Ромхильд Элизабет — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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таиландская художница Элизабет Ромхильд (Давидян)
Ромхильд Элизабет
Давидян Элизабет
Армянский синема
Первый армянский фильм был снят Вааном Зардаряном в 1912 году. Основателем иранского кинематографа был наш соотечественник Аванес Оганян, а продюсером первого ливанского фильма - Арутюн Тюрапян. Обо всем этом, и не только, повествует вышедшая в 2004 году в Ереване книга Арцви Бахчиняна «Армяне в мировом кино».
На почти 700 страницах автором впервые собраны факты о вкладе 2200 армян и людей с армянскими корнями в киноискусство и кинопроизводство тридцати стран мира - со времен изобретения кино и до наших дней.В книге также собраны жизнеописания таких выдающихся деятелей мировой кинокультуры, как автор первого цветного фильма Рубен Мамулян, голливудский актер Аким Тамиров, армянский актер и звезда французского экрана Ашо Шахатуни, великий шансонье и киноактер Шарль Азнавур, его постоянный соавтор, кинокомпозитор Жорж Гарваренц, легенда французского приключенческого и детективного кино Анри Верной, режиссер Атом Егоян (Эгоян), и многих других.
Книга, написанная на блестящем армянском, привлекает множеством интереснейших подробностей, воспоминаний и легенд, делающих ее интересной не только для синефилов, но и для широкого круга читателей. Это уже седьмая работа автора - молодого, но уже хорошо известного арменоведа-филолога, вице-президента Армянской Ассоциации киноведов и кинокритиков Арцви Бахчиняна. Свою первую книгу «Армяне по происхождению» он опубликовал, когда ему было всего 22. В этот биографический справочник вошли имена известных армян диаспоры. Автор, не предаваясь излишней чувствительности, тщательно отобрал информацию об их происхождении, поставив себе целью показать вклад армянских деятелей в мировую цивилизацию. В 2004 году на армянском вышел расширенный и дополненный вариант книги.
Книгу «Армяне в мировом кино» автор посвятил своему другу, таиландской художнице Элизабет Ромхильд (Давидян). Первая глава книги - о зарождении армянского кино. Здесь собраны все плоды его кропотливых исследований – вплоть до упоминания фильмов в армянской литературе, данных о первых съемках на армянские темы еще в 19 веке, о первом кинопоказе в Ереване и первых кинотеатрах в городах Армении, о первых попытках снять армянское кино и первой удачно завершенной из них (свидетельство о показе «армянского синема» в Египте датируется 1912 годом).
Автор подробно останавливается на истории исчезновения документальных съемок, изображающих кровавые сцены истребления армян во время геноцида 1915-23 годов, рассказывает о трагической судьбе героини фильма «Аукцион душ» А. Мартиканян.
Но большая часть книги посвящена армянским деятелям кино из разных странах - от США до Австралии и Новой Зеландии: и не только классикам, но и, например, автору кинохита о Мадонне Алеку Кешишяну, исполнителю роли обезьяны Джулиуса в фильме «Планета обезьян» Баку Карталяну, бывшему владельцу киностудии «Метро Голдвин Мейер» Кирку Киркоряну, поп-диве Шер, звезде бразильских телесериалов Араси Балабанян, героине китайских фильмов Лиане Едигарян и даже известной порнозвезде Кристи Кенен. В книге также собрана богатая фильмография на армянскую тему.
Материалы для своей работы Бахчинян собирал с 16 лет, и она получилась объемной, энциклопедически полной. Остается дождаться русского перевода книги, достойно представляющей заслуги наших соотечественников перед мировым кинематографом.
Ашот Григорян
Ноев Ковчег. Информационно-аналитическая газета армянской диаспоры стран СНГ. N 03 (97) Март 2006 года. http://noevk-1.hosting.parking.ru/index.asp?n=96
Elizabeth's Odyssey   
Elizabeth's Odyssey   
Строка 74: Строка 41:
There is no doubt that: Elizabeth Romhild's work is a quest for magical intensity and nobility of the soul. She adds musical instruments and vibrating quality in her colour vocabulary that raises her soul above the physical and primal senses to an aura of noble simplicity with magical quality and enigmatic and mythical aura, which develops to be one of the principal characteristics of her painting.
There is no doubt that: Elizabeth Romhild's work is a quest for magical intensity and nobility of the soul. She adds musical instruments and vibrating quality in her colour vocabulary that raises her soul above the physical and primal senses to an aura of noble simplicity with magical quality and enigmatic and mythical aura, which develops to be one of the principal characteristics of her painting.
Karekin Dickran
==Elizabeth Romhild - Exhibition Listings==
Art Director
*1986  Indonesia - Exhibited "Yayasan Mitra Budaya Indonesia". Jakarta.
Exhibitions - Listings
- Water colour exhibition at Kalista Gallery, Jakarta.
- Exhibited "Exposisi Cat Air 86" Mitra Budaya, Jakarta.
Elizabeth Romhild - Exhibition Listings
*1988  Indonesia - First One Woman Show in Oils at Duta Fine Arts Gallery.
*1996  Thailand  - "Depth of Feelings" One Woman Show of Oils and Sketches.
*1997  Thailand  - The Grand Hyatt Erawan, Bangkok,coincided with the visit to Thailand of H.R.H. Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark.
- Sheraton Grande, Bangkok, Solo Exhibition "Women & Oranges", a new collection of mildly erotic art.
1986  Indonesia - Exhibited "Yayasan Mitra Budaya Indonesia". Jakarta.
- International Visual Art Exhibition at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok.
  - Water colour exhibition at Kalista Gallery, Jakarta.
  - Exhibited "Exposisi Cat Air 86" Mitra Budaya, Jakarta.
1988  Indonesia - First One Woman Show in Oils at Duta Fine Arts Gallery.
- Collection of Oil paintings at Carpediem Gallery, Bangkok.
1996 Thailand  - "Depth of Feelings" One Woman Show of Oils and Sketches.
*1998 Thailand  - "Women Carnival" solo exhibition at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.
- Group exhibition at Kuppa, Bangkok.
1997  Thailand  - The Grand Hyatt Erawan, Bangkok,coincided with the visit to Thailand of H.R.H. Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark.
- "Looking Back" a retrospect of all to-date work at 2 Oceans 23 Gallery, Bangkok.
  - Sheraton Grande, Bangkok, Solo Exhibition "Women & Oranges", a new collection of mildly erotic art.
  - International Visual Art Exhibition at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok.
  - Collection of Oil paintings at Carpediem Gallery, Bangkok.
1998  Thailand  - "Women Carnival" solo exhibition at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.
Denmark - "Sensualitet i farver" solo exhibition at Ebeltoft Kunstforening Gallery.
  - Group exhibition at Kuppa, Bangkok.
  - "Looking Back" a retrospect of all to-date work at 2 Oceans 23 Gallery, Bangkok.
  Denmark - "Sensualitet i farver" solo exhibition at Ebeltoft Kunstforening Gallery.
1999  Thailand  - "Oriental Mystic", exhibition of inks at 2 Oceans 23, Bangkok.
*1999  Thailand  - "Oriental Mystic", exhibition of inks at 2 Oceans 23, Bangkok.
   - December Group Show at 2 Oceans 23, Bangkok.
- December Group Show at 2 Oceans 23, Bangkok.
  Denmark - Exhibition of drawings at Gallery Babette, Ebeltoft.
Denmark - Exhibition of drawings at Gallery Babette, Ebeltoft.
2000  Thailand  - "Women & Sensuality" solo exhibition at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.
*2000  Thailand  - "Women & Sensuality" solo exhibition at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.
   Denmark - "Elizabeth's Exotic World" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.
Denmark - "Elizabeth's Exotic World" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.
2001  Thailand  - Preview solo exhibition of latest works at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.
*2001  Thailand  - Preview solo exhibition of latest works at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.
   Denmark - "Seduction" solo exhibition of oil paintings at Ebeltoft Kunstforening Gallery in connection with the city's 700 year celebration.
Denmark - "Seduction" solo exhibition of oil paintings at Ebeltoft Kunstforening Gallery in connection with the city's 700 year celebration.
2002  England - Valentine Show at Bloxham Galleries, London.
*2002  England - Valentine Show at Bloxham Galleries, London.
   Thailand  - "Fever" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.
   Denmark - "Forbidden Fruit" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.
Thailand  - "Fever" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.
Denmark - "Forbidden Fruit" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.
2003  Thailand  - "Passion Play" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.
*2003  Thailand  - "Passion Play" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.
2004  Switzerland - "Impromptu" solo exhibition at Palace Hotel, Gstaad.
*2004  Switzerland - "Impromptu" solo exhibition at Palace Hotel, Gstaad.
   - Exhibition at Gallery Delio Romang, Gstaad.
   - Exhibition at Gallery Delio Romang, Lugano.
- Exhibition at Gallery Delio Romang, Gstaad.
   Thailand  - "Bliss" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.
   Denmark - Solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.
- Exhibition at Gallery Delio Romang, Lugano.
Thailand  - "Bliss" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.
Denmark - Solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.
  Singapore - "Trail of the East" exhibition at Opera Gallery.
Singapore - "Trail of the East" exhibition at Opera Gallery.
2005  Hong Kong - Exhibition at Opera Gallery.
*2005  Hong Kong - Exhibition at Opera Gallery.
   Singapore - Exhibition at Opera Gallery.
Singapore - Exhibition at Opera Gallery.
2006  Thailand  - "Cynosure" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok  
*2006  Thailand  - "Cynosure" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok  
   Denmark  - "Temptress" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen  
Denmark  - "Temptress" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen  
Public Collections
==Public Collections==
*Nykredit, Copenhagen.
*Gerling Global Reinsurance, Singapore.
*Bank of Asia, Bangkok.
*The Kuppa, Bangkok.
*The Barbican, Bangkok.
*District Central Pharmacy, Copenhagen.
*Dominick Company AG, Zurich.
*Chulalongkorn Breast Cancer Center, Bangkok.
*DZ Company, Bangkok
Nykredit, Copenhagen.
Gerling Global Reinsurance, Singapore.
Bank of Asia, Bangkok.
The Kuppa, Bangkok.
The Barbican, Bangkok.
District Central Pharmacy, Copenhagen.
Dominick Company AG, Zurich.
Chulalongkorn Breast Cancer Center, Bangkok.
DZ Company, Bangkok
© Elizabeth

Версия 14:04, 12 октября 2008


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Ромхильд Элизабет
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Другие имена: Давидян Элизабет
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таиландская художница Элизабет Ромхильд (Давидян)

Elizabeth's Odyssey Elizabeth Romhild Элизабет Ромхильд is a Danish Armenian, who was born 1960 by an Armenian father and a Danish mother in Frederiksberg, Denmark. She spent her childhood in Teheran, Iran in an Armenian environment, the people of an ancient nation, today an independent country in the Caucasus, famous for their richness of art, culture and ancient churches.

Elizabeth's Danish inheritance of spiritual openness, sincerity and intense fervour has combined the best qualities from both nations and formed the true nature of Elizabeth Romhild, which is a passionate involvement in life and divine freedom!

The quintessence of Elizabeth Romhild's innermost powers and tremendous tensions casts her to paint allegories of life-forces, sometimes even in blazed brushwork or pointillism, as is the case in most of her earlier artworks, where she virtually splits forms, fracturing in a Neo-Impressionists manner, to achieve luminosity, sometimes creating flame like mysterious auras by rhythmic colour transitions from cold to warm royal colours on her formative lusty figures to express an inner sense of magical balance, thus Elizabeth sets her inner volcanic flames sometimes even to ice...

On the one hand she composes simple formal structures and themes, whilst on the other deliberately uses a few expressive, warm and fresh contrasting colours as a means to communicate her innermost and personal warm feelings. Her compositions directly express the power of womanhood. Unlike classical Cubists she renders wax like figures sometimes with gentle feminine caresses, abolishing the classical and geometric, elevating the painting to a spiritual stage, where forms begin to vibrate like bundles of smelting energies. Thus she invites the viewer to the sacred place, involving us to the most private dialogue that has occurred between her and the canvas.

There is no doubt that: Elizabeth Romhild's work is a quest for magical intensity and nobility of the soul. She adds musical instruments and vibrating quality in her colour vocabulary that raises her soul above the physical and primal senses to an aura of noble simplicity with magical quality and enigmatic and mythical aura, which develops to be one of the principal characteristics of her painting.

Elizabeth Romhild - Exhibition Listings

  • 1986 Indonesia - Exhibited "Yayasan Mitra Budaya Indonesia". Jakarta.

- Water colour exhibition at Kalista Gallery, Jakarta.

- Exhibited "Exposisi Cat Air 86" Mitra Budaya, Jakarta.

  • 1988 Indonesia - First One Woman Show in Oils at Duta Fine Arts Gallery.
  • 1996 Thailand - "Depth of Feelings" One Woman Show of Oils and Sketches.
  • 1997 Thailand - The Grand Hyatt Erawan, Bangkok,coincided with the visit to Thailand of H.R.H. Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark.

- Sheraton Grande, Bangkok, Solo Exhibition "Women & Oranges", a new collection of mildly erotic art.

- International Visual Art Exhibition at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok.

- Collection of Oil paintings at Carpediem Gallery, Bangkok.

  • 1998 Thailand - "Women Carnival" solo exhibition at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.

- Group exhibition at Kuppa, Bangkok.

- "Looking Back" a retrospect of all to-date work at 2 Oceans 23 Gallery, Bangkok.

Denmark - "Sensualitet i farver" solo exhibition at Ebeltoft Kunstforening Gallery.

  • 1999 Thailand - "Oriental Mystic", exhibition of inks at 2 Oceans 23, Bangkok.

- December Group Show at 2 Oceans 23, Bangkok.

Denmark - Exhibition of drawings at Gallery Babette, Ebeltoft.

  • 2000 Thailand - "Women & Sensuality" solo exhibition at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.

Denmark - "Elizabeth's Exotic World" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.

  • 2001 Thailand - Preview solo exhibition of latest works at Pacific City Club, Bangkok.

Denmark - "Seduction" solo exhibition of oil paintings at Ebeltoft Kunstforening Gallery in connection with the city's 700 year celebration.

  • 2002 England - Valentine Show at Bloxham Galleries, London.

Thailand - "Fever" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.

Denmark - "Forbidden Fruit" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.

  • 2003 Thailand - "Passion Play" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.
  • 2004 Switzerland - "Impromptu" solo exhibition at Palace Hotel, Gstaad.

- Exhibition at Gallery Delio Romang, Gstaad.

- Exhibition at Gallery Delio Romang, Lugano.

Thailand - "Bliss" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok.

Denmark - Solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen.

Singapore - "Trail of the East" exhibition at Opera Gallery.

  • 2005 Hong Kong - Exhibition at Opera Gallery.

Singapore - Exhibition at Opera Gallery.

  • 2006 Thailand - "Cynosure" solo exhibition at H Gallery, Bangkok

Denmark - "Temptress" solo exhibition at Galerie Knud Grothe, Copenhagen

Public Collections

  • Nykredit, Copenhagen.
  • Gerling Global Reinsurance, Singapore.
  • Bank of Asia, Bangkok.
  • The Kuppa, Bangkok.
  • The Barbican, Bangkok.
  • District Central Pharmacy, Copenhagen.
  • Dominick Company AG, Zurich.
  • Chulalongkorn Breast Cancer Center, Bangkok.
  • DZ Company, Bangkok



