Агопов Владимир Михайлович

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Акопов Владимир

Agopov Vladimir


 Vladimir Agopov Владимир Акопов

(November 23, 1953)

Vladimir Agopov: Profile and Articles


Composer in Profile: Vladimir Agopov (Einojuhani Rautavaara) Vladimir Agopov (in Kimmo Korhonen: Inventing Finnish Music, 2003)


Agopov's orchestral works & concertos 1995-2005 (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish orchestral music and concertos 1995-2005, 2006) Agopov's chamber works (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish Chamber Music, 2001) Vladimir Agopov: Cello Concerto (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish Concertos, 1995)

S?velt?j?muotokuva ja artikkeleita

Agopovin kamarimusiikista (Kimmo Korhonen: Suomalainen kamarimusiikki, 1999)

Vladimir Agopov: Curriculum vitae (b. November 23, 1953 in Voroshilovgrad [now Luhansk], Ukraina) in Finland since 1978; Finnish citizen


- diploma in composition in Moscow Conservatory 1977 (teachers: Aram Khachaturian 1972-1977; instrumentation: Edison Denisov) - further studeis at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki 1978-1984 (teacher: Paavo Heininen)


- lecturer at the Sibelius Academy since 1988


- The Society of Finnish Composers since 1982


- Sibelius Foundation - Finnish Arts Council - Finnish Cultural Foundation

The most important works

- Concerto for Cello and Orchestra "Tres viae" (1984/1987) - Music for Chamber Orchestra (awarded in a national composition competition 1982) - Decimetto for chamber orchestra (1997) - String Quartets No. 1 (1982) and 2 (1988) - Ergo for violin and piano (2nd prize in a composition competition of the Sibelius Violin Competition 1985) - Sonata for clarinet and piano (1981) - Four Songs to Words by Alice Meynell (soprano, flute and accordion; 1986) - Offrets timme for baritone and piano (1987)

- VA's works has been performed in Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, Naantali Festival, in Sibelius Week (Moscow), International Festival of Arts (New York)

(Updated March 2000)

Please note that the texts are protected by the copyright laws. They are free for background use but when referring to these texts or articles please mention the author and source whenever it is known. When not specified, the source is the Finnish Music Information Centre (FIMIC).

Latest additions: Settembre (Aug 27)

Works for Solo Instrument and Orchestra Works for Orchestra Chamber Works Vocal Works Works for the Stage Publishers and Distributors

Works for Solo Instrument and Orchestra

Concerto for Cello and Orchestra Op. 10 'Tres Viae' Composed: 1984/1987 solo cello+ 3333/4331/03/1, piano, strings Duration: 23' Fp: Arto Noras, cello, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Helsinki, September 30, 1987 Distributor: FIMIC

Works for Orchestra

Music for Chamber Orchestra Op. 3 Composed: 1982 1111/1100, strings (3-3-3-2-1) Duration: 10' Fp: Kouvola Orchestra, cond. Eero Bister, Kouvola, October 5, 1982 Distributor: FIMIC Awarded in a composition competition in Kouvola, 1982

Decimetto Op. 14 Composed: 1997 1111/0000/1, strings (1-1-1-1-1) Duration: 8' Distributor: FIMIC

Settembre Op. 15 Per orchestra grande Composed: 2004 3333/4331/12/1, strings Distributor: FIMIC

Chamber Works

Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 6 Composed: 1981 Duration: 20' Fp: Kullervo Kojo, clarinet, Vladimir Agopov, piano, Helsinki, May 20, 1981 Distributor: FIMIC

String Quartet No. 1 Op. 8 Composed: 1982 Duration: 8' Fp: Sakari Oramo, violin I, Jukka Pohjola, violin II, Kaarina Lampinen, viola, Lea Pekkala, cello, UNM Festival, Oslo, August 23, 1982 Distributor: FIMIC

Ergo Op. 9 Composed: 1985 violin and piano Duration: 7' Fp: Nachum Erlich, violin, Ilkka Paananen, piano, Helsinki, April 23, 1987 Distributor: FIMIC 2nd prize in a composition competition for the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition 1985

String Quartet No. 2 Op. 13 Composed: 1988 Duration: 15' Fp: Sibelius Academy Quartet, Naantali, June 27, 1988 Distributor: FIMIC

Po?me Composed: 1989 cello and piano Duration: 5'30 Fp: Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano, Espoo (Finland), November 11, 1989 Publisher: Modus Music

Siciliana Composed: 1991 violin, cello and piano Duration: 2'30 Fp: Annika Palas, violin, Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano, Espoo (Finland), November 20, 1991 Publisher: Modus Music

Vocal Works

Four Songs to the Words by Alice Meynell Op. 11 Composed: 1986 soprano, flute and accordion Text in English 1. Easter Night 2. At Night 3. Renouncement 4. Chimes Duration: 8' Fp: Sini Rautavaara, soprano, Eeva Heikkil?, flute, Helka Kym?l?inen, accordion, Helsinki, December 9, 1986 Distributor: FIMIC

Offrets timme Op. 12 Composed: 1988 baritone and piano Text by Edit S?dergran (in Swedish) and Arseni Tarkovsky (in Russian) 1. Offrets timme 2. Du s?kte 3. Grimace d'artiste 4. Zhizn, zhizn Duration: 10' Fp: Juha Kotilainen, baritone, Jouko Laivuori, piano, Gothenburg (Sweden), November 15, 1987 Publisher: Edition Reimers

Works for the Stage

E. Humperdinck: H?nsel und Gretel (Hannu ja Kerttu) Arrangement for chamber orchestra Composed: 1996 2121/2000/1, strings (3-3-2-2-1) Fp: Finnish National Opera, Helsinki, December 26, 1996 Distributor: FIMIC

Music for Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard Composed: 1998 violin and piano Fp: Tampere City Theatre, January 28, 1998 Distributor: FIMIC

Vladimir Agopov has also composed solo songs, songs for children, and choral pieces as well as incidental music.

Fp: First performance

Publishers and Distributors

Fimic Modus Music Edition Reimers

(Updated August 2004)

Vladimir Agopov: Selected Discography

Finlandia Records CD 544012 (1992) Concerto for Cello and Orchestra "Tres viae" [Op. 10] Arto Noras, cello, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Jukka-Pekka Saraste

Finlandia FACD 401 (1991) Sonata for Clarinet and Piano [Op. 6] Kullervo Kojo, clarinet, Juhani Lagerspetz, piano

Musiikkiopisto Juvenalia MOJCD01 (1992) Siciliana Po?me Annika Palas, violin, Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano

Vladimir Agopov (November 23, 1953)

Vladimir Agopov: Profile and Articles


Composer in Profile: Vladimir Agopov (Einojuhani Rautavaara) Vladimir Agopov (in Kimmo Korhonen: Inventing Finnish Music, 2003)


Agopov's orchestral works & concertos 1995-2005 (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish orchestral music and concertos 1995-2005, 2006) Agopov's chamber works (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish Chamber Music, 2001) Vladimir Agopov: Cello Concerto (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish Concertos, 1995)

Säveltäjämuotokuva ja artikkeleita

Agopovin kamarimusiikista (Kimmo Korhonen: Suomalainen kamarimusiikki, 1999)

Vladimir Agopov: Curriculum vitae (b. November 23, 1953 in Voroshilovgrad [now Luhansk], Ukraina) in Finland since 1978; Finnish citizen


- diploma in composition in Moscow Conservatory 1977 (teachers: Aram Khachaturian 1972-1977; instrumentation: Edison Denisov) - further studeis at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki 1978-1984 (teacher: Paavo Heininen)


- lecturer at the Sibelius Academy since 1988


- The Society of Finnish Composers since 1982


- Sibelius Foundation - Finnish Arts Council - Finnish Cultural Foundation

The most important works

- Concerto for Cello and Orchestra "Tres viae" (1984/1987) - Music for Chamber Orchestra (awarded in a national composition competition 1982) - Decimetto for chamber orchestra (1997) - String Quartets No. 1 (1982) and 2 (1988) - Ergo for violin and piano (2nd prize in a composition competition of the Sibelius Violin Competition 1985) - Sonata for clarinet and piano (1981) - Four Songs to Words by Alice Meynell (soprano, flute and accordion; 1986) - Offrets timme for baritone and piano (1987)

- VA's works has been performed in Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, Naantali Festival, in Sibelius Week (Moscow), International Festival of Arts (New York)

(Updated March 2000)

Please note that the texts are protected by the copyright laws. They are free for background use but when referring to these texts or articles please mention the author and source whenever it is known. When not specified, the source is the Finnish Music Information Centre (FIMIC).

Latest additions: Settembre (Aug 27)

Works for Solo Instrument and Orchestra Works for Orchestra Chamber Works Vocal Works Works for the Stage Publishers and Distributors

Works for Solo Instrument and Orchestra

Concerto for Cello and Orchestra Op. 10 'Tres Viae' Composed: 1984/1987 solo cello+ 3333/4331/03/1, piano, strings Duration: 23' Fp: Arto Noras, cello, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Helsinki, September 30, 1987 Distributor: FIMIC

Works for Orchestra

Music for Chamber Orchestra Op. 3 Composed: 1982 1111/1100, strings (3–3–3–2–1) Duration: 10' Fp: Kouvola Orchestra, cond. Eero Bister, Kouvola, October 5, 1982 Distributor: FIMIC Awarded in a composition competition in Kouvola, 1982

Decimetto Op. 14 Composed: 1997 1111/0000/1, strings (1–1–1–1–1) Duration: 8' Distributor: FIMIC

Settembre Op. 15 Per orchestra grande Composed: 2004 3333/4331/12/1, strings Distributor: FIMIC

Chamber Works

Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 6 Composed: 1981 Duration: 20' Fp: Kullervo Kojo, clarinet, Vladimir Agopov, piano, Helsinki, May 20, 1981 Distributor: FIMIC

String Quartet No. 1 Op. 8 Composed: 1982 Duration: 8' Fp: Sakari Oramo, violin I, Jukka Pohjola, violin II, Kaarina Lampinen, viola, Lea Pekkala, cello, UNM Festival, Oslo, August 23, 1982 Distributor: FIMIC

Ergo Op. 9 Composed: 1985 violin and piano Duration: 7' Fp: Nachum Erlich, violin, Ilkka Paananen, piano, Helsinki, April 23, 1987 Distributor: FIMIC 2nd prize in a composition competition for the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition 1985

String Quartet No. 2 Op. 13 Composed: 1988 Duration: 15' Fp: Sibelius Academy Quartet, Naantali, June 27, 1988 Distributor: FIMIC

Poème Composed: 1989 cello and piano Duration: 5'30 Fp: Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano, Espoo (Finland), November 11, 1989 Publisher: Modus Music

Siciliana Composed: 1991 violin, cello and piano Duration: 2'30 Fp: Annika Palas, violin, Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano, Espoo (Finland), November 20, 1991 Publisher: Modus Music

Vocal Works

Four Songs to the Words by Alice Meynell Op. 11 Composed: 1986 soprano, flute and accordion Text in English 1. Easter Night 2. At Night 3. Renouncement 4. Chimes Duration: 8' Fp: Sini Rautavaara, soprano, Eeva Heikkilä, flute, Helka Kymäläinen, accordion, Helsinki, December 9, 1986 Distributor: FIMIC

Offrets timme Op. 12 Composed: 1988 baritone and piano Text by Edit Södergran (in Swedish) and Arseni Tarkovsky (in Russian) 1. Offrets timme 2. Du sökte 3. Grimace d’artiste 4. Zhizn, zhizn Duration: 10' Fp: Juha Kotilainen, baritone, Jouko Laivuori, piano, Gothenburg (Sweden), November 15, 1987 Publisher: Edition Reimers

Works for the Stage

E. Humperdinck: Hänsel und Gretel (Hannu ja Kerttu) Arrangement for chamber orchestra Composed: 1996 2121/2000/1, strings (3–3–2–2–1) Fp: Finnish National Opera, Helsinki, December 26, 1996 Distributor: FIMIC

Music for Chekhov’s play The Cherry Orchard Composed: 1998 violin and piano Fp: Tampere City Theatre, January 28, 1998 Distributor: FIMIC

Vladimir Agopov has also composed solo songs, songs for children, and choral pieces as well as incidental music.

Fp: First performance

Publishers and Distributors

Fimic Modus Music Edition Reimers

(Updated August 2004)

Vladimir Agopov: Selected Discography

Finlandia Records CD 544012 (1992) Concerto for Cello and Orchestra “Tres viae” [Op. 10] Arto Noras, cello, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Jukka-Pekka Saraste

Finlandia FACD 401 (1991) Sonata for Clarinet and Piano [Op. 6] Kullervo Kojo, clarinet, Juhani Lagerspetz, piano

Musiikkiopisto Juvenalia MOJCD01 (1992) Siciliana Poème Annika Palas, violin, Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano http://www.fimic.fi/fimic/fimic.nsf/mainframe?readform&agopov+vladimir


 Vladimir Agopov  Владимир Акопов

(November 23, 1953)

Profile and Articles Curriculum Vitae List of Works Discography

Direct address: www.fimic.fi/agopov

Composer in Profile: Vladimir Agopov

Born in an Armenian family in Luhansk, USSR in 1953, the composer Vladimir Agopov has been a welcome and successful addition to the Finnish musical scene since 1987. Although orientally exotic on the surface, Agopov as a composer nonetheless belongs very much to the modern western world of music. Before coming to Finland, he has passed his diploma in Moscow where he studied composition with Aram Khachaturian and instrumentation with Edison Denisov. He continued his studies at the Sibelius Academy from 1979 to 1985 with Paavo Heininen as his teacher. Since 1982 he has been teacher of music theory at the Sibelius Academy.

Vladimir Agopov's music is modern in its mode of composition and its resources. The composer nevertheless succeeds in maintaining contact with tradition and genuine musicality. He strives to penetrate musical substance; he does not allow expression to be the rhetorical superficiality of a mere gesture nor does he drown in its pretty structural detail. The events of his compositions are often dominated by a specific holistic thinking which materializes through the medium of a firm mini-structure. Sometimes, as in his String Quartet No. 1 Op. 8, the result may be a grand and multitonal monologue - colourful, vigorous and exciting - rather than the traditional conversation we are used to in chamber music.

The holistic thinking is perhaps most evident in that work of Agopov which has aroused the greatest attention, his Cello Concerto, composed in 1984. It was given its first performance in autumn 1987 with Arto Noras as the soloist accompanied by the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky. In it the orchestra and solo instrument enter into an exceptionally well-balanced dialogue. Both maintain their own sovereignty, both are equally active and interesting. However, together they produce the really genuine discourse of the solo concerto - and at the same time what is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding concertos in modern Finnish music.

© Einojuhani Rautavaara

Contemporary Music

Selected Works of Vladimir Agopov

Latest additions: Settembre (Aug 27)

Works for Solo Instrument and Orchestra Works for Orchestra Chamber Works Vocal Works Works for the Stage Publishers and Distributors

Works for Solo Instrument and Orchestra

Concerto for Cello and Orchestra Op. 10 'Tres Viae' Composed: 1984/1987 solo cello+ 3333/4331/03/1, piano, strings Duration: 23' Fp: Arto Noras, cello, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Helsinki, September 30, 1987 Distributor: FIMIC

Works for Orchestra

Music for Chamber Orchestra Op. 3 Composed: 1982 1111/1100, strings (3–3–3–2–1) Duration: 10' Fp: Kouvola Orchestra, cond. Eero Bister, Kouvola, October 5, 1982 Distributor: FIMIC Awarded in a composition competition in Kouvola, 1982

Decimetto Op. 14 Composed: 1997 1111/0000/1, strings (1–1–1–1–1) Duration: 8' Distributor: FIMIC

Settembre Op. 15 Per orchestra grande Composed: 2004 3333/4331/12/1, strings Distributor: FIMIC

Chamber Works

Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 6 Composed: 1981 Duration: 20' Fp: Kullervo Kojo, clarinet, Vladimir Agopov, piano, Helsinki, May 20, 1981 Distributor: FIMIC

String Quartet No. 1 Op. 8 Composed: 1982 Duration: 8' Fp: Sakari Oramo, violin I, Jukka Pohjola, violin II, Kaarina Lampinen, viola, Lea Pekkala, cello, UNM Festival, Oslo, August 23, 1982 Distributor: FIMIC

Ergo Op. 9 Composed: 1985 violin and piano Duration: 7' Fp: Nachum Erlich, violin, Ilkka Paananen, piano, Helsinki, April 23, 1987 Distributor: FIMIC 2nd prize in a composition competition for the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition 1985

String Quartet No. 2 Op. 13 Composed: 1988 Duration: 15' Fp: Sibelius Academy Quartet, Naantali, June 27, 1988 Distributor: FIMIC

Poème Composed: 1989 cello and piano Duration: 5'30 Fp: Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano, Espoo (Finland), November 11, 1989 Publisher: Modus Music

Siciliana Composed: 1991 violin, cello and piano Duration: 2'30 Fp: Annika Palas, violin, Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano, Espoo (Finland), November 20, 1991 Publisher: Modus Music

Vocal Works

Four Songs to the Words by Alice Meynell Op. 11 Composed: 1986 soprano, flute and accordion Text in English 1. Easter Night 2. At Night 3. Renouncement 4. Chimes Duration: 8' Fp: Sini Rautavaara, soprano, Eeva Heikkilä, flute, Helka Kymäläinen, accordion, Helsinki, December 9, 1986 Distributor: FIMIC

Offrets timme Op. 12 Composed: 1988 baritone and piano Text by Edit Södergran (in Swedish) and Arseni Tarkovsky (in Russian) 1. Offrets timme 2. Du sökte 3. Grimace d’artiste 4. Zhizn, zhizn Duration: 10' Fp: Juha Kotilainen, baritone, Jouko Laivuori, piano, Gothenburg (Sweden), November 15, 1987 Publisher: Edition Reimers

Works for the Stage

E. Humperdinck: Hänsel und Gretel (Hannu ja Kerttu) Arrangement for chamber orchestra Composed: 1996 2121/2000/1, strings (3–3–2–2–1) Fp: Finnish National Opera, Helsinki, December 26, 1996 Distributor: FIMIC

Music for Chekhov’s play The Cherry Orchard Composed: 1998 violin and piano Fp: Tampere City Theatre, January 28, 1998 Distributor: FIMIC

Vladimir Agopov has also composed solo songs, songs for children, and choral pieces as well as incidental music.

Fp: First performance

Publishers and Distributors

Fimic Modus Music Edition Reimers

(Updated August 2004)

Contemporary Music

Vladimir Agopov: Selected Discography

Finlandia Records CD 544012 (1992) Concerto for Cello and Orchestra “Tres viae” [Op. 10] Arto Noras, cello, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Jukka-Pekka Saraste

Finlandia FACD 401 (1991) Sonata for Clarinet and Piano [Op. 6] Kullervo Kojo, clarinet, Juhani Lagerspetz, piano

Musiikkiopisto Juvenalia MOJCD01 (1992) Siciliana Poème Annika Palas, violin, Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano


 Vladimir Agopov

(November 23, 1953)

Vladimir Agopov: Profile and Articles


Composer in Profile: Vladimir Agopov (Einojuhani Rautavaara) Vladimir Agopov (in Kimmo Korhonen: Inventing Finnish Music, 2003)


Agopov's orchestral works & concertos 1995-2005 (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish orchestral music and concertos 1995-2005, 2006) Agopov's chamber works (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish Chamber Music, 2001) Vladimir Agopov: Cello Concerto (in Kimmo Korhonen: Finnish Concertos, 1995)

Säveltäjämuotokuva ja artikkeleita

Agopovin kamarimusiikista (Kimmo Korhonen: Suomalainen kamarimusiikki, 1999)

Vladimir Agopov: Curriculum vitae (b. November 23, 1953 in Voroshilovgrad [now Luhansk], Ukraina) in Finland since 1978; Finnish citizen


- diploma in composition in Moscow Conservatory 1977 (teachers: Aram Khachaturian 1972-1977; instrumentation: Edison Denisov) - further studeis at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki 1978-1984 (teacher: Paavo Heininen)


- lecturer at the Sibelius Academy since 1988


- The Society of Finnish Composers since 1982


- Sibelius Foundation - Finnish Arts Council - Finnish Cultural Foundation

The most important works

- Concerto for Cello and Orchestra "Tres viae" (1984/1987) - Music for Chamber Orchestra (awarded in a national composition competition 1982) - Decimetto for chamber orchestra (1997) - String Quartets No. 1 (1982) and 2 (1988) - Ergo for violin and piano (2nd prize in a composition competition of the Sibelius Violin Competition 1985) - Sonata for clarinet and piano (1981) - Four Songs to Words by Alice Meynell (soprano, flute and accordion; 1986) - Offrets timme for baritone and piano (1987)

- VA's works has been performed in Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, Naantali Festival, in Sibelius Week (Moscow), International Festival of Arts (New York)

(Updated March 2000)

Please note that the texts are protected by the copyright laws. They are free for background use but when referring to these texts or articles please mention the author and source whenever it is known. When not specified, the source is the Finnish Music Information Centre (FIMIC).

Latest additions: Settembre (Aug 27)

Works for Solo Instrument and Orchestra Works for Orchestra Chamber Works Vocal Works Works for the Stage Publishers and Distributors

Works for Solo Instrument and Orchestra

Concerto for Cello and Orchestra Op. 10 'Tres Viae' Composed: 1984/1987 solo cello+ 3333/4331/03/1, piano, strings Duration: 23' Fp: Arto Noras, cello, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Helsinki, September 30, 1987 Distributor: FIMIC

Works for Orchestra

Music for Chamber Orchestra Op. 3 Composed: 1982 1111/1100, strings (3–3–3–2–1) Duration: 10' Fp: Kouvola Orchestra, cond. Eero Bister, Kouvola, October 5, 1982 Distributor: FIMIC Awarded in a composition competition in Kouvola, 1982

Decimetto Op. 14 Composed: 1997 1111/0000/1, strings (1–1–1–1–1) Duration: 8' Distributor: FIMIC

Settembre Op. 15 Per orchestra grande Composed: 2004 3333/4331/12/1, strings Distributor: FIMIC

Chamber Works

Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 6 Composed: 1981 Duration: 20' Fp: Kullervo Kojo, clarinet, Vladimir Agopov, piano, Helsinki, May 20, 1981 Distributor: FIMIC

String Quartet No. 1 Op. 8 Composed: 1982 Duration: 8' Fp: Sakari Oramo, violin I, Jukka Pohjola, violin II, Kaarina Lampinen, viola, Lea Pekkala, cello, UNM Festival, Oslo, August 23, 1982 Distributor: FIMIC

Ergo Op. 9 Composed: 1985 violin and piano Duration: 7' Fp: Nachum Erlich, violin, Ilkka Paananen, piano, Helsinki, April 23, 1987 Distributor: FIMIC 2nd prize in a composition competition for the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition 1985

String Quartet No. 2 Op. 13 Composed: 1988 Duration: 15' Fp: Sibelius Academy Quartet, Naantali, June 27, 1988 Distributor: FIMIC

Poème Composed: 1989 cello and piano Duration: 5'30 Fp: Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano, Espoo (Finland), November 11, 1989 Publisher: Modus Music

Siciliana Composed: 1991 violin, cello and piano Duration: 2'30 Fp: Annika Palas, violin, Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano, Espoo (Finland), November 20, 1991 Publisher: Modus Music

Vocal Works

Four Songs to the Words by Alice Meynell Op. 11 Composed: 1986 soprano, flute and accordion Text in English 1. Easter Night 2. At Night 3. Renouncement 4. Chimes Duration: 8' Fp: Sini Rautavaara, soprano, Eeva Heikkilä, flute, Helka Kymäläinen, accordion, Helsinki, December 9, 1986 Distributor: FIMIC

Offrets timme Op. 12 Composed: 1988 baritone and piano Text by Edit Södergran (in Swedish) and Arseni Tarkovsky (in Russian) 1. Offrets timme 2. Du sökte 3. Grimace d’artiste 4. Zhizn, zhizn Duration: 10' Fp: Juha Kotilainen, baritone, Jouko Laivuori, piano, Gothenburg (Sweden), November 15, 1987 Publisher: Edition Reimers

Works for the Stage

E. Humperdinck: Hänsel und Gretel (Hannu ja Kerttu) Arrangement for chamber orchestra Composed: 1996 2121/2000/1, strings (3–3–2–2–1) Fp: Finnish National Opera, Helsinki, December 26, 1996 Distributor: FIMIC

Music for Chekhov’s play The Cherry Orchard Composed: 1998 violin and piano Fp: Tampere City Theatre, January 28, 1998 Distributor: FIMIC

Vladimir Agopov has also composed solo songs, songs for children, and choral pieces as well as incidental music.

Fp: First performance

Publishers and Distributors

Fimic Modus Music Edition Reimers

(Updated August 2004)

Vladimir Agopov: Selected Discography

Finlandia Records CD 544012 (1992) Concerto for Cello and Orchestra “Tres viae” [Op. 10] Arto Noras, cello, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Jukka-Pekka Saraste

Finlandia FACD 401 (1991) Sonata for Clarinet and Piano [Op. 6] Kullervo Kojo, clarinet, Juhani Lagerspetz, piano

Musiikkiopisto Juvenalia MOJCD01 (1992) Siciliana Poème Annika Palas, violin, Sanna Palas, cello, Miira Tuominen, piano