Армянская конгрегационалистская церковь Арарат (Салем)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 10:04, 18 июля 2011; Yavoloshina (обсуждение | вклад) (История - длинная версия)
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Армянская конгрегационалистская церковь Арарат (Салем)
Ararat Armenian Congregational Church (Salem)
C8304 2.png
Вид заведения: Объединенная церковь Христа - Армянский евангелический союз Северной Америки
Дата основания: 1912
Руководитель при регистрации: Пастор: преп. Ара Heghinian
Конфессии: Баптистские церкви
Состояние: Действующая церковь
Адрес: улица Салем, 4 Салем, штат Нью-Гемпшир 03079, США
Телефон/Факс: 603.898.7042, Факс: (603) 898-1822
Эл. почта: Heghinian@comcast.net
Ссылки: http://www.araratchurch.org/

История - краткая версия

Великобритания Текст на английском языке

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Великобритания Текст на английском языке

Биография преп. Ara Heghinian

Rev. Ara Heghinian has been the pastor of the Ararat Armenian Congregational Church since the Summer of 2001. He currently serves as the Vice Moderator of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA). He is also a Pastoral Counselor on staff with the New England Pastoral Institute (NEPI) and holds membership in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors.

Rev. Heghinian has always valued the power of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and has experienced this power in his own life and throughout his relationships.

Rev. Heghinian was born in Beirut, Lebanon, July 24, 1968, to parents of Armenian descent. At an early age, his family immigrated to the metropolitan Boston area and became actively involved in the Armenian Memorial Church of Watertown (UCC).

After attending both private Armenian schools and public schools in Watertown and Belmont, MA, in 1986, Rev. Heghinian graduated from Babson College in Wellesley, MA with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Management Information Systems. In 1993, he received a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ

Upon graduation from PTS, Rev. Heghinian remained in New Jersey and served the Armenian Presbyterian Church in Paramus, New Jersey as pastor from 1993 to 2001. He has had extensive experience in the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, (AEUNA), the Presbyterian Church - USA (PCUSA) and the United Church of Christ (UCC). Each of these denominations recognizes Rev. Heghinian as a minister in good standing.

Because of his early years in the UCC, Rev. Heghinian was ordained to the Ministry of the Word and Sacrament in January 1994 by the United Church of Christ. He was received into the membership of the Palisades Presbytery of the PCUSA on October of 1994 in order to serve the Paramus church. He has served as the pastor of Ararat Armenian Congregational Church of Salem, NH since the August of 2001. Each of these congregations has also been AEUNA churches with long histories of Armenian ethnic heritage.

Rev. Heghinian is currently the Vice Moderator of the Board of Directors of the AEUNA and as such serves as the chair of its Personnel Committee. He also served on the Board of Directors as Armenian Evangelical Youth Fellowship (AEYF) National Administrator and as an elected board member from 1994 until 1998. During that time he was also a member of the Ministry Committee and acted as chairman of the Youth Committee.

Rev. Heghinian is also currently involved in a Doctor of Ministry program of study at Andover Newton Theological Seminary. His concentration is in Pastoral Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy. His involvement in this Doctoral work is a mark of his commitment to helping families and individuals experience greater growth and wholeness in their personal and spiritual life. Recently he has begun practicing as a Pastoral Counselor with the New England Pastoral Institute of Salem, NH.

In the PCUSA, he has served on the Spiritual Development and Theology Unit of the Presbytery of the Palisades as both member and Chairperson. He also served on the Commissioned Lay Pastor design team for the Presbytery in 2000. In 2002 he acted as a consultant to five churches of the Presbytery of Boston as they worked to develop youth programs and currently holds membership in that Presbytery.

Since coming to Salem, NH he has been active in the community through the Salem Clergy Association and has been called to speak to numerous ecumenical and church groups with a message of growth and vision for Christian communities.

Rev. Heghinian has been happy and blessed in his marriage to Kimberly Rose (Zartarian) since 1993. God’s greatest gift to them has been two sons, Alexander Hovaness, who was born in February 2000 and Gregory Jacob, born October 2003..