Чракян Артин — различия между версиями
Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Версия 16:06, 26 марта 2007
Чракиян Артин
Chrakian Artin
From famous state and military figures of Armenian origin of Egypt are the viziers Badr al Jamal(Бадр аль Джамал) (XI century), al Fadal(аль Федал), al Juyush( ), Bedram Al Armani(Бедрам аль Армани) (XII century), during the mamlouks- the military men and statesmen Yaghub (Hakob), Osman Chelebi(Осман Челеби), Ali al Armani(Али аль Армани) and others. At the second half of XIX century, the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt was held by Armenians Artin Chrakian(Артин Чракян) (concurrently he was also the Minister of Trade), Stepan Demirchian(Степан Демирчян), Tigran Apron(Тигран Апрон), Noubar Pasha Noubarian(Нубар Паша Нубарян), who headed the Government of Egypt for three times.