Ширванян Нельсон Сероб

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Shirvanyan Nelson Serob

Ширванян Нельсон Сероб


Nelson Serob Shirvanyan

Nelson Serob Shirvanyan was born on July 25, 1944, in Nor Jugha, Iran. In 1946 he emigrated to Armenia. He studied at school No. 79 in Yerevan. After finishing the school he continued his education at the Art College of Panos Terlemezyan. In 1965 he finished the college. In 1970 he graduated from sculpture department of Yerevan Art state Institute. Nelson Shirvanyan is a sculptor, an artist and a teacher.