Петросян Эмин — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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м Petrosyan Emin i» переименована в «Петросян Эмин»)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=4769|dcreate=18.07.2006 13:22:50|dmodify=18.07.2006 13:23:27}}
{{persont|ID=4769|img=no|dcreate=18.07.2006 13:22:50|dmodify=18.07.2006 13:23:27}}
| name-ru-main  = Петросян Эмин
Petrosyan Emin
| name-ru-01    =
| name-ru-02    =
Петросян Эмин
| name-ru-03    =
| name-lat =
| name-en      = Petrosyan Emin
| name-am      =
| name-fr      =
| состояние текста    = 0
| состояние поиска    = 0
| состояние тэгов      = 0
| состояние ссылок    = 0
| флаг чистовик        =
| портрет              =
| дата рождения        = 20.09.1970
| место рождения      = Ереван, Армения
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| краткая информация =
| тэг01 =
| тэг02 =
| тэг03 =
| тэг04 =
| тэг05 =
Emin Petrosyan
Emin Petrosyan
Date and place of birth - 20.09.1970, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Date and place of birth - 20.09.1970, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Строка 61: Строка 79:
Yerevan 375078 Republic of Armenia
Yerevan 375078 Republic of Armenia
Tel.: (374 1) 356967
Tel.: (374 1) 356967
Emin Petrosyan
Emin Petrosyan
Date and place of birth - 20.09.1970, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Date and place of birth - 20.09.1970, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Строка 100: Строка 111:
2001 Concluding exhibition of the First Minor Bronze Sculpture Symposium, National Art Gallery of Armenia - Yerevan
2001 Concluding exhibition of the First Minor Bronze Sculpture Symposium, National Art Gallery of Armenia - Yerevan
2002 Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Artists' Union of Armenia, Honor of Merit - Yerevan, Armenia
2002 Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Artists' Union of Armenia, Honor of Merit - Yerevan, Armenia
Строка 120: Строка 130:
Yerevan 375078 Republic of Armenia
Yerevan 375078 Republic of Armenia
Tel.: (374 1) 356967
Tel.: (374 1) 356967

Версия 14:32, 26 марта 2008


Дополните информацию о персоне
Петросян Эмин
Petrosyan Emin
На английском: Petrosyan Emin
Дата рождения: 20.09.1970
Место рождения: Ереван, Армения


Emin Petrosyan

Date and place of birth - 20.09.1970, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia


1986-1990 Department of Sculpture of the Art College after P. Terlemezyan - Yerevan, Armenia 1990-1996 Department of Sculpture of the Yerevan State Academy of the Fine Arts - Yerevan, Armenia 1992 Attended the seminar of machine-tool graphics organized by Levon Jamkochyan (an Armenian painter living in the USA) 1993-1996 Chairman of the students council at the University


1996-1997 Teacher of Arts at the secondary school of Aygedzor village, Tavush region, Armenia Since 1996 Member of the Artists' Union of Armenia Since 1998 Lecturer of Sculpture at the Yerevan State Academy of the Fine Arts

GROUP EXHIBITIONS 1992 Graphics exhibition organized by "Science" company - Yerevan, Armenia 1994 Fine Arts School after H. Gyurjyan - Gharabagh 1995 Exhibition dedicated to the Independence of Armenia, First Prize-Yerevan, Armenia 1995 Exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, Second Prize - Yerevan, Armenia 1996 XII International Biennale dedicated to "Divina Comedia" (Dante) - Ravenna, Italy 1996-2002 Annual spring and autumn exhibitions at the Artists' Union of Armenia - Yerevan 1998 XIII International Biennale dedicated to "Divina Comedia" (Dante), International Mon-Art Prize of Florence - Gold Medal in the group of Armenian sculptors - Ravenna, Italy 1999 Exhibition "Yerevan-Ravenna '99" - Yerevan 2000 Competition "The best Armenian young sculptor of the century", Third Prize - Yerevan, Armenia 2001 Tour exhibition "Dante in Armenia" - Yerevan, Ravenna 2001 Exhibition dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of adoption of the Christianity as a state religion in Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia 2001 Competition-exhibition of monument models dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of adoption of the Christianity as a state religion in Armenia, to be placed in Vienna, Austria, Encouragement Award - Yerevan, Armenia 2001 Concluding exhibition of the First Minor Bronze Sculpture Symposium, National Art Gallery of Armenia - Yerevan 2002 Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Artists' Union of Armenia, Honor of Merit - Yerevan, Armenia


2001 First Minor Bronze Sculpture Symposium dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of adoption of the Christianity as a state religion in Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia 2001 Stone Sculpture Symposium "Miracles and fairy tales", First Prize - Yerevan, Armenia 2002 Stone Sculpture Second Symposium "Miracles and fairy tales" - Yerevan, Armenia


"XII International Biennale of Dante", Italy '96 "XIII International Biennale of Dante", Italy '98 "Dante in Armenia", Italy 2001 "Artists' Union of Armenia. Contemporary visual arts", Yerevan 2002


Bashinjaghyan str. 8, apt. 7, block 15 Yerevan 375078 Republic of Armenia Tel.: (374 1) 356967

Emin Petrosyan Date and place of birth - 20.09.1970, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia


1986-1990 Department of Sculpture of the Art College after P. Terlemezyan - Yerevan, Armenia 1990-1996 Department of Sculpture of the Yerevan State Academy of the Fine Arts - Yerevan, Armenia 1992 Attended the seminar of machine-tool graphics organized by Levon Jamkochyan (an Armenian painter living in the USA) 1993-1996 Chairman of the students council at the University


1996-1997 Teacher of Arts at the secondary school of Aygedzor village, Tavush region, Armenia Since 1996 Member of the Artists' Union of Armenia Since 1998 Lecturer of Sculpture at the Yerevan State Academy of the Fine Arts

GROUP EXHIBITIONS 1992 Graphics exhibition organized by "Science" company - Yerevan, Armenia 1994 Fine Arts School after H. Gyurjyan - Gharabagh 1995 Exhibition dedicated to the Independence of Armenia, First Prize-Yerevan, Armenia 1995 Exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, Second Prize - Yerevan, Armenia 1996 XII International Biennale dedicated to "Divina Comedia" (Dante) - Ravenna, Italy 1996-2002 Annual spring and autumn exhibitions at the Artists' Union of Armenia - Yerevan 1998 XIII International Biennale dedicated to "Divina Comedia" (Dante), International Mon-Art Prize of Florence - Gold Medal in the group of Armenian sculptors - Ravenna, Italy 1999 Exhibition "Yerevan-Ravenna '99" - Yerevan 2000 Competition "The best Armenian young sculptor of the century", Third Prize - Yerevan, Armenia 2001 Tour exhibition "Dante in Armenia" - Yerevan, Ravenna 2001 Exhibition dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of adoption of the Christianity as a state religion in Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia 2001 Competition-exhibition of monument models dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of adoption of the Christianity as a state religion in Armenia, to be placed in Vienna, Austria, Encouragement Award - Yerevan, Armenia 2001 Concluding exhibition of the First Minor Bronze Sculpture Symposium, National Art Gallery of Armenia - Yerevan 2002 Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Artists' Union of Armenia, Honor of Merit - Yerevan, Armenia


2001 First Minor Bronze Sculpture Symposium dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of adoption of the Christianity as a state religion in Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia 2001 Stone Sculpture Symposium "Miracles and fairy tales", First Prize - Yerevan, Armenia 2002 Stone Sculpture Second Symposium "Miracles and fairy tales" - Yerevan, Armenia


"XII International Biennale of Dante", Italy '96 "XIII International Biennale of Dante", Italy '98 "Dante in Armenia", Italy 2001 "Artists' Union of Armenia. Contemporary visual arts", Yerevan 2002


Bashinjaghyan str. 8, apt. 7, block 15 Yerevan 375078 Republic of Armenia Tel.: (374 1) 356967



