Международная общественная организация "Ширак"

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Шаблон:Unitedt Shirak (International Association)

"Shirak" International Association


Establishment of Organization

"Shirak" international public organization was established on October 20, 2000 by the initiative of a group of Shirak people residing in Yerevan.

"Shirak" international, public union is operating in accordance with the Legislation, acting Laws, international treaties of the Republic of Armenia (RA) and its own principles. The organization is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the RA. The union does not pursue any political goals or is affiliated to any political party. It is operating in the whole area of the RA, as well as in foreign countries in accordance with the Legislation of those countries.

The Goal

The goal of the union is to unite Armenians spread all over the world and other people who still remember and value the traditions of our nation and who are not indifferent to the destiny of Shirak people suffering from economic hardships and psychological depression. The objectives of the union is to provide Shirak people with material and intellectual support whose living conditions were aggravated due to the devastated earthquake of 1988. The union is also entitled to have a rehabilitative impact on the operations of factories, to create new work places, to provide with modern technology, as well as assist in production and development of agricultural goods. The organization also contributes in solving the problems related with the provision of houses to people of Shirak who were affected by the earthquake. It also raises important issues related to the provision of medical services and protection of the environment.


The organization puts a separate attention to educational issues. Among its objectives are the improvements of school building conditions, laboratories, computer rooms, as well as provision with the professional literature. The task of the union is also to reveal prominent students and contribute to their advancement.

Due to the unique nature of Shirak culture, the union is also entitled to preserve cultural inheritance of the region and sport traditions. Among the objective of the organization it is also the prevention of immigration and provision the population with adequate living conditions for its growth.

"Shirak" international, public organization is a legal entity with all the rights and obligations preserved. It has separated property and bank account both with national and foreign currency. The organization has a right to establish economic units, be a part of them, or operate through those entities. It can establish international connections, sign contracts with foreign non-trade and or non- government organizations and act in accordance with the Legislation of the RA.

The organization is funded through the amounts got from membership, personal contributions, grants from trade and donor organizations, as well as other sources recognized by the Legislation of the RA.

One can become a member of " Shirak" international public organization who shares its principles, agree with the program regulations and has a desire to contribute in its activities. Both Armenians and foreigners can apply for membership. To become a member of the organization one should submit the written application that is approved by the Director. Those honored individuals from Giumri, other regions of the Armenia or foreign countries who bring their contribution in reconstruction and development of Shirak Marz can become members of the organization. Members of the organization have a right to elect and be elected for managerial positions, get information about the activities of the organization, submit applications and make suggestions.

The supreme body of the organization is a committee whose members are entitled to make final decisions. The committee elects the Director of the organization, managerial body and the auditing committee. The managerial body with its subdivisions is responsible for he actual operations of "Shirak" international public organization.

The mission of the public organization “Shirak International Association” (SHIA) is to support State and Local self-administration as much as possible for the implementation of various social programmes. Its global objective is to contribute to the reduction of unemployment, to increase the level of social life and its high standard.

“Marketing Center” and “Innovation Incubator” are functioning in the structure of the Association. There are more than 13 branch ad hocs that organize consulting helps for the people of the region and Gyumri. The Association has a wide net abroad and in CIS.

Since its organization SHIA actively participated in different fields of public life, by its modest contribution, the Association tried to take steps to perform the objectives of the organization, to study the public opinion referring to existing social problems, to contribute to the implementation of various problems and programmes.

The fields of our activities are listed below. Here the measures for the implementation of the programme are submitted.

You have a chance to get extra information on different kind of Programmes.

EDUCATION AND SCIENCE “International Olympiad of Young Mathematicians” – to reveal the gifted children for their further special orientation, since 2000 each year in October the Olympiad is conducted in Gyumri. The boys and the girls from Armenia, Georgia and Russia take part in it. In the frame of the Programme for the support of the young generation the complete works of the Statesman G. Cholakhyan were submitted to the Pedagogical Institute in Gyumri. Together with the Engineering Academy SHIA performed investigations and mapping of the mineral resources in Shirak region of the RA. “Technological Elaborations Introduction to International Market”. - The project has been implemented together with the Eurasia Foundation since September 2002. Electronic catalogue was organized for the results of the creative thought of the technological developments presented by Armenian scientists and engineers. The catalogue gives a chance to get brief information about new technological developments and in case of concerning – to contact with the author. >> More Participation in the Programme performed by the International Centre for Human Development (ICHD) “The Education of Local Self-Governmental officials” by the support of the Armenian Social Investment Fund. June, 2001-March, 2002. “Experimental production of composite manures – Zeolite2” - In the frame of the Complex programme on Agricultural Development” SHIA organized the experimental production of the manures, using existing zeolite ores in Shirak region of the RA. June-October, 2001.

HEALTH CARE Beginning from 2000 per quarter a year there was a chance to provide the people with free health service, check-up, consultation, and treatment by high-qualified specialists in the field of medicine. Training of specialists on mammography for the work in Mammography Center in Gyumri. June-July, 2000. Maternity Advice Center - medical consultations, diagnostics for the women of the Dramatic theatre. October 2001. “Initial Health Care of the newly born babies” – to Provide humanistic assistance, as infant nourishment substituted for mother’s milk, clothes and others in the frame of this charity Programme in Shirak region. October, 2001


“Varduhi Khachatryan – Anniversary Party” – in October, 2001 an anniversary was organized in a Big Concert Hall after A. Khachatryan dedicated to the National Artist of the RA, Prof. of Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas, V. Khachatryan (the member of SHIA) The issue of 2 laser disks with V. Khachatryan’s songs and romances. The Programme was supported by the International Center for Human Development, 2001. The organization of the conference commemorating the Spitak earthquake of 1988, December 2001, 2002. “Festival of the films for children” – The international Festival of Children’s films was organized in Yerevan and Gyumri. “Shirak – 100” – In Yerevan Picture Gallery the exhibition of Armenian artists was organized together with the Gyumri Development Fund.

SOCIAL The organization of Ltd “Concern Shirak”. – It includes 8 enterprises of light industry in Gyumri, 2001. “Community-support Center for Socially Vulnerable Children and Their Families” – by the support of the fund UNICEF of the Child’s Fund of UNO the Programme of social rehabilitation of children from the families with lack of education and means. In the frame of the programme versatile assistance was performed by charity organization. The clothes, stationary and others were presented to the children. April 2002. By the businessmen’s support – The members of SHIA – humanistic assistance was given to boarding schools and Children’s homes, February 2001. “Communal and Humane Help” – It was developed and submitted by charity organization “Counterpart”- International”. July, 2002 The charity action for the children of Gyumri and for the children from Children’s Home “Houys” was organized by Ltd “Yerdjanik Serund” (Happy Generation). The Programme – “The suggestions for the organization of series of goal-oriented seminars to provide the people with enough juridical and economical knowledge” was developed and submitted to the representative of the International Bank and “Chemonix” in Yerevan. The programme of reconstruction of A. Isahakyan’s House-Museum in Gyumri was developed and presented to the Armenian Fund. By the means of SHIA the project on reconstruction and water supply of 4 villages in Shirak region of the RA was developed and submitted for financing.

Juridical consultation bureau was organized in Gyumri by the lawyers of SHIA. December 2001. “Planting of Trees – Tsaratunk”. In the frame of the Programme of Armenian Congress of America 7000 decorative and 500 fruit-trees were planted in Gyumri and Artik on the initiative of SHIA. “Women's Role and Position in Armenian Society”– The participation in analytic programmes for the solution of organizing and research problems implemented by the International Center for Human Development.