Ассадрян Вартан — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Версия 16:16, 26 марта 2007


Assadryan Vartan

Ассадрян Вартан


Vartan Assadryan

Vartan Assadryan was born in 1944. He migrated Soviet Armenia when he was two years old. After graduating from Panos Terlemezian Art School in 1968, Vartan attended Yerevan's Fine Arts and Theatrical Institute for six years. In 1974, the family emigrated from Armenia to Lebanon, and in 1975, they moved to Los Angeles. 1969 to 1973 Participated in several group shows in Yerevan. 1975 Participated in exhibition in Lebanon dedicated to Armenian Martyr's Day. 1976 Group show at Occidental center. 1978 Member of L.A. Art Association. 1978 Father and son art exhibition at the Ambassador Hotel. 1978 Group show in Fresno. 1979 to 1980 Member of Armenian Artists Association of America. 1981 One man exhibition at A.G.B.U. Art Gallery. 1981 One man show at the Studio Gallery No. 6 in Laguna Beach. 1982 Group show in Boston. 1982 Group show at U.C.L.A. 1983 Group show at the Armenian Cultural Center in Montebello. 1983 Group show sponsored by A.Y.F. at Holy Martyrs Armenian Ferrahian School Avedissian Hall. 1984 Group show at Design Center. 1985 One man art exhibit at the A.G.B.U. Art Gallery. 1985 Group show at Hamazkayin "Arshile Gorky" Art Expo Ambassador Hotel. 1986 Group show at Hamazkayin "Arshile Gorky" Art Expo Karapet Hall "Genocide and Renaissance." 1986 Group show at Hamazkayin "Arshile Gorky" Art Expo "Hamazkayin Cultural Month - 86" Armenian Center. 1991 (February) Group Ethnic Art Show at Biola University. 1991 (May) Group show in Washington D.C. at the "Canon Building" 1991 (July) One man show sponsored by Hamazkayin.