Петросян Юрий

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Петросян Юрий
Petrosyan Yuri
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На английском: Petrosyan Yuri
Дата рождения: 04.05.1949
Место рождения: Тбилиси


В 1966-1971гг. окончил Ереванский политехнический институт.

В 1972-1975гг. окончил Уральский университет (Свердловск).

В 1975 защитил диссертацию по химии.

В 1976-1980гг. научные исследования в Свердловске. В 1980-1991гг. - старший преподаватель Ереванского политехнического института.

С 1991 - Руководитель лаборатории физическо-химических исследований в Институте Физики Национальной академии наук в Ереване.

up to present Head of the laboratory of physic-chemical researches at the Institute of Problem of Applied physics of Armenian National Academy of Sciences author of more than 50 works.

1999 Assistant professor at Yerevan Institute of Architecture & Construction

Начиная с 1971 года посвятил себя собиранию полезных ископаемых, гемологии а также

1992 - Народный художник Армении художественной обработке камня. выставки его работ были организованы в Армении, России, Чехословакии, Франции.

1993 Participant of the second Armenian Scientific World Congress Paris 6-9 September 1993 UNESCO. The theme was “ Deposits of Decorative Stones in Armenia. Genre range of his works is very large and various from decorative sculptures of little plastics to fine processing of stones. In his works the author mainly uses landscape agates of Armenia which are unsurpassed by their brightness of colors harmony and are considered to be the best by specialists.



Yuri Petrosyan

most famous experts on stones. Assistant professor of Yerevan Architectural Institute. The experience of collecting minerals, professionalism of a scientist and also fine artistic taste let him for the first time reveal and represent in its variety, rare by their beauty color agates of Armenia. Genre range of his works very large and various - from decorative sculptures of small plastic art to the finest processing of stone. His works were exposed in Yerevan, in the cities of Russia, Czechoslovakia, France. His works surprise us by their extraordinarily, originality, harmony, by their correlation of forms and space.


Автор более чем 50-ти работ.


  • Кандидат химических наук

