Бармакьян Берта — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Бармакьян Берта
Бармакьян Берта
Bertha  Barmakian
Bertha  Barmakian
Bertha Barmakian was born in Weehawken and spent her childhood in Millburn, New Jersey. With a degree in both Chemistry and Economics, she studied art in New Jersey and New York. She has received numerous awards for her art work.  
Bertha Barmakian was born in Weehawken and spent her childhood in Millburn, New Jersey. With a degree in both Chemistry and Economics, she studied art in New Jersey and New York. She has received numerous awards for her art work.  
To contact her: Tel: 973-635-5641
To contact her: Tel: 973-635-5641

Версия 17:24, 15 мая 2008


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Бармакьян Берта
Barmakian Bertha
На английском: Barmakian Bertha


Бармакьян Берта Bertha Barmakian Bertha Barmakian was born in Weehawken and spent her childhood in Millburn, New Jersey. With a degree in both Chemistry and Economics, she studied art in New Jersey and New York. She has received numerous awards for her art work. To contact her: Tel: 973-635-5641 http://www.aiwa-net.org/AIWAartists/



