Армянская Церковь Св. Марка (Спрингфилд, США)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Армянская Церковь Св. Марка (Спрингфилд, США)
St. Mark Armenian Church (Springfield, USA)
Руководитель при регистрации: Преп. Месроп Бенлян
Конфессии: Баптистские церкви
Состояние: Действующая церковь
Адрес: 2427 Уилбрахам роуд, Спрингфилд, Массачусетс, 01129, США
Телефон/Факс: (413) 783-5793; Факс: (413) 783-5793
Эл. почта: stmarkarmch1@hotmail.com
Ссылки: http://www.armenianchurch.net/parishes/info.php?parishid=25 http://www.armenianchurch.net/diocese/clergy/info.php?clergyid=61


Sanctuary: The parish owns its permanent sanctuary, which is not the original one. The previous site was on Dresden Street in Springfield, MA, and was known as St. John the Divine Armenian Church from 1958-83. It was purchased for $12,500 from the Chase Memorial Baptist Church. The parish built its current sanctuary. Major benefactors include Fred Zeytoonjian, Kapriel Garabedian family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bedrosian, and Nishan Toros Omartian.

Important Events: The parish hosted the ACYOA National Sports Weekend in 1972, the National Choir Assembly in 1975, and the Diocesan Assembly in 1987 and again in 2002.


Armenians in general area: 200

Estimated number of members: 200

Dues-paid members: 115

Average number of sacraments: Baptisms: 3 Funerals: 7

(Figures from 2001) Pastors Rev. Fr. Guregh Kalfayan, 1958-62; Rev. Fr. Bedros Feredjian, 1962-65; V. Rev. Fr. Mesrob Semerjian, 1965-69; Rev. Fr. Nerses Baboorian, 1967-69; Rev. Fr. Nerses Jebejian, 1969-80; V. Rev. Fr. Mesrob Semerjian (visiting), 1980-84; V. Rev. Fr. Nourhan Manoogian, 1984-92; Visiting Clergy, 1992-95; Rev. Fr. Vasken Kouzouian, 1995-99; Fr. Mikael Devejian, 2002-2004; Visiting Clergy, 2004-2005; Fr. Mesrob Benlian, 2005-present Parish Council Jeri Humphries, Chairman David Jermakian, Vice Chairman Suzanne Elmasian, Treasurer Matthew Natcharian, Assistant Treasurer Council Members: Nersess Assarian, Dr. Mark Belemjian, Richard Demirgian, Elaine Devine, Zhirayr Khachigian, Mary Omartian, Karen Tesini Delegate: Hagop Boyajian

Church Schools

Sunday School, 30 students

Armenian School, 14 students

Church Publications

Sanahin, a monthly newsletter Parish Organizations

Women's Guild founded in 1958, 21 members; ACYOA Juniors founded in 1996, 8 members; Men's Club founded in 1958, 22 members; Choir, 11 members; Next Generation Club founded in 1994, 12 members

Rev. Fr. Mesrob Benlian Armenian Church of San Antonio

2427 Wilbraham Rd. Springfield, MA 01129

Telephone: (413) 783-5793 Fax: E-mail: kbenilian@hotmail.com St. Mark Armenian Church 2427 Wilbraham Road Springfield MA 01129 United States Tel: (413) 783-5793 Fax: (413) 783-5793