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Версия 13:21, 15 апреля 2008
Закарян Захар
Zakarian Zakary
Zakary Zakarian 1849-1923
Zakarian is a rare figure in the history of art. Having had no special training he achieved great results. Born in Constantinople, Turkey, he got his medical education in Paris and practiced medicine for several years, before fabulous Paris museums inspired him to take up painting
Zakaryan's still-lifes are delicate, yet superbly composed, with intense color and an expressive play of light and shade. In France his paintings were highly regarded by contemporaries, among them Degas, who painted a portrait of the artist in 1885 (D. Weil Collection, Paris). He was awarded two gold medals at international exhibitions and the Legion d'Honneur. During his lifetime his works were acquired by various French museums including the Musee Luxembourg (now in the Musee d 'Orsay).
Zakaryan lived far from his homeland at a time when the Armenian people were suffering their greatest trials and often depicted a glass of water, as if to symbolize his unquenchable nostalgia.
Закарян З. (1849-1923), художник, работавший в жанре натюрморта. Жил в Париже.
Ерканян В.С. Армянская культура в 1800-1917 гг. / Пер. с арм. К.С. Худавердяна. Ер., 1985.
Закар Закарьян
Date of birth: 1849
Place of birth: Constantinople
Date of death: 1923
Place of death: Paris
Scope of activity: artist
He was a doctor and worked at a hospital in Paris. His University of Arts became the Museums in Paris and the studi os of his friends-artist. Some of his works were purchased by the Luxemburg Museum in Paris (Now Museum Orsey) .
National Gallery of Armenia//http://www.gallery.am/viewauthor.php?id=5&id1=&ct_id=1&col=1&a_id=339&langid=1