
Альфа Эпсилон Омега (Глендейл)

1146 байт добавлено, 17:21, 20 января 2008
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{{unitedt|ID=9317|img=no|dmodify=29.01.2007 18:27:18}}{{Организация| имя-ру-01 =Альфа Эпсилон Омега (Глендейл)| имя-ориг =| имя-анг =Alpha Epsilon Omega (Glendale)Альфа Эпсилон Омега (Глендейл)| имя-арм =| имя-фра =| состояние текста = 1| состояние поиска = 1| состояние тэгов = 1| состояние ссылок = 1| флаг чистовик =ё7<!-- Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->| код организации 1=| сокращение =| изображение =| девиз =| вид заведения =| основание дата =20.12.2000| основатель =| руководитель =| местонахождение=США| филиалы = | адрес =P.O. Box 9303 Glendale, CA 91226| телефон-факс =| эл. почта =info@alphaepsilonomega.org; hazing@alphaepsilonomega.orgAlpha Epsion Omega| ссылка 1 =http://www.alphaepsilonomega.org/aboutus.php| ссылка 2 =www.hyefrat.com| тэг 1 =| тэг 2 =| тэг 3 =| тэг 4 =| тэг 5 =}}  
About Us
At Alpha Epsilon Omega we will make your college experience one to remember. Brotherhood, academics, philanthropy, social life, fun and most importantly being Armenian are facets of being a member of Alpha Epsilon Omega. The brothers of Alpha Epsilon Omega encourage you to take the time to read this pamphlet, so that you may better understand our fraternity.
Brotherhood is a key element at Alpha Epsilon Omega, where life-long friendships are made. Sharing the good times with your fraternity brothers is an experience that can't be matched. As the famous saying goes, “the only way to experience college life is by being in a fraternity.” By being a member of Alpha Epsilon Omega you will enhance your college experience and make them the best years of your life.
At Alpha Epsilon Omega we never forget that we are students first. We love to party, but we hold academic achievement above all else. As a member you will find that your brothers are often your most valuable academic resource, since most of them have already taken the courses you plan to take. In addition we also provide resources to our members who would like to learn more about Armenian history, language, and culture.
Alpha Epsilon Omega is always looking to help out Armenians both here and in Armenia. Our official charity is Armenia Fund, which annually raises funds for many projects in Armenia and Artsakh. Alpha Epsilon Omega regularly participates in various philanthropic activities benefiting the Armenian Community and advances The Armenian Cause.
At Alpha Epsilon Omega, we have only two objectives for our pledges, to learn about the traditions of our fraternity and to have fun. Most brothers fondly remember their pledge term as their most exciting semester of college. During your pledgeship, you will make life-long friends, have unforgettable experiences, and embrace the virtues of your new fraternity.
At Alpha Epsilon Omega, we regularly participate in sporting events both at school or in the community. We play such sports as basketball, football, soccer, hockey, volleyball and much more. We participate in Intramural tournaments on campus, competing against other fraternities and clubs. So whether you are a sports fanatic or just like to watch, Alpha Epsilon Omega is for you.
We hold rush at the beginning of each term, at this time you will see our flyers and billboards on campus. The best way to rush is to ask the brothers, who will be wearing t-shirts and sweatshirts with the letters of AEO, for information on rush events. If you have any questions or would like to rush please send an email to: info@alphaepsilonomega.org.
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
Alpha Epsilon Omega
P.O. Box 9303
Glendale, CA 91226
General: info@alphaepsilonomega.org
Hazing Hotline: hazing@alphaepsilonomega.orgAlpha Epsion Omega
The Armenian Fraternity
Website: www.hyefrat.com USA