Армянская Католическая молодёжная организация (Ливан)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Шаблон:Unitedt The Armenian Catholic Youth associationАрмянская Католическая молодёжная организацияЛиван. The Eparchy is founded on November 26 , 1742 ,

The Armenian Catholic Youth association - Anjar : 20 members . It organizes several cultural and social enterprises. Its aim is to assemble the young people around the church and to help the curate with his various works.

Armenian Catholic Youth Association - Bourj Hammoud. The committee is composed of 10 persons. Its aim is to keep the Armenian Catholic youth in the spiritual and national atmosphere, to protect them from the new destructive currents and to prepare them to take responsible functions in the community. Ливан. The Eparchy is founded on November 26 , 1742 ,

Juvenile associations

Armenian Catholic Juvenile Association , Zalka (92 persons) - Bourj Hammoud (45 persons) - Achrafie (40 persons). Their aim is to transmit the Armenian Catholic Association's spirit to the members from their childhood in order to be sincere Armenians and Christians. Such education tends to prepare the future conscious generation of the community and particularly its leader members.

In the Armenian Catholic Juvenile Association of Achrafié , there are :

    2 athletic unions:
      - Basket Ball team (15 persons)
      - Chess team (12 persons)