Рассел Джеймс Роберт — различия между версиями
Abrutyan (обсуждение | вклад) (→Биография) |
Ssayadov (обсуждение | вклад) (→Достижения) |
Строка 93: | Строка 93: | ||
*Профессор | *Профессор | ||
*доктор философии | *доктор философии | ||
+ | ==Видео== | ||
+ | *[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN6LCODsl5M Literary Luminaries] | ||
+ | *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avdqcQfl3Vo#t=26 VARDANANK by Vardan Hovanessian N17(Arm.History-Falsification) James Russell. /2002/] | ||
=Библиография= | =Библиография= | ||
*Ziabariby Kourosh, "Interview with Prof. James Russell: Iran should return to its former global position again", Ovi magazine, 2008-12-30 | *Ziabariby Kourosh, "Interview with Prof. James Russell: Iran should return to its former global position again", Ovi magazine, 2008-12-30 |
Версия 10:16, 6 января 2015
Джеймс Роберт Рассел - профессор армянских исследований Департамента Ближнего Востока Языков и цивилизаций в Гарвардском университете.
Доктор Рассел получил образование в Бронксе в Высшей школе науки в Нью-Йорке, Колумбийском университете, Оксфордском университете.
Он получил степень доктора философии в Лондонском университете в Школе восточных и африканских исследований (СОАС) под руководством д-ра Мэри Бойс. Его кандидатская диссертация на тему " Зороастризм в Армении", в 1982 была опубликована Harvard University Press.
Преподавал в Колумбийском университете, в Департаменте Ближнего Востока. Работал на кафедре арменоведения и ближневосточных языков и цивилизаций Гарвардского университета (с 1993 года).
Доктор Рассел является членом исполнительных комитетов Центра Дэвиса по изучению России и Евразии в Гарвардском университете. Он преподавал и читал лекции в Армении, Индии и Иране и в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете.
Организовал и провел международный симпозиум в ознаменование 1600-летия Св. Месропа Маштоца, изобретателя армянского алфавита.
Написал перевод, и проанализировал эзотерические, мистические и духовные аспекты в писаниях Григория Нарекаци, является автором многочисленных статей для энциклопедии Iranica.
Он опубликовал много работ в журналах, и написал несколько книг.
- Zoroastrianism in Armenia (Harvard Iranian Series, 1987), ISBN 0-674-96850-6
- Hovhannes Tlkurantsi and the Mediaeval Armenian Lyric Tradition (University of Pennsylvania Armenian Series, 1987), ISBN 0-89130-930-6
- The Heroes of Kasht (Kasti K'Ajer): An Armenian Epic (Ann Arbor: Caravan, 2000), ISBN 0-88206-099-6
- The Book of Flowers (Belmont, Massachusetts: Armenian Heritage Press, 2003), ISBN 0-935411-17-8
- Armenian and Iranian Studies (selected articles, in Harvard Armenian Texts and Studies, 2004), ISBN 0-935411-19-4
- Bosphorus Nights: The Complete Lyric Poems of Bedros Tourian (Harvard Armenian Texts and Studies, 2006), ISBN 0-935411-22-4
- "Problematic Snake Children of Armenia", REArm 25, 1994–1995, pp. 77–96
- "On Mysticism and Esotericism amongst the Zoroastrians", Iranian Studies 26.1-2, 1993, pp. 73–94
- "The Mother of All Heresies: A Late Mediaeval Armenian Text on the Yushkaparik , REArm 24, 1993, pp. 273-293
- "The Armenian Shrines of the Black Youth (t'ux manuk)", Le Muséon 111.3-4, 1998, pp. 319-343
- "Polyphemos Armenios", REArm 26, 1996-1997, pp. 25-38
- "An Epic for the Borderlands: Zariadris of Sophene, Aslan the Rebel, Digenes Akrites, and the Mythologem of Alcestis in Armenia", Armenian Tsopk/Kharpert, R. Hovannisian, ed., Costa Mesa, California: Mazda, 1998, pp. 147-183
- "Ezekiel and Iran", Irano-Judaica V, Shaul Shaked and Amnon Netzer, eds., Jerusalem: Ben-Zri Institute, 2003, pp. 1-15
- "Scythians and Avesta in an Armenian Vernacular Paternoster", Le Muséon 110.1-2, 1997, pp. 91-114.
- "The Name of Zoroaster in Armenian", Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 2, 1985-1986, pp. 3-10
- "Zoroastrianism as the State Religion of Ancient Iran", Journal of the KR Cama Oriental Institute 53, Bombay, 1986, pp. 74-142
- "A Parthian Bhagavad Gîtâ and its Echoes", From Byzantium to Iran: Armenian Studies in Honour of Nina Garsoian, J.-P. Mahé, R. Thomson, eds., Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996, pp. 17-35
- "A Manichaean Apostolic Mission to Armenia?", Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Iranian Studies, 1, N. Sims-Williams, ed., Wiesbaden: L. Reichert, 1998, pp. 21-26
- "A Scholium on Coleridge and an Armenian Demon", JSAS 10, 1998-99, 2000, pp. 63-71
- "God is Good: On Tobit and Iran", Iran and the Caucasus 5, Tehran, 2001, pp. 1-6
- "The Magi in the Derveni Papyrus", Nâme-ye Irân-e Bâstân 1.1, Tehran, 2001, pp. 49-59
- "Zoroastrianism and the Northern Qi Panels", Zoroastrian Studies Newsletter, Bombay, 1994
- "Truth Is What the Eye Can See: Armenian Manuscripts and Armenian Spirituality", Treasures in Heaven: Armenian Art, Religion, and Society, T. Mathews, R. Wieck, eds., New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1998, pp. 147-162
- "Sages and Scribes at the Courts of Ancient Iran", The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East, J. Gammie, L. Perdue, eds., Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1990, pp. 141-146
- "Kartîr and Mânî: a Shamanistic Model of Their Conflict", Iranica Varia: Papers in Honor of Professor Ehsan Yarshater, Acta Iranica 30, Leiden: Brill, 1990, pp. 180-193
- "Zoroastrian Elements in the Book of Esther", Irano-Judaica II, S. Shaked, A. Netzer, eds., Jerusalem, 1990, pp. 33-40
- "A Poem of Grigor Narekac'i", REArm 19, 1985, pp. 435-439
- "On St. Grigor Narekatsi, His Sources and His Contemporaries", Armenian Review 41, 2-162, 1988, pp. 59-65
- "Two Notes on Biblical Tradition and Native Epic in the 'Book of Lamentation' of St. Grigor Narekac'i", REArm 22, 1990-1991, pp. 135-145
- "Virtue and Its Own Reward: The 38th Meditation of the Book of Lamentations of St. Grigor Narekatsi", Raft 1991, pp. 25-30
- "Armenian Spirituality: Liturgical Mysticism and Chapter 33 of the Book of Lamentation of St. Grigor Narekac'i", REArm 26, 1996–1997, pp. 427–439
Статьи в «Encyclopædia Iranica»
- Religion of Armenia
- BEHDEN, Zoroastrianism or its adherents
- BOZPAYIT, Body of Zoroastrian teachings in Sasanian period
- BURIAL iii., Zoroastrian burial practices
- CAMA Kharshedji Rustamji, Parsi Zoroastrian scholar and community leader, India, 19th
- CEDRENUS Georgius, Byzentine historian dealing with Zoroaster, 12th
- Christianity in pre-Islamic Persia, literary sources
- AÙAR˜EAN, Linguist, Armenian, 19th 20th
- ATRUˆAN, Fire temple, a Parthian loanword in Armenian
- ÙAÚDOR ii., Veil, among Zoroastrians and Parsis
- AÚL, Child-stealing demon
- ANUˆAWAN, Legendary king of Armenia
- ARA the Beautiful, Mythical king of Armenia
- ARLEZ, Armenian term for a supernatural creature
- ARTAXIAS I, Founder of Artaxiad dynasty in Armenia, 2nd BC
- AÛDAHAÚ iv., Dragon in Armenia
- BAAT ii., Family head of ˆaharu@n^, Armenian dynasty, 4th
- BÈNAMAÚZÈ i., Menstruant woman, Zoroastrian concept for ritual
- BURDAR, Armenian proper name for a Persian nobleman, 4th
- CUPBEARER, Ancient Armenian function of a courtier
- Профессор
- доктор философии
- Literary Luminaries
- VARDANANK by Vardan Hovanessian N17(Arm.History-Falsification) James Russell. /2002/
- Ziabariby Kourosh, "Interview with Prof. James Russell: Iran should return to its former global position again", Ovi magazine, 2008-12-30