Теймурян Андраник — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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м Teymourian Andranik i» переименована в «Теймурян Андраник»)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=5268|dcreate=23.07.2006 20:38:24|dmodify=23.07.2006 20:39:16}}
{{persont|ID=5268|dcreate=23.07.2006 20:38:24|dmodify=23.07.2006 20:39:16}}
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| name-en      = Teymourian Andrani
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| состояние ссылок    = 0
| флаг чистовик        =
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| дата рождения        = 
| место рождения      =
| дата смерти          =
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| тэг01 =
| тэг02 =
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| тэг05 =

Версия 07:20, 15 апреля 2008


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Теймурян Андраник
Teymourian Andrani
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Teymourian Andranik

Теймурян Андраник


Iranian Armenians Why is nobody mentioning the talented Iranian Armenian composer Loris Tjeknavorian (Cheknavarian)? Less famous, but nonetheless worthy of respect is Iran's National Soccer Team player Andranik Teymourian who participated in this year's World Cup preliminaries, playing for Iran.

Teymourian could almost rival the Italians with his diving skills.

by the way Andranik Teymourian is gonna be moving to Bolton Wanderers for this coming season! In case you don't know, Bolton Wanderers is a decent team who plays in the premier league in England alongside Arsenal, Liverpool, Man Utd etc...


Andranik Teymourian


Sport roundup: Iranian Armenian headed for England club By Suren Musayelyan ArmeniaNow reporter Football

Transfer news: An Iran international midfielder of Armenian descent may appear in the English Premiership next season as one of the League's stalwarts, Bolton, are showing interest in him.

{ai162001.jpg|right}Andranik Teimurian, 23, appeared for Iran in the World Cup 2006 and his play was highly estimated by specialists. Clubs from Germany, Turkey and Qatar are also reported to seek services of the young player.

"It is a matter of special pride for me to be the second Armenian in the Iranian national team after Andranik Iskandaryan," Teimurian said before the start of the World Cup. Teimurian was the only Christian player in the Iranian team that played in Germany.