Геруни Парис Мисакович — различия между версиями
Vgabdulin (обсуждение | вклад) |
Vgabdulin (обсуждение | вклад) |
Строка 26: | Строка 26: | ||
| тэг03 = конструктор | | тэг03 = конструктор | ||
| тэг04 = лауреат Государственных премий Армении и СССР | | тэг04 = лауреат Государственных премий Армении и СССР | ||
− | | тэг05 = | + | | тэг05 = Лауреат Государственной премии СССР |
}} | }} | ||
Версия 14:24, 26 июня 2009
Геруни Парис Мисакович | |
![]() | |
Дата рождения: | 17.12.1933 |
Место рождения: | Ереван, Армения |
Краткая информация: Радиофизик |
Р. 17.12.1933, Ереван. Чл.-корр. АН АрмССР (1982). Член КПСС (1960). Д.т.п. (1973), проф. (1983). Гл. констр. радиотех. систем.
Окончил Московский энергетический ин-т (1957).
Специалист в области радиофизики, антенных систем и ан-генных измерений. Окончил Московский энергетический пп-т (1957). Директор ВНИИРИ (с 1971), руководитель Гос. эталонного центра СССР по антенным измерениям (с 1957), зав.базовой каф. ЕрПИ им. К. Маркса (1983). Награжден орденом Трудового Красного Знамени.
Действительные члены (Академики)
Геруни Парис Мисакович ( Радиотехнические системы )
Образование,ученая степень,звание:
Сфера исследований: Радиофизика, радиотехника, радиоголография, метрология.
Членство в академиях и научных обществах: Член ряда академий и международных обществ.
Должность: Зав. кафедрой (с 1983) ГИУА. Генеральный директор НИИ радиофизики (с 2000).
Специализация: Радиотехнические системы
Другая информация: Преподаватель ЕГУ (1960-1962), препод., доц. (1963-1990) ГИУА, директор НИИ радиофизических измерений (1971-2000).
П.М. Геруни (1933) (Армения)
Видный конструктор и учёный-радиотехник, академик АН Армении, лауреат Государственных премий Армении и СССР, Международной премии за лучшую работу в области антенн, Главный конструктор и директор НИИ радиотехнических измерений.
Признанный специалист в области радиолокации.
Основоположник нового научно-технического направления - метрологии антенны.
Создатель первого в мире радиооптического телескопа (его большая антенна среди всех больших антенн мира является наиболее точной, коротковолновой, остронаправленной и дешевой).
Автор первых отечественных антенн субмиллиметрового диапазона.
Автор 300 научных трудов и 25 изобретений.
Labour Activities:
1983 - present - Head of “Antenna Systems” chair (found by him), in State Engineering University, Yerevan.
1971 - present - Director, from 1983 President of All-Union Radio physics Measurement Research Institute in Yerevan (found by him), from 1991 – Radio physics Research Institute (RRI).
1968 – 1971 - Director of Armenian Radio physics Department (found by him) of All-Union Physics-Technical and Radio technical Research Institute (Moscow).
1960 – 1968 - Deputy Director and Chief of Division of Radio physics and Electronics Institute (found by him).
1957 - 1960 - Radio engineer, Scientific Worker and Chief of Radio physics Constructing Bureau (found by him) in Byurakan Astrophysical ObservatoryRadio engineer, Scientific Worker and Chief of Radio physics Constructing Bureau (found by him) in Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory.
1951 – 1957 - Radio technical Department of Moscow Power Institute.
1941 – 1951 - School in Yerevan.
Scientific Degrees and Titles: 2001 – Member of Armenian Technological Academy 2001 – Member of International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences (IAELPS) 1999 – Member of Armenian Engineering Academy 1996 – Member of Armenian National Academy of Sciences 1983 – Professor (Radio physics) 1982 – Correspond.- Member of Armenian Academy of Sciences 1972 – Doctor of Sci. (Radio techniques, defend of degree in Moscow) 1968 – Associate Professor, State Engineering University, Yerevan 1965 – Ph D (Radio techniques, defend of degree in Moscow)
Scientific and Technological Activities: He founded a few the first in world scientific directions, which are receipted now and in use in developed countries. There are:
in theory: 1. Theory and calculation Method of the Large Double mirror Antennas with Fixed Spherical Main Mirror. 2. Theory and equations of electromagnetic field diffraction on the holes (apertures) of different configurations. 3. Radio holography - Methods of field determination in space by measurements of complex field near (NF) of the emitting or scattering objects. 4. Methods of Near–to-Far (NF - FF) measurements of antennas and scattering objects parameters. 5. Theory of field diffraction in antenna edges when illuminates the part of main aperture. 6. The Antenna Metrology direction.
in experiment: 7. Projected, built, adjusted and used the First Radio-Optical Telescope (ROT-54/2.6) – the “Herouni Mirror Radio telescope” – the Large Antenna of which with diameter 54 m have the best parameters among all Large Antennas in World. 8. Having exceptional low level of ROT-54/2.6 Self Noises he disavows the existence of so called “background emission” and cosmogonic theory of Universe born by “Big Band”. 9. He espies the powerful radio-flare on Etta Gemini star, the red giant and the powerful flares on which kind of stars were unknown. 10. Received (measured) the first in World Radio Hologram, in aperture of an antenna. Projected and built many high effective Automatic Complexes of equipment for NF –FF Antenna Measurements. 11. Projected and built Antenna Parameters and Phase Shift Angle the eleven first in World National Primary Standards. 12. The “AREV” Project of the new type of powerful and ecologically pure Solar Power Plant. He proved that prehistoric stone Monument in Armenia was the first and large Observatory “Carahunge” and using astronomical methods obtained that the age of it is more than 7500 years.
Publications: 346 published scientific works, including 225 printed ones, 2 monographs and 21 patents.
Scientific – Public Activities: He founded: 1978 - 1990 – Periodical (once per 3 years) five All-Union Conferences on Antenna Measurements in RRI, Yerevan 1983 - present – Antenna Systems Chair in State Engineering University, Yerevan 1983 - present – Research Students School in RRI 1979 - present – Specialized Scientific Council of RRI on Scientific Degrees of PhD and D.Sci. Confirmation 1975 - present – State Standard Centre on Antenna Measurements of RRI, which now called RRI Aragats Scientific Centre 1972 - present – Experimental Plant “Wave” of RRI in Yerevan 1971 - present – All-Union Radio Physics Measurement Research Institute (RMI) in Yerevan, which from 2000 present called Radio physics Research Institute (RRI) 1960 - 1971 – Armenian Department of Physics-Technical and Radio-Technical Research Institute in Moscow 1960 - operates till now – Radio Physics and Electronics Institute of Armenian Acad. of Sci 1958 - 1960 – Radio physical Constructional Bureau in Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory
Awards: 2002 – Lomonosov’s gold Medal of IAELPS 1997 – Bronze Medal of France Foreign Ministry 1991 – Antenna Prize of IEE-URSI (GB) for the work “The First Radio-Optical Telescope” 1988 – Medal of Labour Veteran 1986 – State Prize of USSR in field of Science 1985 – State Prize of Armenia in field of Science 1984 – Silver Medal of Catholicos of all Armenians, Vazgen I 1983 – Order of Labour Red Banner 1980 – Gold Medal of All-Union Industrial Exhibition in Moscow 1970 – Medal “For Prowess Labour”
- Д.т.н. (1972)
- проф. (1983)
- ак. (1996, чл.-корр. 1982)
- Лауреат Гос. премии СССР (1985)
- Лауреат Гос. премии АрмССР (1986)
- Лауреат IEE-URSI (1991)
- орден Трудового Красного Знамени
- медаль им. М.Ломоносова
- медаль Международной академии экологии (2002)
- АН Арм.ССР. Персональный состав. 1943-1983. Е.,1984.