Fund
| имя-арм        =
| имя-фра        =
| состояние текста    = 1
| состояние поиска    = 1
| состояние тэгов      = 1
| состояние ссылок    = 1
| флаг чистовик        =ё7
<!-- Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,
3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->
| код организации 1=2
| сокращение    =AGF
| изображение    =
| девиз          =
| вид заведения  =
| основание дата =
| основатель    =
| руководитель  =
| местонахождение=PO Box 2025, Glendale, CA 91209-2025 USA
| филиалы        =Армения, Ереван, ул.Хоренаци 28
| адрес          =
| телефон-факс  =
| эл. почта      =@AGFweb.org
| ссылка 1      =http://agfweb.org/index.php?pg=about
| ссылка 2      =
| тэг 1          =
| тэг 2          =
| тэг 3          =
| тэг 4          =
| тэг 5          =
About AGF Organization
About AGF Organization
Arthur Zakarian, the Chairman and CEO of Olympia Group, Inc., has been involved in charity contributions and business programs in Armenia since 1992. The ArmeniaGuide Fund (AGF) was recently established to handle these charity programs.  
Arthur Zakarian, the Chairman and CEO of Olympia Group, Inc., has been involved in charity contributions and business programs in Armenia since 1992. The ArmeniaGuide Fund (AGF) was recently established to handle these charity programs.  
Строка 14: Строка 46:
You can reach us at info@AGFweb.org or at:
You can reach us at infoor at:
Armenia Guide Fund
PO Box 2025
Glendale, CA 91209-2025 USA
Khorenatsu 28
Yerevan, 375018
Republic of Armenia

Версия 11:57, 10 января 2008


Дополните информацию об организации

Руководство по Армении - Фонд
Armenia Guide Fund
Филиалы: Армения, Ереван, ул.Хоренаци 28
Эл. почта: @AGFweb.org
Ссылки: http://agfweb.org/index.php?pg=about

About AGF Organization

Arthur Zakarian, the Chairman and CEO of Olympia Group, Inc., has been involved in charity contributions and business programs in Armenia since 1992. The ArmeniaGuide Fund (AGF) was recently established to handle these charity programs.

The activities of Armenia Guide Fund in the past and present include contributions and sponsorship, supporting Organizations and Families, with a view to creating excitement among younger generations and encourage them to progress and achieve the highest positions in their field, bringing revenue and fame to their country.

Future plans of the AGF Organization will be the extension of the past activities with aggressive campaigns of fund raising in order to expand the scope of the project and provide large-scale assistance into diversified fields. To implement this program Armenia Guide Fund has now registered its Branch in Yerevan, Armenia, under the name of "Oughekitz Himnadram" (Guide Fund). The Board of Directors of this organization will be responsible for the administration and control of the activities.

You can reach us at infoor at: