Школа Зарукян, AGBU (Торонто) — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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(replace script)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{universityt|ID=10005|dmodify=23.04.2007 13:17:17}}
{{universityt|ID=10005|dmodify=23.04.2007 13:17:17}}
{{Учебное заведение
| name-ru-01   =AGBU Школа Зарукян (Торонто)  
| имя-ру-01     =AGBU Школа Зарукян (Торонто)  
| name-en       =AGBU Zaroukian School (Toronto.Canada)
| имя-ориг       =
| name-am      =  
| имя-анг        =AGBU Zaroukian School (Toronto.Canada)
| name-fr      =  
| имя-арм        =
| сокращение    =
| имя-фра        =
| изображение  =
<!-- Код организации: 1 - Учебное заведение, 2 - Общественная организация,
| эмблема      =
3 - Библиотека, 4 - Музей, 5 - театр,
| девиз         =
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация --->
| вид заведения =
| код организации 1=1
| основание дата=
| сокращение    =
| президент     =
| изображение    =  
| директор      =
| девиз         =
| ректор        =
| вид заведения =
| основание дата =
| основатель     =
| руководитель  =  
| местонахождение=930 Progress Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario, M1G 3T5, CANADA
| местонахождение=930 Progress Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario, M1G 3T5, CANADA
| студенты     =
| филиалы        =
| доктора       =
| профессора   =
<!-- Учебное заведение --->
| адрес         =
| ректор        =
| телефон       =416/439-3900; 416.439.3900; Fax:416.431.2510
| студенты       =
| e-mail        =agbu@vif.com
| доктора       =
| ссылка01      =http://www.agbutorontoschool.com/
| профессора     =
| ссылка02      =
| тэг01        =
| адрес         =
| тэг02        =
| телефон-факс  =416/439-3900; 416.439.3900; Fax:416.431.2510
| тэг03        =
| эл. почта      =agbu@vif.com
| тэг04        =
| ссылка 1      =http://www.agbutorontoschool.com/
| тэг05        =
| ссылка 2      =
| тэг 1          =
| тэг 2          =
| тэг 3          =
| тэг 4          =
| тэг 5          =
A.G.B.U. Zaroukian School operates in a nurturing and cooperative atmosphere that encourages the academic, social and emotional growth of the child by: Preparing enthusiastic students/life-learners who strive for academic excellence, learn how to think and solve problems and are ready to take on responsibilities.  
A.G.B.U. Zaroukian School operates in a nurturing and cooperative atmosphere that encourages the academic, social and emotional growth of the child by: Preparing enthusiastic students/life-learners who strive for academic excellence, learn how to think and solve problems and are ready to take on responsibilities.  

Версия 23:57, 18 ноября 2007


Дополните информацию об организации

AGBU Школа Зарукян (Торонто)
AGBU Zaroukian School (Toronto.Canada)
Телефон/Факс: 416/439-3900; 416.439.3900; Fax:416.431.2510
Эл. почта: agbu@vif.com
Ссылки: http://www.agbutorontoschool.com/

A.G.B.U. Zaroukian School operates in a nurturing and cooperative atmosphere that encourages the academic, social and emotional growth of the child by: Preparing enthusiastic students/life-learners who strive for academic excellence, learn how to think and solve problems and are ready to take on responsibilities.

Preparing culturally-balanced individuals who take pride in their Armenian heritage, ready to lead active and productive lives in a multicultural society.

Since its founding in 1985, the school has developed a strong academic tradition that has characterized the curricular program. The curriculum is planned with the goal of developing students' fundamental scholastic skills, analytical and critical thinking, as well as fostering student inquiry, creativity and a true love of learning in a supportive and caring school environment.

Faculty Contacts

Principal: Ms. Hasmig Kurdian: email: principal@agbutorontoschool.com

Mrs.Gadarine Meneshian: email: admin@agbutorontoschool.com

Teachers: email: teachers@agbutorontoschool.com