Бояджян Ервант

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Бояджян Ервант

Boyadjian Yetvart

Yetvart Boyadjian Ервант Бояджян

"I was born in Khdr Bek, Musa Dagh in 1915. During the rebellion of Musa Dagh I was three months old. With my family and compatriots I left for Port Said and stayed there for four years. At the termination of the war I returned to Musa Dagh."

"I received my primary education from the local schools of Khdr Bek and Yoghun Oluk. I started the second part of my education at the Armenian Gemaran of Beirut when I was fifteen. I stayed there five years until 1935. Then I became a teacher."

"I haven't played much. I've started writing at an early age. I was published later in 1932. I've worked with the "Hayrenik" monthly, "Haratch", "Aztag" daily and weekly, "Nayiri", "Hasg", "Dziadzan", "Aztarar", and "Agos" publications. My pen names were Albatross, Vazken Diranian, Y. Sarian, and Y. Dzovigian."

"I have written stories, prose, and poems."

His works include "Ser Yev Vishd" (Love & Sorrow, 1944), "Hoghe" (The Land, 1948), "Tought Zavagnerous" (Letter To My Children, 1961), "Domar Darakri" (Exile's Register, 1963), "Yergou Namagner" (Two Letters, 1964), "Temker" (Faces, 1967), "Dznntavayr Gorousial" (Lost Birthplace, 1984).

He left this world at the age of 50 in 1966. He died in Beirut, Lebanon far from his birthplace. http://mousaler.com/musa-dagh/prominent/