
Прогрессивные социальные технологии

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{{unitedt|ID=8318|img=no|dmodify=05.12.2006 12:59:17}}{{Организация| имя-ру-01 =Прогрессивные социальные технологии| имя-ориг =| имя-анг =Advanced Social TechnologiesПрогрессивные социальные технологииTechnologies| имя-арм =| имя-фра =| состояние текста = 1| состояние поиска = 1| состояние тэгов = 1| состояние ссылок = 1| флаг чистовик =ё7http<!-- Код организации://www.ast.am/1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->| код организации 1=2| сокращение =| изображение =| девиз =| вид заведения =| основание дата =| основатель =| руководитель =| местонахождение=| филиалы =
| адрес =
| телефон-факс =
| эл. почта =
| ссылка 1 =http://www.ast.am/
| ссылка 2 =
| тэг 1 =
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Advanced Social Technologies, an independent center for research and social engineering, was founded in 2001 by a group of enthusiastic graduates of the Department of Sociology of Yerevan State University.
Our mission is to contribute to social development of Armenia by means of designing and enacting effective technologies to address urgent needs of Armenian society.
Our objectives to accumulate precise and objective information about major social needs and problems;
to design effective technologies to satisfy the existing needs and overcome the problems; to implement the designed technologies cooperating with various institutions of appropriate profile.
Our values and principles
Scientific approach
We recognize the capacity of sociology as a scientific discipline and devote ourselves to strictly follow its methodological principles on every stage of our research activity.
Acknowledging the value of objective and reliable information, we strive to minimize any influence that can cause false presentation or misinterpretation of social reality. Facts are unalterable. We do not invent facts but base on them.
National approach
Believing in uniqueness of every societal system and recognizing that standard schemes cannot be mechanically outsourced and applied to Armenian reality, we commit to take Armenian approach to Armenian problems.
Our organization is result-oriented. The end-result of any activity performed should be a tangible contribution to fulfillment of social demand.