Петросян Юрий — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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м Petrosyan Yuri i» переименована в «Петросян Юрий»)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
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Yuri Petrosyan
Petrosyan Yuri
most famous experts on stones. Assistant professor of Yerevan Architectural Institute. The experience of collecting minerals, professionalism of a scientist and also fine artistic taste let him for the first time reveal and represent in its variety, rare by their beauty color agates of Armenia. Genre range of his works very large and various - from decorative sculptures of small plastic art to the finest processing of stone. His works were exposed in Yerevan, in the cities of Russia, Czechoslovakia, France. His works surprise us by their extraordinarily, originality, harmony, by their correlation of forms and space.
Петросян Юрий
Yuri Petrosyan
most famous experts on stones. Assistant professor of Yerevan Architectural Institute. The experience of collecting minerals, professionalism of a scientist and also fine artistic taste let him for the first time reveal and represent in its variety, rare by their beauty color agates of Armenia. Genre range of his works very large and various - from decorative sculptures of small plastic art to the finest processing of stone. His works were exposed in Yerevan, in the cities of Russia, Czechoslovakia, France. His works surprise us by their extraordinarily, originality, harmony, by their correlation of forms and space.

Версия 14:28, 26 марта 2008


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Петросян Юрий
Petrosyan Yuri
5277 1.png
На английском: Petrosyan Yuri


Yuri Petrosyan

most famous experts on stones. Assistant professor of Yerevan Architectural Institute. The experience of collecting minerals, professionalism of a scientist and also fine artistic taste let him for the first time reveal and represent in its variety, rare by their beauty color agates of Armenia. Genre range of his works very large and various - from decorative sculptures of small plastic art to the finest processing of stone. His works were exposed in Yerevan, in the cities of Russia, Czechoslovakia, France. His works surprise us by their extraordinarily, originality, harmony, by their correlation of forms and space.



