Магакян Виктор — различия между версиями

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{{persont|ID=12387|dcreate=26.01.2007 19:01:44|dmodify=26.01.2007 19:02:36}}
| name-ru-main  = Магакьян Виктор
| name-ru-main  = Магакьян Виктор

Версия 19:10, 4 июня 2011

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Магакьян Виктор







Магакьян Виктор


As a Marine gunnery sergeant, Victor Maghakian participated in some of the bloodiest fighting in the South Pacific during World War II. He was a member of Lt. Col. Evans F. Carlson's famed Second raider Battalion and participated in a raid on a Japanese garrison on Makin Island, August 17, 1942. Maghakian was the first casualty of the landing force during the raid but insisted on returning to the front after receiving medical Aid. The invasion was later the basis of the movie "Gung Ho." For Maghakian's skill and bravery, he was awarded the Navy Cross, second only to the Medal of Honor in importance. In December, 1942, he was wounded again as his battalion battled the Japanese in the Solomon' Islands. He was discharged from active service in 1946 as a captain. He returned to Fresno and later lived in Las Vegas where he served on the Nevada State Game Control Board. Maghakian, who died in 1977, was one of the most decorated soldiers in World War II, receiving over two dozen medals for heroism including two Silver Stars, the Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts.