Греппин Джон

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Греппин Джон
John A. C. Greppin
Греппин Джон32.jpg
На английском: John A. C. Greppin
Краткая информация:
Известный лингвист, специалист по армянскому и кавказским языкам




  • The Diffusion of Greco-Roman Medicine into the Middle East and the Caucasus. Emilie Savage-Smith (Editor), John L. Gueriguian (Editor), John AC Greppin (Editor). 1999. ISBN-10: 0882060961; ISBN-13: 9780882060965
  • Handbook of Armenian Dialectology (Anatolian and Caucasian studies). John A. C. Greppin (Author)
  • Classical and Middle Armenian Bird Names: A Linguistic, Taxonomic, and Mythological Study. John A. C. Greppin (Author)
  • Ararat: A Quarterly, Issue No. 75, Summer 1978. Supplement: Armenians in Lebanon. Leo Hamalian (Editor)
  • Studies in Classical Armenian Literature. John A. C. Greppin (Editor)
  • Studies in Honor of Jaan Puhvel. Jaan Puhvel (Editor), Dorothy Disterhelft (Editor), Dorothy Disterheft (Editor), Martin E. Huld (Editor), John AC Greppin (Editor). June 1997. ISBN-10: 0941694542; ISBN-13: 9780941694544
  • Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Armenian Linguistics: Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, September 14-18, 1991 Author:John AC Greppin (Editor). January 1993. ISBN-10:0882060775; ISBN-13: 9780882060774
  • "Bark Galianosi": The Greek-Armenian Dictionary to Galen Author: John AC Greppin. December 1985. ISBN-10:0882060643; ISBN-13:9780882060644
  • Interrogativity: A Colloquium on the Grammar, Typology, and Pragmatics of Questions in Seven Diverse Languages, Cleveland, Ohio, October 5th, 1981-May 3rd, 1982 Author: John AC Greppin , Louis Tonko Milic , William Chisholm. January 1984. ISBN-10:9027228647;



  • Профессор Кливлендского государственного университета
