Каначян Барсег — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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м Kanachyan Barsegh i» переименована в «Каначян Вазген»)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=8746|dcreate=31.10.2006 14:46:22|dmodify=19.12.2006 16:34:31}}
{{persont|ID=8746|dcreate=31.10.2006 14:46:22|dmodify=19.12.2006 16:34:31}}
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Версия 13:39, 7 мая 2008


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Каначян Вазген






Kanachyan Barsegh

Barsegh Kanachyan

Barsegh Kanachyan (1885-1967) was an Armenian composer. Wrote the music to the Armenian national anthem Mer Hayrenik.


AZG Armenian Daily #011 24/01/2006

"B. Kanachian" Musical Collage of the Beirut National Theatre initiated the celebration of Barsegh Kanachian's 120th anniversaries at its "Levon Shant" Center. According to Haraj daily, Rubina Artinian, who made the research on Barsegh Kanachian's life, held speech during the arrangement. She stated that Kanachian was one of the best and most creative students of Komitas.

Artinian also dwelt on the creative activities of Kanachian in Lebanon. The spectators also enjoyed performance of a piece from "Priest" opera by Kanachian, looking forward to see it fully staged one day.

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Categories: Armenian Individuals http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Barsegh_Kanachyan