Фонд гражданского и общественного развития — различия между версиями

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Foundation for Civil and Social Development (NGO) Фонд Гражданского и Общественного Развития"Foundation for Civil and Social Development" NGO  
| имя-ру-01      = Фонд Гражданского и Общественного Развития
| имя-ориг      =
About the "Foundation for Civil and Social Development" NGO    Mission Statement  Board and Management  Projects and Activities  Partners  Mission Statement  To support the formation, strengthening and natural development of democracy, civil society and free market economy in Armenia, to provide objective, comparable and updated information on economic, political and social problems to citizens, support their social activity, increase their civil consciousness and protection of legal and human right.     Board and Management      The management bodies of the FCSD are:  Council of trustees.  Chairman of the FCSD Samvel A. Mkhitaryan  Executive body.  Executive director Mkrtich R. Anushyan     Projects and Activities      In order to realize its mission and statutory tasks, the FCSD has carried out practical researches concerning the economy and political field of Armenia, organized and participated in seminars, round tables and discussions, cooperated with governmental and non-governmental structures, supported their activities in appropriate spheres, etc.    In particular, the FCSD staff and its representatives participated in the following activities and projects.  Protection of human rights, particularly, the right to elect, be elected and be informed.  To protect rights of citizens to elect, be elected and be informed in the framework of the activities of the Foundation related to publication and distribution of comparative materials of programs and ideologies of the local political parties, analyzed the published programs of political parties of various developed countries, drew up the classification methodology of the local parties and appropriate characterizing questions, which differentiate political parties according to their directions concerning political, economic and other problems. To discuss the developed corresponding methods and issues of this project, a number of meetings and round tables were organized by the Foundation.  The FCSD now is preparing a Directory of political Parties of Armenia in the framework of the small grant of the US Embassy in the RA for presenting the objective, comparable and updated information about the official approaches and attitudes of Armenian political parties on important and essential economic, political, social, civil, etc problems and issues.  The Foundation took a direct participation in the preparatory works for the first seminar organized by the IFES Armenian office in February 13, 2003, where rights of the observers and other related questions were presented to the local observers' organizations for the 2003 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.  The representatives of the Foundation took part in the first and second stages of Armenian Presidential elections as local observers and presented their conclusion on the positive and negative sides to the Central Electoral Commission as well as in discussions organized by the ACCNGO.  Business Development and protection of rights of Small and Medium Enterprises.  Since August 2002 to present the representatives of the Foundation as a member of the UBSO took part in its activities for developing mechanisms to protect rights of the Small and Medium Enterprises.  Within the scope of these works, representatives of the Foundation took part in round tables and discussions. They researched, analyzed, discussed and presented during the round tables problems of Small and Medium Enterprises on financing and crediting as well as stock market related issues and possible solutions. The relevant materials were also published by the UBSO in "Alliance" business periodical.  Development of Separate Regional Units.  The Foundation drafted a model project and a model plan for the development of economies and small and medium businesses in separate regional and self-government bodies. These documents were presented to a number of organizations and were elaborated after appropriate discussions. By means of applying the suggested principles, the socio-economic development data for Shirak region and Gyumri city were analyzed. The results of the analysis were used by the Armenian State Contractual Project Institute to draft the principle blueprint of Shirak region and Gyumri city development. The representatives of the Foundation also acted as consultants for the drawing up the blueprint in the field of business economic issues.  Anti-Corruption Struggle  As a member of the ACCNGO, the Foundation participates in discussions and other measures organized by the Coalition for the purpose of developing comments and recommendations on the Government anti-corruption strategy. Gender Issues   The Foundation cooperates with ''Women Forum'' and ''Anti-Cancer Union'' NGOs and provides them methodological and consulting support to develop and implement gender-related projects. The Foundation provided methodological support to ''Anti-Cancer Union'' NGO in designing its project on prevention of the women internal organs disease in its initial stage. The Foundation took part in the meetings and seminars organized by the ''Women Forum'' and made presentations on preparing grant projects, women enterprise development, etc.    Partners      ''Spectrum'' Center for Strategic Analysis, Director Gayane Novikova;  Caucasus Center of Conflict Resolution with Non-Traditional Methods (CCCRNTM), Director Artyush Mkrtchyan;  Gyumri Development Foundation, Chairman Armen darbinyan;  Union of Business Support Organizations (UBSO), Director Yura Simonyan;  Anti-Corruption Coalition of NGOs' of Armenia (ACCNGO), Chairman Amalia Kostanyan; Foundation for Small and Medium Businesses, Chairman Gagik Poghosyan  International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), Armenian office. Union of the Young Lowers of Armenia, Chairman Karen Zadoyan; Council of Public Services, Chairman Armen Poghosyan
| имя-анг        = Foundation for Civil and Social Development (NGO)
| имя-арм        = Քաղաքացիական և սոցիալական զարգացման հիմնադրամ ՀԿ
| имя-фра        =
| состояние текста    = 1
| состояние поиска    = 1
| состояние тэгов     = 1
| состояние ссылок     = 1
| флаг чистовик        =
<!-- Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,
3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->
| код организации 1=2
| сокращение    =
| изображение    =
| девиз          =
| вид заведения = общественная организация
| основание дата =
| основатель    =
| руководитель   = Мхитарян Самвел - президент
| местонахождение= Армения
| филиалы        =
| адрес          = РА, Ереван, Норк 2-ой массив, Тотовенц 13, кв. 24
| телефон-факс  = (+37410) 625375, 586406
| эл. почта      = fsmb@post.com; anushyan@yahoo.com; sammkhitar@yahoo.com
| ссылка 1      =
| ссылка 2      =
| тэг 1          =
| тэг 2          =
| тэг 3          =
| тэг 4          =
| тэг 5          =

Версия 15:26, 23 ноября 2010


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Фонд Гражданского и Общественного Развития
Foundation for Civil and Social Development (NGO)
Քաղաքացիական և սոցիալական զարգացման հիմնադրամ ՀԿ
Вид заведения: общественная организация
Руководитель при регистрации: Мхитарян Самвел - президент
Адрес: РА, Ереван, Норк 2-ой массив, Тотовенц 13, кв. 24
Телефон/Факс: (+37410) 625375, 586406
Эл. почта: fsmb@post.com; anushyan@yahoo.com; sammkhitar@yahoo.com