Папазян Жирайр — различия между версиями

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Версия 17:17, 20 ноября 2007


Papasian Gerald

Папазян Геральд


Cr??e et interpr?t?e par Nora Armani et G?rald Papasian : la vitalit? d'un culture profan?e ? travers un floril?ge po?tique truculent et terrible ... bouleversant ... le parcours d'un homme et d'une femme ? la recherche de leurs racines, un hymne ? la m?moire d'un peuple oubli?.

Gerald Papasian

Born in Egypt of Armenian parents, Gerald Papasian comes from a well-known music family that founded the first major music stores, The Papasian Music Stores, including musical instruments, in the 1920's in Alexandria and later in Cairo. His grandfather, Jules Papasian, was a well-known tuner and piano builder (Papasian Pianos) whose services were solicited all-over the African continent and the Middle East, especially preceding major concerts. He was also a music impressario who invited such celebrity musicians as Alfred Cortot and others to give concerts in his concert halls in Egypt. Gerald Papasian studied piano since the age of four under the tutelage of his great aunt Nevart Damadian, a graduate of the Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris and a renowned piano teacher, working way into her eighties, at the Cairo Music Conservatoire. Choosing to combine his love of theatre with his musical upbringing, Gerald Papasian dedicated his life to a career in theatre. He studied Directing and Acting (5-year MA. Diploma course) at the State Fine and Dramatic Arts Institute in Soviet Armenia. Internship during his studies included assistant directing at the National Opera of Armenia and later in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). And, his diploma work as a director was a TV production of G.B. Shaw's 'The Man of Destiny' with stars of the National Theatre of Armenia. After graduating from Armenia, his US debut as a stage director was the Western World Premiere of the Opera 'Anoush' in 1981 at the Michigan Opera Theatre in his own English singing translation (Wayne State University Press, 1981). Gerald Papasian's international career has spanned over 20-years since his early teens in all areas of theatre such as directing, translating (published plays, poetry and librettos), adapting and performing in many languages (English, French and Armenian) world wide (Cairo, London, Los Angeles, Paris and world tours). Gerald Papasian is an Honorary Member of the National Theatre of Armenia since 1992 and a recipient of the Drama Logue Award for performance and creation two years consecutively for 'Sojourn at Ararat' based on Armenian poetry. His other awards include 'The Cinematographers' Union of Armenia' and the 'Theatre Union of Armenia' awards for creation and directing. Gerald Papasian is the Founding Artistic Director of the Dikran Tchouhadjian Research Centre in Paris since 1997. He was the Artistic Director of the ATC-London from 1979-81 and the Artistic Director of the Ardavazd Theatre Company in Los Angeles from 1981-1984. He held the position of Artist-in-Residence and lecturer on Theatre at the University of La Verne from 1986-1991 and is currently guest lecturer at the University of Venice since 1990. His most recent achievements in the world of opera include: The restoration and editing of the original score of Dikran Tchouhadjian's opera 'Arshak II' (published in 26 volumes including full score, vocal score and separate instruments). The work had its World Premiere at the San Francisco Opera in September 2001 (see press acclaim). Directing a new production of the Opera 'Anoush' for the 2001-2002 season at the Michigan Opera Theatre (see press acclaim). Directing a new chamber opera 'L'Amazone' in May 2002 in Courbevoie -France. The production was critically acclaimed by Opera International. Future projects include: In order to launch Dikran Tchouhadjian's famous operetta LEBLEBIDJI (or GARINEH) in Paris, Gerald Papasian organized a 'reading' of the work at the Gymnase theatre with the chorus of Mariette Jost and French soloists. The booklet of the operetta was entirely re-written by Papasian himself and translated and performed in French.

THEATRE MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM (2005)by Shakespeare directed by Irina Brook in Paris, Actor (Bottom and Demetrius)

THE GOOD PERSON OF SETCHOUAN (2004) by Berthold Brecht directed by Irina Brook in Paris, Lausanne and national tour, Actor (co-starring with Romane Bohringer)

FILM MAUVAIS JOUEURS (Bad players) (2004) directed by Frederic Balekdjian, Actor

ARAM (2003) directed by Robert Kechichian, Actor

TV Nom de Code DP (Code name DP) (2005) 4 hour TV film directed by Patrick Dewolf, Actor

Reves en France (Dreams in France) (2004) full length TV film directed by Pascal Kane, Actor

Tout pour etre heureux (Everything to be happy) (2003) full length TV film directed by Jean-Denis Robert, actor

Credits 2002 L'Amazone (a contemporary Opera) Paris, France Director

2001 Anoush Michigan Opera Theatre, USA Director

2001 Arshak II San Francisco Opera, USA Dramaturg

2001 Les Fourberies de Scapin ChÁteau de Grignan, France Actor

2000 Taparnigos,Dentise Pour Dames Dejazet Theatre, Paris Director

2000 Le Tour Du Monde en 80 Jours Théátre Firmin Gémier, Antony Actor

Other Credits (Director) Eric Westphal Armistice au Pont de Grenelle (Comedy) Guichet Montparnasse, Paris

Ensemble Carpe Diem PortÈe d'Enfer (Chamber Opera) ThÈÁtre du Renard, Paris

Labiche An Italian Straw Hat (Musical Comedy) Wilshire Ebell Theatre, Los Angeles

Labiche Let's Kiss Folleville (Musical Comedy) Wilshire Ebell Theatre, Los Angeles

Goldoni The Liar (Musical Comedy) Tchaikovsky Theatre, Cairo & on tour

Baronian The Eastern Dentist (Musical Comedy) Wilshire Ebell theatre, Los Angeles & East Coast tour

Osborne Look Back In Anger Hoossaper Theatre, Cairo

Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing Assistance League Playhouse, Los Angeles

G.B.Shaw Arms & The Man Young Vic Theatre, London

G.B.Shaw The Man of Destiny Wilshire Ebell Theatre, Los Angeles

G.B.Shaw Caesar & Cleopatra Cairo Opera House, Egypt

G.B.Shaw Man & Superman Tchaikovsky Theatre, Cairo

Obaldia Breeze Among the Sassafras Wilshire Ebell Theatre, Los Angeles

Sacha Guitry Let's Dream Ensemble Studio Theatre, Los Angeles

Papasian/Armani Sojourn at Ararat Edinburgh Festival, U.K, France and World Tour

Partial Credits (Actor) Gogol Le Revisor ThÈÁtre Firmin GÈmier, Paris Shakespeare Winters' Tale L'EpÈe de bois, Paris

Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream L'Enfumeraie, Le Mans Shakespeare, Love's Labours Lost, L'EpÈe de bois, Paris

Shakespeare Measure for Measure, ThÈÁtre des Vignes, Paris

Kafka, The Trial (with Gerald Hiken) Pacific Theatre, Los Angeles

Laruy Au Dela du Pont L'Enfumeraie, Le Mans Mastrosimone Nanawatai (with Bill Pulman) L.A. Theatre Ctr. Los Angeles

Tchekov The Cherry Orchard Ensemble Studio Thre, Los Angeles

Mariveau The Game of Love and Chance Mark Taper Too, Los Angeles

Anouilh Thieves' Carnival Wallace Theatre AUC, Cairo

Ionesco Hunger and Thirst Howard Theatre AUC, Cairo

Feydeau A Flea in Her Ear Tchaikovsky Theatre, Cairo

Film & TV (Director) Hayeren Khosink Armenian Language Instruction Video Course


Last Station Feature Film - co-writer & (Theatre Sequences) Director

Film & TV (Actor) Nervous Ticks (Film) co-starring with Bill Pulman

Wanted Dead of Alive (Film) co-starring with Rutger Hauer

Last Station (Film) co-starring with Nora Armani

Le C°ur Þ l'Ouvrage (Film) co-starring with Mathilde Seigner

Seconde B (TV-France) Guest Star Appearance

Cagney And Lacey (TV) Guest Star Appearance

Hunter (TV) Guest Star Appearance

McGuyver (TV) Guest Star Appearance

Publications Arshak II Full score (26 volumes) Satenig Tchaker Fund - Cairo- 2000

Arshak II Libretto- in English & Armenian San Francisco Opera-2001

Anoush Libretto-in English Wayne State University Press-1981

Hayeren Khosink Armenian Language Book University of Venice-1990

Sojourn at Ararat Poems of Armenia (in English) Publishers' Choice-1986
