Компания «Не повторится никогда» — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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The mission of the Never Again™ Campaign, of Alpha Epsilon Omega, is to prevent crimes against humanity, particularly genocide. Prevention of such crimes will be accomplished through greater awareness of the Armenian Genocide and other unpunished crimes against humanity. By supporting organizations that are actively pursuing the education, remembrance and recognition of the Armenian Genocide, we can prevent other people from suffering the same fate as the Armenian nation. The struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is a struggle for all of mankind, a struggle to never again have genocide and crimes against humanity.
The mission of the Never Again™ Campaign, of Alpha Epsilon Omega, is to prevent crimes against humanity, particularly genocide. Prevention of such crimes will be accomplished through greater awareness of the Armenian Genocide and other unpunished crimes against humanity. By supporting organizations that are actively pursuing the education, remembrance and recognition of the Armenian Genocide, we can prevent other people from suffering the same fate as the Armenian nation. The struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is a struggle for all of mankind, a struggle to never again have genocide and crimes against humanity.
The mission of the Never Again™ Campaign, of Alpha Epsilon Omega, is to prevent crimes against humanity, particularly genocide. Prevention of such crimes will be accomplished through greater awareness of the Armenian Genocide and other unpunished crimes against humanity. By supporting organizations that are actively pursuing the education, remembrance and recognition of the Armenian Genocide, we can prevent other people from suffering the same fate as the Armenian nation. The struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is a struggle for all of mankind, a struggle to never again have genocide and crimes against humanity.
The Purpose of the Armenian Genocide Never Again™ Awareness Wristbands
The purpose of the Armenian Genocide NEVER AGAIN™ awareness wristbands is to bring greater awareness to the Armenian Genocide and the struggle for its recognition. The wristbands serve as a sign of support for those who are actively fighting the denial of the Armenian Genocide by the Turkish government. The wristbands also symbolize the significance of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in preventing future genocides. They serve as a constant reminder that history, if not accounted for, is in danger of repeating.
The Purpose of the Armenian Genocide 1915 Never Again™ Pins
The Armenian Genocide 1915 NEVER AGAIN™ pins are a symbol of remembrance for 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide. The pins are to be worn during Armenian Genocide Awareness Month, April 1 to April 28. Wearing the pin serves as a sign of solidarity with the Armenian nation, who is still suffering from the repercussions of The Great Tragedy of 1915. The pins also serve as a symbol that the remembrance of the Armenian Genocide is a crucial aspect in preventing future genocides, because the perpetrators of genocide want nothing more than for their victims to be forgotten.
All proceeds, including donations generated by the Never Again™ campaign will go to support those organizations actively involved in the pursuit of recognition of the Armenian Genocide. These organizations are 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Organizations which are actively pursuing the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Текущая версия на 16:40, 27 января 2008

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Компания «Не повторится никогда»
Never Again Campaign
Never Again Campaign2.jpg
Адрес: P.O. Box 1662 Glendale, CA 91209
Эл. почта:;;;

The mission of the Never Again™ Campaign, of Alpha Epsilon Omega, is to prevent crimes against humanity, particularly genocide. Prevention of such crimes will be accomplished through greater awareness of the Armenian Genocide and other unpunished crimes against humanity. By supporting organizations that are actively pursuing the education, remembrance and recognition of the Armenian Genocide, we can prevent other people from suffering the same fate as the Armenian nation. The struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is a struggle for all of mankind, a struggle to never again have genocide and crimes against humanity.


The mission of the Never Again™ Campaign, of Alpha Epsilon Omega, is to prevent crimes against humanity, particularly genocide. Prevention of such crimes will be accomplished through greater awareness of the Armenian Genocide and other unpunished crimes against humanity. By supporting organizations that are actively pursuing the education, remembrance and recognition of the Armenian Genocide, we can prevent other people from suffering the same fate as the Armenian nation. The struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is a struggle for all of mankind, a struggle to never again have genocide and crimes against humanity.

The Purpose of the Armenian Genocide Never Again™ Awareness Wristbands

The purpose of the Armenian Genocide NEVER AGAIN™ awareness wristbands is to bring greater awareness to the Armenian Genocide and the struggle for its recognition. The wristbands serve as a sign of support for those who are actively fighting the denial of the Armenian Genocide by the Turkish government. The wristbands also symbolize the significance of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in preventing future genocides. They serve as a constant reminder that history, if not accounted for, is in danger of repeating.

The Purpose of the Armenian Genocide 1915 Never Again™ Pins

The Armenian Genocide 1915 NEVER AGAIN™ pins are a symbol of remembrance for 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide. The pins are to be worn during Armenian Genocide Awareness Month, April 1 to April 28. Wearing the pin serves as a sign of solidarity with the Armenian nation, who is still suffering from the repercussions of The Great Tragedy of 1915. The pins also serve as a symbol that the remembrance of the Armenian Genocide is a crucial aspect in preventing future genocides, because the perpetrators of genocide want nothing more than for their victims to be forgotten.

All proceeds, including donations generated by the Never Again™ campaign will go to support those organizations actively involved in the pursuit of recognition of the Armenian Genocide. These organizations are 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Organizations which are actively pursuing the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.