Центр культуры Норуйт имени Ара Оганяна (Ереван) — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Версия 22:12, 22 ноября 2010


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Центр культуры Норуйт имени Ара Оганяна (Ереван)
Cultural Center Noruyt after Ara Ohanyan (Yerevan)
Руководитель при регистрации: Директор:Ара Оганян
Адрес: ул.Мамиконянц 56а, кв.6, Ереван, 375051, Республика Армения
Телефон/Факс: (374 1) 23 91 93

Cultural Center Noruyt after Ara Ohanyan (Yerevan) Cultural Center Noruyt after Ara Ohanyan

Noruit Cultural Center was established in Yerevan on August 19, 1992 and is registered at the Ministry of Justice.

The mission of Noruit according to its charter, is to popularize Ara Ohanyan as a painter-potter around the world, by presenting him as an exceptional phenomenon of the 20th century. One of the priorities is also the development and the promotion of Armenian ceramics.

The main objectives of the organization are: To maintain and to bring to universal popularity the artists with exceptional talent and potential; To create cultural atmosphere in the urban districts by the use of the potential of the artists living and creating in the districts, with participation of the local teenagers, through the efficient use of the spare time of these children, with the realization of their ideas and furthering of their skill development; To attract the children who are left out of school and family control into the cultural sector; To make the life of the children interesting by organizing excursions; To inspire both the children and their parents to stay loyal to their state religion, Armenian Apostolic Church; To disseminate in the society, the idea of spiritual integrity; To conduct sociological surveys and to support the poor.