
Общество Красного Креста Армении (ARCS)

2622 байта убрано, 19:19, 5 ноября 2010
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{{unitedt|ID=8998|img=no|dmodify=22.12.2006 12:14:38}}
| имя-ру-01 =ARCS(Общество Красного Креста Армении(ARCS)| имя-ориг =ARCS(Общество Красного Креста Армении)
| имя-анг =ARCS (Armenian Red Cross Society)
| имя-арм =
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация --->
| код организации 1=2
| сокращение =ARCS
| изображение = S8998_1.png
| девиз =
| вид заведения =
| основание дата =1920| основатель =Спандарат Камсаракан
| руководитель =Ms.Arus Mkrtumyan Dr.Mkhitar Mnatsakanyan
| местонахождение=21 Paronian Street,Yerevan, 375015, Republic of Armenia
| тэг 5 =
The Armenian Red Cross Society (acronym: ARCS) was founded on 19 March 1920. The first president of the ARCS was Spandarat Kamsarakan.
The Armenian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Armenia with a countrywide network. The Armenian Red Cross Society has 12 Regional and 60 Community Branches; 295 employees and 11000 members and volunteers. ARCS is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Societies since 1995.
The mission of ARC is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity through:
preventing sufferings by helping people , prepare for and avoid exposure to situations that can increase their vulnerability,
assisting people who suffer a dramatic increase in their vulnerability due to a sudden disasters and crisis,
alleviating sufferings by reducing vulnerability and improving the capacity of people who live constantly in situation where their social-economic security and their dignity are threatened, situation that have been referred as "structural vulnerability".
Current activities
Through 23 ARCS various services have been provided to 62 511 vulnerable people and have been distributed 14 000 food parcels.
ARCS conducts activities in the following fields:
Social service;
Institutional and resource development;
Disaster management;
Charity kitchens: The traditional "Soup Kitchens" project running with the support of the Banden-Wuerttemberg Branch of GRC has restarted its activities providing daily hot meals to 640 vulnerable lonely elderly and handicapped people.
Health: Within the framework of the "Anti-Pediculosis Campaign" around 200 000 children and 52 medical institutions countrywide received medicine.
International Post-Trauma Rehabilitation Center:
Throughout the year have undergone rehabilitation 217 patients, among them 123 with spinal cord injuries. Services were also provided to 306 out-patients
Home visits were paid to 170 patients
Has been put into functioning the new Physiotherapy Department.
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