Купелян Ани — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=3923|img=no|dcreate=28.06.2006 23:18:44|dmodify=13.07.2006 23:46}}
| name-ru-main  = Купельян Эн
| name-ru-main  = Купельян Эн

Версия 19:12, 4 июня 2011

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Купельян Эн
Kupelian Ani
На английском: Kupelian Ani
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Ani Kupelian, born in Beirut, Lebanon, now lives and creates in Los Angeles. Her sculptures and installations vary in scope, scale, and feel. Enter her site through the Trespass Gate: http://www.anikupelian.org

Ani Kupelian is a self-taught artist, of Armenian descent, who was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1948. She left civil war-plagued Lebanon, where she had studied and worked as an accountant until 1976, to live and work as an artist in California. Her sculptures and installations vary in scope and scale. She utilizes a large range of media. Her art has been described as bold, monumental, minimal, expressive, theatrical, simple, dazzling, calm, beguiling, chilling by art critics in Los Angeles.



