Фонд помощи армянам — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Fund for Armenian ReliefФонд Помощи АрменииFund for Armenian Relief
FAR was founded in response to the devastating earthquake in 1988.
| имя-ру-01      =Фонд Помощи Армении
FAR implements a wide range of programs in Armenia and Karabagh: from emergency relief to construction to education, medical aid, and economic development.
| имя-ориг      =
Since its inception through 2004, FAR has channeled more than $250 million in humanitarian assistance to Armenia.
| имя-анг        =Fund for Armenian Relief
| имя-арм        =
See also
| имя-фра        =
FAR Young Professionals Trip to Armenia is Life-Changing
| состояние текста    = 1
| состояние поиска    = 1
External Links
| состояние тэгов      = 1
http://www.farusa.org - Official Site
| состояние ссылок    = 1
| флаг чистовик        =ё7
<!-- Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,
3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->
| код организации 1=2
FAR was founded in response to the devastating earthquake in 1988.
| сокращение    =
| изображение   =S8209 1.png
  FAR implements a wide range of programs in Armenia and Karabagh: from emergency relief to construction to education, medical aid, and economic development.
| изображение    =S8209 2.png
| девиз          =
  Since its inception, FAR has channeled more than $265 million in humanitarian assistance to Armenia.
| вид заведения =
| основание дата =1988
  FAR's independence and fiscal transparency attracts donors from all groups. These Friends of FAR live across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. While their beliefs may vary, FAR's supporters stand united in their love and care for Armenia.
| основатель    =
| руководитель  =
  Before phasing out a food aid program to Armenia in 2002, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's organization of choice to distribute its food was FAR.
| местонахождение=США
| филиалы        =
  Between 1994 and 2004, FAR's soup kitchens served 5,568,000 meals.  They continue to serve 1,000 people daily.
| адрес          =
| телефон-факс  =
  More than 70 healthcare professionals from Armenia participated in FAR's medical fellowship program between 1991 and 1997.
| эл. почта      =
| ссылка 1       =http://www.farusa.org - Official Site
  Close to 120 outstanding students have received FAR scholarships since 1997 to pursue their specialties.
| ссылка 2      =http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Fund_for_Armenian_Relief
| ссылка 3      =http://www.farusa.org/whoweare_peopleoffar.asp
  FAR's vocational training programs, promoting economic independence and self-sufficiency, have helped nearly 700 adults since 1997.
| тэг 1          =
| тэг 2          =
| тэг 3          =
People of FAR
| тэг 4          =
| тэг 5          =
The dedication and caring spirit of the people behind FAR have made this organization unique and a vital part of the community, both in Armenia and in the Diaspora. Since the devastating earthquake of 1988, their loyalty and vision to help the people of Armenia and give them hope for a brighter future have driven FAR to reach new heights.
We look forward to your visit in our offices and invite you to see our programs in Armenia and Karabagh. Please contact us for updated information concerning our activities helping the Armenian people.
  New York Office
630 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Telephone +1 (212) 889-5150
Fax +1 (212) 889-4849
E-mail far@farusa.org 
  Yerevan Office
Khorenatsi Street 22
Armenia 375010
Telephone +374 (10) 52-66-60
Fax +374 (10) 58-98-17 
   Gyumri Office
236 Abovian Street
Armenia 377504
Telephone +374 (312) 2-40-61
Fax +374 (312) 3-68-11  
  Stepanakert Office
Mirzoyan Street 1
Telephone +374 (71) 4-68-26Fund for Armenian Relief 
Address: 630 Second Ave
new York, NY 10016
Phone: (1 212) 889 5150
Fax: (1 212) 889 4849
URL:  www.farusa.org
Simon Y.Balian
Executive DirectorFAR (Fund for Armenian Relief) 
Address: 22 Khorenatsu Street,
Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Phone: (374 1) 56 11 08, 52 66 60
Fax: (374 1) 58 98 17
E-mail: fark@arminco.com, far@arminco.com
URL:  http://www.farusa.org
Mr.Krikor Tatulian
Mr.Levon Lachilkian
Press Secretary
The Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) was founded after the devastating earthquake, which stuck Northern Armenia in December 1998. As the humanitarian aim of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, it was originally known as the Diocese Fund for Armenian Relief (DFAR). In March 1993, FAR was formally reorganized into a Private Voluntary Organization. It is headquartered in New York City (President - Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Chairman - Kevork S. Hovnanian, Executive Director Simon Y. Balian). FAR has branch offices in Yerevan and representation in Gyumri.  
The Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) was founded after the devastating earthquake, which stuck Northern Armenia in December 1998. As the humanitarian aim of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, it was originally known as the Diocese Fund for Armenian Relief (DFAR). In March 1993, FAR was formally reorganized into a Private Voluntary Organization. It is headquartered in New York City (President - Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Chairman - Kevork S. Hovnanian, Executive Director Simon Y. Balian). FAR has branch offices in Yerevan and representation in Gyumri.  
Строка 105: Строка 47:
Implement projects and programs, which will have long-term positive effects on the economic development of the country.  
Implement projects and programs, which will have long-term positive effects on the economic development of the country.  
Humanitarian programs:
==Humanitarian programs==
FAR is continuing support to its 13 soup kitchens in Yerevan, Gyumri, Ashtarak, Nor Hajn, yeghegnadzor, Goris, Kapan and Meghri, which serve one hot meal daily to 1600 elderly and financially needy people.  
FAR is continuing support to its 13 soup kitchens in Yerevan, Gyumri, Ashtarak, Nor Hajn, yeghegnadzor, Goris, Kapan and Meghri, which serve one hot meal daily to 1600 elderly and financially needy people.  
FAR is sponsoring hundreds of freedom fighters’ orphans to attend Camp Siranush in Yeghegnadzor and the eathqauke orphans of Shirak Province to attend a camp village of Kaps.  
FAR is sponsoring hundreds of freedom fighters’ orphans to attend Camp Siranush in Yeghegnadzor and the eathqauke orphans of Shirak Province to attend a camp village of Kaps.  
Medical Projects
==Medical Projects==
The National Scientific Medical Research Library, which FAR continuously supports with subscription to numerous medical journals, books, videotapes and CDs, is one of the best in the system of the Ministry of Health of Armenia.
The National Scientific Medical Research Library, which FAR continuously supports with subscription to numerous medical journals, books, videotapes and CDs, is one of the best in the system of the Ministry of Health of Armenia.
"Medical English" courses offered by FAR in the library are also successful.  
"Medical English" courses offered by FAR in the library are also successful.  
FAR has renovated and reconstructed Public School No 21 of Gyumri and started to reconstruct school No 8 in Vanadzor,  
FAR has renovated and reconstructed Public School No 21 of Gyumri and started to reconstruct school No 8 in Vanadzor,  
One of the most important events of 2000 was the building of the Children's Center in Zeytoon. The whole building rebuilt and re-furnished. The Center provides help to homeless, runaway or abused children. The Center can provide care to 30 children. Usually this children wait a month for proper placement.  
One of the most important events of 2000 was the building of the Children's Center in Zeytoon. The whole building rebuilt and re-furnished. The Center provides help to homeless, runaway or abused children. The Center can provide care to 30 children. Usually this children wait a month for proper placement.  
Educational projects
==Educational projects==
The Mathevosian Scholarship program is already 4 years old. 40 students are receiving scholarship and are studying free of charge in local colleges. This is an opportunity for financially unstable students to continue receiving education in economy, law and journalism.  
The Mathevosian Scholarship program is already 4 years old. 40 students are receiving scholarship and are studying free of charge in local colleges. This is an opportunity for financially unstable students to continue receiving education in economy, law and journalism.  
Строка 127: Строка 69:
In cultural activities FAR is continuing to support the "Paros" choir of disabled youngsters and the "Datev" children choir.  
In cultural activities FAR is continuing to support the "Paros" choir of disabled youngsters and the "Datev" children choir.  
==New York Office==
630 Second Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA
              December 22, 2006
Telephone +1 (212) 889-5150 Fax +1 (212) 889-4849 E-mail far@farusa.org    
  Armenia becomes partner of European Committee for Standardization
  846 school to be equipped with computers in 2007 
  Anti-trust body warns retailers against price hike 
  Armenia ranks 124th for number of internet users in rating of International Telecommunication Union
  Armenia one of few CIS countries having large foreign trade turnover with EU 
  Armenian do not trust newspaper and TV news
  EBRD gives support to Armenian Inecobank 
Country Gateways
==Yerevan Office==
Khorenatsi Street 22 Yerevan Armenia 375010
Telephone +374 (10) 52-66-60 Fax +374 (10) 58-98-17 
==Gyumri Office==
236 Abovian Street Gyumri Armenia 377504
Fund for Armenian Relief
Telephone +374 (312) 2-40-61 Fax +374 (312) 3-68-11 
FAR was founded in response to the devastating earthquake in 1988.
FAR implements a wide range of programs in Armenia and Karabagh: from emergency relief to construction to education, medical aid, and economic development.
Since its inception through 2004, FAR has channeled more than $250 million in humanitarian assistance to Armenia.
See also
FAR Young Professionals Trip to Armenia is Life-Changing
External Links
http://www.farusa.org - Official Site
==Stepanakert Office==
Mirzoyan Street 1 Stepanakert Karabagh
Telephone +374 (71) 4-68-26Fund for Armenian Relief
Fund for Armenia Relief - Features information about projects and news.
Mr.Krikor Tatulian  Director
Fund For Armenian Relief (http://www.farusa.org)
Mr.Levon Lachilkian Press Secretary
"The Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) was founded after the devastating earthquake which struck North-Western Armenia in December 1988. As the humanitarian arm of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, it was originally known as the Diocesan Fund for Armenia's Recovery (DFAR). In February 1993, FAR was formally reorganized into a Private Voluntary. FAR is headquartered in New York City and has branch offices in Yerevan and Gyumri, Armenia as well as Stepanakert in Nagorno Karabagh. Since its inception, FAR has channeled over $200 million in humanitarian assistance to Armenia." Its English language site provides reports, links, discussions of humanitarian assistance and documentation of ongoing relief programs.

Версия 20:20, 18 сентября 2008


Дополните информацию об организации

Фонд Помощи Армении
Fund for Armenian Relief
S8209 2.png
Дата основания: 1988
Ссылки: http://www.farusa.org - Official Site http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Fund_for_Armenian_Relief


The Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) was founded after the devastating earthquake, which stuck Northern Armenia in December 1998. As the humanitarian aim of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, it was originally known as the Diocese Fund for Armenian Relief (DFAR). In March 1993, FAR was formally reorganized into a Private Voluntary Organization. It is headquartered in New York City (President - Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Chairman - Kevork S. Hovnanian, Executive Director Simon Y. Balian). FAR has branch offices in Yerevan and representation in Gyumri.

Since its inception FAR has implemented projects valued at more than 180 mln. USD, while keeping its management, fundraising and other expenses at less than two percent of the value of its operation.

The goals of FAR are:

Provide short-term emergency relief to those in need; Implement projects and programs, which will have long-term positive effects on the economic development of the country.

Humanitarian programs

FAR is continuing support to its 13 soup kitchens in Yerevan, Gyumri, Ashtarak, Nor Hajn, yeghegnadzor, Goris, Kapan and Meghri, which serve one hot meal daily to 1600 elderly and financially needy people. FAR is sponsoring hundreds of freedom fighters’ orphans to attend Camp Siranush in Yeghegnadzor and the eathqauke orphans of Shirak Province to attend a camp village of Kaps.

Medical Projects

The National Scientific Medical Research Library, which FAR continuously supports with subscription to numerous medical journals, books, videotapes and CDs, is one of the best in the system of the Ministry of Health of Armenia. "Medical English" courses offered by FAR in the library are also successful.


FAR has renovated and reconstructed Public School No 21 of Gyumri and started to reconstruct school No 8 in Vanadzor, One of the most important events of 2000 was the building of the Children's Center in Zeytoon. The whole building rebuilt and re-furnished. The Center provides help to homeless, runaway or abused children. The Center can provide care to 30 children. Usually this children wait a month for proper placement.

Educational projects

The Mathevosian Scholarship program is already 4 years old. 40 students are receiving scholarship and are studying free of charge in local colleges. This is an opportunity for financially unstable students to continue receiving education in economy, law and journalism. It is very important to continue the educational programs of elder orphans, who have graduated from the orphanage and would like to continue their education.

Under the auspices of FAR the ANSEF was organized to stop the brain drain of scientists. The special committee has already received 80 scientific research projects from scientists to review and award grants to the best.

In cultural activities FAR is continuing to support the "Paros" choir of disabled youngsters and the "Datev" children choir.

New York Office

630 Second Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA

Telephone +1 (212) 889-5150 Fax +1 (212) 889-4849 E-mail far@farusa.org

Yerevan Office

Khorenatsi Street 22 Yerevan Armenia 375010

Telephone +374 (10) 52-66-60 Fax +374 (10) 58-98-17

Gyumri Office

236 Abovian Street Gyumri Armenia 377504

Telephone +374 (312) 2-40-61 Fax +374 (312) 3-68-11

Stepanakert Office

Mirzoyan Street 1 Stepanakert Karabagh

Telephone +374 (71) 4-68-26Fund for Armenian Relief

Mr.Krikor Tatulian Director

Mr.Levon Lachilkian Press Secretary