Строка 21: |
Строка 21: |
| | основатель = Лос-Анжелес, США | | | основатель = Лос-Анжелес, США |
| | руководитель = Ханджян Завен, президент (Zaven Khanjian) | | | руководитель = Ханджян Завен, президент (Zaven Khanjian) |
− | | местонахождение= Глендейл, Калифорния, США | + | | местонахождение= Глендейл, США |
| | адрес = 360 бул. В. Гленокс, 302, Глендейл, Калифорния 90202, США | | | адрес = 360 бул. В. Гленокс, 302, Глендейл, Калифорния 90202, США |
| | филиалы = | | | филиалы = |
Текущая версия на 06:14, 2 сентября 2011
Дополните информацию об организации
Фонд "Армения" (США)
Armenia Fund (USA)
Дата основания:
Лос-Анжелес, США
Руководитель при регистрации:
Ханджян Завен, президент (Zaven Khanjian)
360 бул. В. Гленокс, 302, Глендейл, Калифорния 90202, США
1 (818) 2436222; Факс: (1 818) 243 7222
Эл. почта:
Текст на английском языкеEstablished in 1994 in Los Angeles, California, Armenia Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-governmental, non-political corporation. Serving as the United States’ Western Region affiliate of the “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund along with its nineteen affiliates around the world, Armenia Fund, Inc. has implemented over $120 million of infrastructure development assistance and humanitarian aid for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, along with its nineteen worldwide affiliates, was established in the early 1990s to assist the development of the Republic of Armenia by uniting the resources of Armenian communities around the world. The endeavor was based on the idea of “national giving”- Armenians around the world would collectively extend financial help to their newly independent ancestral homeland to rebuild the shattered infrastructure and ensure the survival and prosperity of Armenia.
Political upheavals of the 20th century forced Armenians to flock to California from numerous countries around the world: from modern day Turkey and Armenia after the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and the fall of the First Republic in 1920; from the Middle East in the 1970s; from Iran in the 1980s and from Armenia in the 1990s. Having established within the American society, Armenians gradually formed cultural, religious, and political organizations.
Since California has the largest concentration of Armenians outside of Armenia (anywhere from 500,000 to 700,000), the Hayastan All-Armenia Fund established an office in the Los Angeles metropolitan region to service the Armenian-American community west of the Mississippi.
On March 29 1994, Armenia Fund, Inc. was officially incorporated within the state of California by Secretary of State Tony Miller. Immediately following its incorporation, the Internal Revenue Service granted Armenia Fund with a 501 (c) (3) status. With this status, Armenia Fund Inc. is exempt from income taxes and thus all donations made to the organization are tax-deductible as delineated by law.
Berj Boyajian spearheaded the efforts early on by rallying major Armenian-American organizations and churches for resources needed to effectively establish an office. Mr. Boyajian set a firm foundation that enabled the organization to grow and strive on a daily basis.
Following the end of his tenure, Rafi Ourfalian, Esq. was elected the chairman in 1995. Under Ourfalian’s leadership, Armenia Fund embarked on original methods of fundraising: via the Telethon. Building on the merits of Ourfalian’s leadership, Zaven Khanjian followed in 1999. After two years of successful growth, Mr. Tomik Alexanian led the organization from 2001-2003.
Since March 2004, Armenia Fund has been led by Maria Mehranian, the first women to be elected to the position. Maria Mehranian is also the Managing Partner and Chief Financial Officer of Cordoba Corporation, a major urban planning and engineering firm based in Los Angeles.
As it stands today, Armenia Fund, Inc. has greatly expanded its presence in the states west of the Mississippi. With active chapters in Fresno and San Francisco, Armenia Fund continues to grow in communities further away from Los Angeles. Most recently, Armenia Fund’s support base grew larger, thanks to Armenian-American communities in Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, Texas, Utah and Washington.
After the decade of combined efforts, Armenia Fund has become a premier fundraising organization that rallies the resources of the entire Diaspora and directs them to Armenia and Karabakh for humanitarian relief and infrastructure development. Armenia Fund and its affiliates have been able to raise over $120 million over the last decade. Continuing on this trend, the global family of Armenia Fund successfully raise over $11.5 million during its Telethon 2004 in November. The funds raised more than doubled 2003’s total breaking an all-time fundraising record in the Armenian Diaspora.
Project by project, village by village, Armenia Fund, Inc. together with a support base of over 35,000 Armenians in states west of the Mississippi, is ensuring a brighter future for the people of Armenia and Karabakh.Affiliates
Hayastan Foundation Canada Inc
5005 Steeles Avenue East, Suite 208
Toronto , M1V 5K1 , Canada
ph: (416) 332 0787
fax: (416) 332 - 0736
email: migomigo@sympatico.ca
website: www.himnadram.org
creation date: 1992
Fondation Hayastan Canada Inc
2340 Lucerne Avenue #30
V.M.R. , H3R 2J8 , Canada
ph: (514) 368 - 4217
fax: (514) 368 - 8756
email: gmanouk@attglobal.net
Armenia Fund, Inc.
111 North Jackson Street, Suite 205
Glendale , 91206 , United States
ph: (818) 243-6222
toll free: (800) 888-8897
fax: (818) 243-7222
email: info@ArmeniaFund.org
website: www.ArmeniaFund.org
creation date: 1994
Корпоративный совет
Текст на английском языке
Honorary Board Member
Consul General of the Republic of Armenia of Los Angeles
Armenian Assembly of America
Armenian Cultural Foundation
Armenian Catholic Exarchate of North America
Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
Armenian General Benevolent Union
Armenian Relief Society – Western Region
Nor Serount Cultural Association
Tekeyan Cultural Association of America
- Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
- Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of North America
Armenia Fund, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation established in 1994 to facilitate large-scale humanitarian and infrastructure development assistance to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia Fund, Inc. is the U.S. Western Region affiliate of “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund.
Tax ID# 95-4485698
Armenia Fund USA
152 Madison Avenue, Suite 803 New York , 10016 , United States
ph: (212) 689-5307
toll free: (866) HIMNADRAM or (866) 446-6237 fax: (212) 689-5317 email: info@ArmeniaFundUSA.org
website: www.ArmeniaFundUSA.org
creation date: 1992
Armenien Fond Osterreich - Komitee
Kolonitzgasse 11 Vienna , A-1030 , Austria
ph: (43-1) 505 - 41 - 47 email: di_b.hartunian@chello.at
Fund Hayastan - Bulgaria
11 August St. 29 Sofia , 1000 , Bulgaria
ph: (35-92) 54 - 79 - 70 fax: (35 92) 52 - 60 - 46
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Cyprus
47 Armenias Street Acropolis Nicosia , CY - 1515 , Cyprus
ph: (357-22) 33 - 83 - 14 fax: (357-22) 49 - 27 - 50
Fonds Armenien de France
B.P.12, 75660 Paris, Cedex 14 , France
ph: (33-1) 48 83 51 06 fax: (33-1) 48 83 53 86 email: info@fondsarmenien.net website:
Armenien-Fonds e.V.
Forststrasse - 10 Riemerling , 85521 , Germany
ph: (49-89) 63 - 62 - 52 - 82 fax: (49-89) 66 - 08 - 65 - 28 email: gilbert.moumdjian@gmx.de
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Great Britain
23 Norman Way West Action , W3 OAS , Great Britain
ph: (44-17) 842 - 52 - 619 fax: (44-17) 842 - 40 - 213
Fondo Armeno Hayastan Komitato Italiano
Corte Zappa Dorsoduro Venezia , 1602-30123 , Italy
ph: (39-041) 522 - 50 - 56 fax: (39-041) 522 - 42 - 25
Armenie Fonds Nederland
Het Schol 17 Almelo , 7608 DT , Netherlands
ph: (31-546) 86 - 01 - 23 fax: (31-546) 86 - 31 - 90 email: nsepojans@hetnet.nl
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Sweden
P.O. Box 25107 Uppsala , 75025 , Sweden ph: (46-18) 40 - 46 - 79 fax: (46-18) 24 - 58 - 69 email: k_ohanjanian@hotmail.com
Comite Suisse Du Fonds Armenie
2 Chemin Luilin Troinex , 1256 , Switzerland
ph: (41-21) 728 - 51 - 61 email: avedis_kizirian@hotmail.com
Fundo Nacional Armenia
Armenia 1353 Buenos Aires , 1414 , Argentina
ph: (54-114) 545 - 10 - 05 fax: (54-114) 508 - 64 - 25 email: Jvartparonian@tipoiti.com
Fundo Armenia do Brazil
Rua Sao Luiz, 192 - 18th And. Sao Paulo , 01046-000 , Brazil
ph: (55-11) 3107 - 01 - 31 fax: (55-11) 3105 - 54 - 22 email: fundoarmenia@uol.com.br
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Chile
Santiago , Chile
ph: (5632) 61 - 21 - 42 fax: (5632 ) 61 - 21 - 80
Fondo Nacional Armenia "Hayastan"
Casilla de Correo 13157, Distrito 13 Montevideo , Uruguay
ph: (598-2) 208 12 47 fax: (598-2) 209 78 88
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Venezuela
Caracas , Venezuela
ph: (58 02) 561 - 25 - 86 fax: (58 02) 563 - 93 - 09
Fund Hayastan - Australia
P.O. Box 694 Chatswood NSW , 2067 , Australia
ph: (02) 9419-8056 fax: (02) 9413-1709 email: armenian@idx.com.au
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Lebanon
P.O.Box 11-0769 Riad El-Solh, Beirut , Lebanon
ph: (9611) 26 - 50 - 40 fax: (9615) 26 - 05 - 16 email: chart@cyberia.net.lb