Мкртычян Мкртыч

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 19:11, 4 июня 2011; Oshlikov (обсуждение | вклад) (Замена текста — «\{\{persont([^\}]+)\}\}» на «»)
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Мкртычян Мкртыч






Mgrdichian Mgrdich

Мкртычян Мкртыч


Mgrdich Mgrdichian

 (Aleppo 1918 – Los Angeles 2002) 

Well known and long serving teacher of Armenian language in "Karen Jeppe" Armenian High School in Aleppo, Syria.

During his study in Jerusalem he has been a student of the famous Western Armenian writer Oshagan.

In 1958 he is invited to teach Armenian language and literature in "Karen Jeppe" High School, a position that he kept for 28 years, before immigrating to the USA, where he joined his married children.

He has been the author of the following publications: "Grammar Lessons" (3 books), "Shoghagan" (updated series) and "Armenian Literature" (6 books, all type-written). The later was part of the curriculum until 1994.

"Karen Jeppe" High School’s graduation generation of 2003-2004 was named after him.