Григорян Гаяне Грачиковна — различия между версиями
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Версия 16:51, 1 марта 2014
Григорян Гаяне Грачиковна | |
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Краткая информация: доктор физико-математических наук |
CURRICULUM VITAE Gayane Grigoryan Institute for Physical Research (IPR) National Academy of Armenian Sciences Ashtarak-2, 0203 Armenia E-mail; gaygrig@gmail.com Born February 23, 1948; Yerewan, Armenia Nationality: Armenia Marital status: married, have two children Scientific interest Quantum and nonlinear optics, coherent resonance interaction, quantum information Education Doctor degree, speciality “Optics” September10,2010 Thesis title- “Coherent propagation of resonant laser pulses in media with nonlinear dispersion”. Ph.D. degree, speciality “Optics” June 9, 1989 Thesis title- “Propagation of the ultra short pulses in the quasiresonance media with week-dispersion”. Master degree –Mathematical Physics, Yerevan State University, Armenia 1971 Student- Department of Physics, Yerevan State University, Armenia 1966-1971 Work Experience Institute of Physical Research (IPR) Senior Researcher 2005 - current Head of Theoretical Department 2004-2005 Senior Researcher 1991-2004 Junior Researcher 1988-1991 Engineer 1978-1988 Russian – Armenian State University Head of Quantum and Optical Electronics Department 2011 - now Senior Lecturer, 2007 – 2011 Yerevan State University Department of Mathematical physics 1971-1978 Assistant (Junior Lecturer) Grants and Awards ISF Grant RY7000 (1993-1995); ANSEF PS-18 ( 2002); INTAS 99-00019 (2000-2002); ISTC A665 (2003-2005); ISTC A-1095 (2005-2007); INTAS 06-1000017-9234 (2007-2008); ANSEF-optPS-1347 (2008), Volkswagen Foundation 2010-2013 Scientific Visits Fashbereich Physik, Technishe Universitat Kaiserslautern, Germany – 1998, 2002, 2007 Institut Carnot de Bourgogne, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France – 2009, 20011 List of publications 2008 – 2012 1. G.Grigoryan,”Storage of intensive optical pulses in solids”, J.Contemp.Phys (Proceedings of NAS of Armenia), т.43, 83-90, 2008 2. G.Grigoryan, G.Nikogosyan, T.Halfman “Efficient population transfer via bright-state” Proceedings of Laser Physics-2007, 99-102,“Gitutyun”, Nat.Acad. Sci. Arm, 2008 3. G.Grigoryan,”Effect of the probe pulse intensity on the optical information storage”, Proceedings of Laser Physics-2007, 158-161,“Gitutyun”, Nat.Acad. Sci. Arm, 2008 4. M. Oberst, H.Münch, G. Grigoryan, Th. Halfmann Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passage among a three-state molecular system: Experimental and numerical investigations Phys. Rev. A 78, 033409 (2008) 5. G.G. Grigoryan, Y.T. Pashayan-Leroy, C. Leroy, S. Guerin, Short-length storage of intense optical pulses in solid by adiabatic passage, Phys.Rev. A79, 013813 (2009) 6. G.G. Grigoryan, G. Nikoghosyan, T. Halfmann, Y.T. Pashayan-Leroy, C. Leroy, S.Guerin , Theory of bright-state stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, Phys.Rev. A 80, 033402 (2009). 7. V.О. Chaltykyan, G.G. Grigoryan, Modification of medium phase memory under influence of pulsed inhomogeneous magnetic field, J. Contemp. Phys., 44, 88 (2009). 8. G.G. Grigoryan The selfconsistent theory of selective reflection, Optical Memory and Neural Networks ( Information Optics), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 34–39. © Allerton Press, Inc.,( 2009). 9. G.Grigoryan, L.Tonoyan, A.Sargisyan,D.Sargisyan. Influence of the coupling laser on the spectrum of selective reflection. Proceedings of Laser Physics-2008, 162-165, “Gitutyun”, Nat.Acad. Sci. Arm, 2009 10. Sargsyan,A.. Papoyan,A., Sarkisyan,A., Malakyan,Yu. , Grigoryan,G., Sarkisyan,D., Narrow and contrast resonance of increased absorption in Λ-system observed in Rb cell with buffer gas, Armenian Journal of Physics, 2 (2). pp. 84-94. ISSN 1829-1171 (2009) 11. Г.Г.Григорян, “Приближение Борна-Фока и дисперсионные свойства резонансной среды”, Известия НАН Арм., Физика 45, 307-313 (2010). 12. G. Grigoryan, C. Leroy, Y. Pashayan-Leroy, S. Guérin, H.R. Jauslin, ”Superluminal pulse propagation in a non-linear Λ-type atomic medium”, Proceedings of .Laser Physics-2009, pp.9-12, ,“Gitutyun”, Nat.Acad. Sci. Arm (2010). 13. E. Gazazyan, G. Grigoryan, and A. Papoyan ,Amplification of a Weak Circularly Polarized Light Signal in a Multilevel Atomic Medium“J. Contemp. Phys. (Armenian Ac. Sci.), 46, no. 4,145-147 (2011). 14. G. Grigoryan, V. Chaltykyan, and V. Paturyan “Short pulse propagation in an inverted two-level medium” Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optic), 20, no. 4,233-236, (2011) 15. G. Grigoryan, V. Chaltykyan, C. Leroy, Y. Pashayan-Leroy, S. Guérin, H.R. Jauslin „Superluminal adiabatons in a Λ-type atomic medium“,Proc. SPIE, Procedings of International Scientific Workshop “Photonics & Micro- and Nano-strctured Materials” (PMNM-2011), ), Proc. SPIE 8414, 84140Z (2011) 16. V.Chaltykyan, E.Gazazyan, G, Grigoryan, A.Hovhannisyan, O.Tikhova, “Alternative techniques of population transfer in multilevel systems”, International conference ”Optics and its applications”, Book of abstract,p111,2011 17. V. Chaltykyan, E.Gazazyan, G.Grigoryan, A.Hovhannisyan, O. Tikhova, "Alternative techniques of population transfer in multilevel systems", Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 350, 012004 (2012) 18. V.Chaltykyan, G.Grigoryan, A Hovhannisyan, O Tikhova, “Metod of quasienergies and transparency of multilevel atomic system”, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 350, 012005 (2012) 19. G. Grigoryan, C. Leroy, Y. Pashayan-Leroy, L.Chakhmakhchyan, S. Guérin, H.R. Jauslin, “Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage via bright state in Λ medium of unequal oscillator strengths”, Eur.Phys. J.D, 66 ,256,( 2012) 20. V. Chaltykyan, E. Gazazyan, G.Grigoryan, D. Schraft, “Implementation of All-Optical Toffoli gate in Λ- systems”, Journal of Contemporary Physics (NAS of Armenia), т.37, стр.328-336 (2012). 21. L.Chakhmakhchyan, G,Grigoryan, C.Leroy,Y.Pashayan-Leroy, S.Guerin, H.R.Jauslin, ”Influence of unequal oscillator strengths on stimulated Raman adiabatic passage through bright state”, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference series, 15, 147-151 (2012) 22. V. Chaltykyan, E.Gazazyan, G.Grigoryan, A.Hovhannisyan, O. Tikhova, “Adiabatic transparency of multilevel atomic systems for short intensive pulses”, Opt.com.( to be submitted), arXiv:1209.0552v1 (quant-ph), 4Sep 2012 (2012) 1. G.G.Grigoryan V. Chaltykyan, V. Paturyan Short pulse propagation in an inverted twolevel medium” Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optic), 20, no. 4, (2011)
- http://imht.rau.am/uploads/blocks/0/1/148/files/cv-grigoryan.pdf Григорян Гаяне Грачиковна