Барсамян Дэвид — различия между версиями

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м (1 версий)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=5209|dcreate=20.07.2006 14:38:52|dmodify=20.07.2006 14:39:10}}
{{persont|img=no|ID=5209|dcreate=20.07.2006 14:38:52|dmodify=20.07.2006 14:39:10}}
| name-ru-main  = Барсамян Давид
| name-ru-01    =
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| name-ru-03    =
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| name-en      = Barsamian David
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| состояние текста    = 0
| состояние поиска    = 0
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Барсамян Давид
Барсамян Давид
Barsamian David
Barsamian David
Barsamian David
Строка 74: Строка 95:

Версия 13:58, 15 мая 2008


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Барсамян Давид
Barsamian David
На английском: Barsamian David


Барсамян Давид Barsamian David

Барсамян Давид - американский радиоведущий и писатель, основатель и директор Альтернативного радио, а также ведущий еженедельной программы в Колорадо, выходящей в эфир на 125 радиостанциях в разных странах. Барсамян работал на радио с 1978 года. Его интервью и статьи регулярно печатались в журналах, таких как журнал "The Progressive", "The Nation" и др. Как писатель Барсамян прославился за серии интервью с Ноам Чомски, опубликованных в книге, переведенной на разные языки и продаваемой сотнями тысяч экземпляров по всему миру.

David Barsamian is an American radio broadcaster and writer. He is the founder and director of Alternative Radio, the Boulder, Colorado-based syndicated weekly talk program heard on some 125 radio stations in various countries.

Barsamian has been working in radio since 1978.

His interviews and articles also appear regularly in The Progressive, The Nation, and Z Magazine.

As a writer, Barsamian is best known for his series of interviews with Noam Chomsky, which have been published in book form and translated into many languages, selling hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide.

Some of his books include Imperial Ambitions with Noam Chomsky, Eqbal Ahmad: Confronting Empire, and The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile: Conversations with Arundhati Roy. [edit] Books Keeping the Rabble in Line (1994) (interviews with Noam Chomsky) Class Warfare (1996) (interviews with Noam Chomsky) The Common Good (1998) (interviews with Noam Chomsky) Propaganda and the Public Mind (2001) (interviews with Noam Chomsky) Confronting Empire (2000) (interviews with Eqbal Ahmad) Culture and Resistance (1994) (interviews with Edward Said) The Future of History (1999) (interviews with Howard Zinn) The Decline and Fall of Public Broadcasting (2001) Globalization Dissent (2003) (interviews with Arundhati Roy) Louder Than Bombs: Interviews from The Progressive Magazine (May 2004) [edit] External Links


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Categories: Armenian Individuals http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=David_Barsamian

David Barsamian

David Barsamian is an American radio broadcaster and writer. He is the founder and director of Alternative Radio, the Boulder, Colorado-based syndicated weekly talk program heard on some 125 radio stations in various countries.

Barsamian has been working in radio since 1978.

His interviews and articles also appear regularly in The Progressive, The Nation, and Z Magazine.

As a writer, Barsamian is best known for his series of interviews with Noam Chomsky, which have been published in book form and translated into many languages, selling hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide.

Some of his books include Imperial Ambitions with Noam Chomsky, Eqbal Ahmad: Confronting Empire, and The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile: Conversations with Arundhati Roy.

Books Keeping the Rabble in Line (1994) (interviews with Noam Chomsky) Class Warfare (1996) (interviews with Noam Chomsky) The Common Good (1998) (interviews with Noam Chomsky) Propaganda and the Public Mind (2001) (interviews with Noam Chomsky) Confronting Empire (2000) (interviews with Eqbal Ahmad) Culture and Resistance (1994) (interviews with Edward Said) The Future of History (1999) (interviews with Howard Zinn) The Decline and Fall of Public Broadcasting (2001) Globalization Dissent (2003) (interviews with Arundhati Roy) Louder Than Bombs: Interviews from The Progressive Magazine (May 2004)

External Links





