Европейская Армянская Федерация «За справедливость и демократию» — различия между версиями
Ssayadov (обсуждение | вклад) |
Ssayadov (обсуждение | вклад) |
(нет различий)
Версия 16:28, 27 января 2008
What is the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy ?
The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (E. A. F. J. D.) is a non profit organization
Representing European citizens with Armenian origin to European Institutions
Federating several national organizations and associations of European countries
Promoting and defending cultural and political rights of Armenian people worldwide
The Action of the European Armenian Federation to European Institutions
European Armenian Federation aims at:
Acting as a link between European Institutions and the Armenian communities through the European Union Advocating for these communities standpoint within these institutions Providing a better understanding of Armenian related political and strategic issues to the European Union