Арамян Вагаршак Герегинович
Версия от 12:29, 16 ноября 2007; Sayadov (обсуждение | вклад) («ARAMYAN VAGARSHAK i» переименована в «Арамян Вагаршак»)
Арамян Вагаршак
EDUCATION 1963-1969 - Yerevan state Institute of fine arts PROFESSION Painter,professor, head of drawing department of
the Yerevan state Institute of fine Arts.
EXHIBITIONS Participated at the variouse exhibitions in Yerevan,
Moscow, USA, Chechoslovakia, Germany, Sweden
COLLECTIONS State art Gallery of Armenia, modern art museum of Armenia,
culture fund of Armenia, ministry of culture of Armenia, Art fund of russian federation; private collections in Armenia, Russia,Moscow, USA, Switzerland
VAGARSHAK ARAMYAN EDUCATION 1963-1969 - Yerevan state Institute of fine arts PROFESSION Painter,professor, head of drawing department of
the Yerevan state Institute of fine Arts.
EXHIBITIONS Participated at the variouse exhibitions in Yerevan,
Moscow, USA, Chechoslovakia, Germany, Sweden
COLLECTIONS State art Gallery of Armenia, modern art museum of Armenia,
culture fund of Armenia, ministry of culture of Armenia, Art fund of russian federation; private collections in Armenia, Russia,Moscow, USA, Switzerland